852 research outputs found

    Fast global null controllability for a viscous Burgers' equation despite the presence of a boundary layer

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    In this work, we are interested in the small time global null controllability for the viscous Burgers' equation y_t - y_xx + y y_x = u(t) on the line segment [0,1]. The second-hand side is a scalar control playing a role similar to that of a pressure. We set y(t,1) = 0 and restrict ourselves to using only two controls (namely the interior one u(t) and the boundary one y(t,0)). In this setting, we show that small time global null controllability still holds by taking advantage of both hyperbolic and parabolic behaviors of our system. We use the Cole-Hopf transform and Fourier series to derive precise estimates for the creation and the dissipation of a boundary layer

    On the Boundary Control of Systems of Conservation Laws

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    The paper is concerned with the boundary controllability of entropy weak solutions to hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. We prove a general result on the asymptotic stabilization of a system near a constant state. On the other hand, we give an example showing that exact controllability in finite time cannot be achieved, in general.Comment: 16 pages, 5figure

    On the controllability of entropy solutions of scalar conservation laws at a junction via lyapunov methods

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    In this note, we prove a controllability result for entropy solutions of scalar conservation laws on a star-shaped graph. Using a Lyapunov-type approach, we show that, under a monotonicity assumption on the flux, if u and v are two entropy solutions corresponding to different initial data and same in-flux boundary data (at the exterior nodes of the star-shaped graph), then u ≡ v for a sufficiently large time. In order words, we can drive u to the target profile v in a sufficiently large control time by inputting the trace of v at the exterior nodes as in-flux boundary data for u. This result can also be shown to hold on tree-shaped networks by an inductive argument. We illustrate the result with some numerical simulationsThis work has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement NO: 694126-DyCon), the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) under Award NO: FA9550-18-1-0242, the Grant MTM2017-92996-C2-1-R COSNET of MINECO (Spain), the Alexander von Humboldt-Professorship program, the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie SklodowskaCurie grant agreement No.765579-ConFlex, and the Transregio 154 Project “Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimization Using the Example of Gas Networks” of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. N. De Nitti is a member of the Gruppo Nazionale per l’Analisi Matematica, la Probabilita e le loro ` Applicazioni (GNAMPA) of the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (INdAM). We gratefully acknowledge M. Musch for implementing the numerical simulations of Section 4. We also thank B. Andreianov, J.-A. Barcena-Petisco, G. M. Coclite, C. Donadello, and V. Perrollaz for helpful ® conversations related to the topic of this work. Finally, we express our gratitude to the anonymous referees for their careful reports, which greatly improved the quality of the manuscrip

    Control Problems for Conservation Laws with Traffic Applications

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    Conservation and balance laws on networks have been the subject of much research interest given their wide range of applications to real-world processes, particularly traffic flow. This open access monograph is the first to investigate different types of control problems for conservation laws that arise in the modeling of vehicular traffic. Four types of control problems are discussed - boundary, decentralized, distributed, and Lagrangian control - corresponding to, respectively, entrance points and tolls, traffic signals at junctions, variable speed limits, and the use of autonomy and communication. Because conservation laws are strictly connected to Hamilton-Jacobi equations, control of the latter is also considered. An appendix reviewing the general theory of initial-boundary value problems for balance laws is included, as well as an appendix illustrating the main concepts in the theory of conservation laws on networks

    Control Problems for Conservation Laws with Traffic Applications

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    Conservation and balance laws on networks have been the subject of much research interest given their wide range of applications to real-world processes, particularly traffic flow. This open access monograph is the first to investigate different types of control problems for conservation laws that arise in the modeling of vehicular traffic. Four types of control problems are discussed - boundary, decentralized, distributed, and Lagrangian control - corresponding to, respectively, entrance points and tolls, traffic signals at junctions, variable speed limits, and the use of autonomy and communication. Because conservation laws are strictly connected to Hamilton-Jacobi equations, control of the latter is also considered. An appendix reviewing the general theory of initial-boundary value problems for balance laws is included, as well as an appendix illustrating the main concepts in the theory of conservation laws on networks

    An obstruction to small time local null controllability for a viscous Burgers' equation

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    In this work, we are interested in the small time local null controllability for the viscous Burgers' equation yt−yxx+yyx=u(t)y_t - y_{xx} + y y_x = u(t) on the line segment [0,1][0,1], with null boundary conditions. The second-hand side is a scalar control playing a role similar to that of a pressure. In this setting, the classical Lie bracket necessary condition [f1,[f1,f0]][f_1,[f_1,f_0]] introduced by Sussmann fails to conclude. However, using a quadratic expansion of our system, we exhibit a second order obstruction to small time local null controllability. This obstruction holds although the information propagation speed is infinite for the Burgers equation. Our obstruction involves the weak H−5/4H^{-5/4} norm of the control uu. The proof requires the careful derivation of an integral kernel operator and the estimation of residues by means of weakly singular integral operator estimates

    On the global controllability of scalar conservation laws with boundary and source controls

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    We provide global and semi-global controllability results for hyperbolic conservation laws on a bounded domain, with a general (not necessarily convex)flux and a time-dependent source term acting as a control. The results are achieved for, possibly critical, both continuously differentiable states and BV states. The proofs are based on a combination of the return method and on the analysis of the Riccati equaiton for the space derivative of the solution.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure
