244 research outputs found

    Exact Algorithms for List-Coloring of Intersecting Hypergraphs

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    We show that list-coloring for any intersecting hypergraph of m edges on n vertices, and lists drawn from a set of size at most k, can be checked in quasi-polynomial time (mn)^{o(k^2*log(mn))}

    Online and quasi-online colorings of wedges and intervals

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    We consider proper online colorings of hypergraphs defined by geometric regions. We prove that there is an online coloring algorithm that colors NN intervals of the real line using Θ(logN/k)\Theta(\log N/k) colors such that for every point pp, contained in at least kk intervals, not all the intervals containing pp have the same color. We also prove the corresponding result about online coloring a family of wedges (quadrants) in the plane that are the translates of a given fixed wedge. These results contrast the results of the first and third author showing that in the quasi-online setting 12 colors are enough to color wedges (independent of NN and kk). We also consider quasi-online coloring of intervals. In all cases we present efficient coloring algorithms

    Integer colorings with forbidden rainbow sums

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    For a set of positive integers A[n]A \subseteq [n], an rr-coloring of AA is rainbow sum-free if it contains no rainbow Schur triple. In this paper we initiate the study of the rainbow Erd\H{o}s-Rothchild problem in the context of sum-free sets, which asks for the subsets of [n][n] with the maximum number of rainbow sum-free rr-colorings. We show that for r=3r=3, the interval [n][n] is optimal, while for r8r\geq8, the set [n/2,n][\lfloor n/2 \rfloor, n] is optimal. We also prove a stability theorem for r4r\geq4. The proofs rely on the hypergraph container method, and some ad-hoc stability analysis.Comment: 20 page