396 research outputs found

    Evolutionary robotics and neuroscience

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    Spiking Central Pattern Generators through Reverse Engineering of Locomotion Patterns

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    In robotics, there have been proposed methods for locomotion of nonwheeled robots based on artificial neural networks; those built with plausible neurons are called spiking central pattern generators (SCPGs). In this chapter, we present a generalization of reported deterministic and stochastic reverse engineering methods for automatically designing SCPG for legged robots locomotion systems; such methods create a spiking neural network capable of endogenously and periodically replicating one or several rhythmic signal sets, when a spiking neuron model and one or more locomotion gaits are given as inputs. Designed SCPGs have been implemented in different robotic controllers for a variety of robotic platforms. Finally, some aspects to improve and/or complement these SCPG-based locomotion systems are pointed out

    Online evolution and adaptation of central pattern generators for multi-robot organisms

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    This thesis deals with possibility to provide a robot organism, consisting of an amount of single smaller robots, with the ability of locomotion. It is integrated into the SYMBRION project which is funded by the European Union. The used robots and the simulation environment are a product from this major project for swarm robotics. The presented locomotion approach uses artificial neural networks which are composed of third generation neurons called “Spiking Neurons”. For evaluating the generated motion patterns the artificial neural networks are evolutionary adapted which was realized by using “Evolutionary Acquisition of Neural Topologies”. In this thesis the evolutionary engine “EvoRoF”, launched by Florian Schlachter of the University of Stuttgart, was used. The findings of this scientific work were included directly in the adjustment process of this evolutionary engine. Specially the focus of this thesis is on distributed online evolution. Meaning that each robot of the whole organism has its own population of individuals and thus its own set of artificial neural networks. In the course of the evolutionary process the artificial neural networks start from scratch on directly on the robotic system. There are no networks which were precalculated on a desktop computer

    Development and Training of a Neural Controller for Hind Leg Walking in a Dog Robot

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    Animals dynamically adapt to varying terrain and small perturbations with remarkable ease. These adaptations arise from complex interactions between the environment and biomechanical and neural components of the animal’s body and nervous system. Research into mammalian locomotion has resulted in several neural and neuro-mechanical models, some of which have been tested in simulation, but few “synthetic nervous systems” have been implemented in physical hardware models of animal systems. One reason is that the implementation into a physical system is not straightforward. For example, it is difficult to make robotic actuators and sensors that model those in the animal. Therefore, even if the sensorimotor circuits were known in great detail, those parameters would not be applicable and new parameter values must be found for the network in the robotic model of the animal. This manuscript demonstrates an automatic method for setting parameter values in a synthetic nervous system composed of non-spiking leaky integrator neuron models. This method works by first using a model of the system to determine required motor neuron activations to produce stable walking. Parameters in the neural system are then tuned systematically such that it produces similar activations to the desired pattern determined using expected sensory feedback. We demonstrate that the developed method successfully produces adaptive locomotion in the rear legs of a dog-like robot actuated by artificial muscles. Furthermore, the results support the validity of current models of mammalian locomotion. This research will serve as a basis for testing more complex locomotion controllers and for testing specific sensory pathways and biomechanical designs. Additionally, the developed method can be used to automatically adapt the neural controller for different mechanical designs such that it could be used to control different robotic systems

    Neuroevolution: from architectures to learning

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    Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are applied to many real-world problems, ranging from pattern classification to robot control. In order to design a neural network for a particular task, the choice of an architecture (including the choice of a neuron model), and the choice of a learning algorithm have to be addressed. Evolutionary search methods can provide an automatic solution to these problems. New insights in both neuroscience and evolutionary biology have led to the development of increasingly powerful neuroevolution techniques over the last decade. This paper gives an overview of the most prominent methods for evolving ANNs with a special focus on recent advances in the synthesis of learning architecture

    Collective control of modular soft robots via embodied Spiking Neural Cellular Automata

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    Voxel-based Soft Robots (VSRs) are a form of modular soft robots, composed of several deformable cubes, i.e., voxels. Each VSR is thus an ensemble of simple agents, namely the voxels, which must cooperate to give rise to the overall VSR behavior. Within this paradigm, collective intelligence plays a key role in enabling the emerge of coordination, as each voxel is independently controlled, exploiting only the local sensory information together with some knowledge passed from its direct neighbors (distributed or collective control). In this work, we propose a novel form of collective control, influenced by Neural Cellular Automata (NCA) and based on the bio-inspired Spiking Neural Networks: the embodied Spiking NCA (SNCA). We experiment with different variants of SNCA, and find them to be competitive with the state-of-the-art distributed controllers for the task of locomotion. In addition, our findings show significant improvement with respect to the baseline in terms of adaptability to unforeseen environmental changes, which could be a determining factor for physical practicability of VSRs.Comment: Workshop on "From Cells to Societies: Collective Learning across Scales" at the International Conference on Learning Representations (Cells2Societies@ICLR

    Evolving Connectivity for Recurrent Spiking Neural Networks

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    Recurrent spiking neural networks (RSNNs) hold great potential for advancing artificial general intelligence, as they draw inspiration from the biological nervous system and show promise in modeling complex dynamics. However, the widely-used surrogate gradient-based training methods for RSNNs are inherently inaccurate and unfriendly to neuromorphic hardware. To address these limitations, we propose the evolving connectivity (EC) framework, an inference-only method for training RSNNs. The EC framework reformulates weight-tuning as a search into parameterized connection probability distributions, and employs Natural Evolution Strategies (NES) for optimizing these distributions. Our EC framework circumvents the need for gradients and features hardware-friendly characteristics, including sparse boolean connections and high scalability. We evaluate EC on a series of standard robotic locomotion tasks, where it achieves comparable performance with deep neural networks and outperforms gradient-trained RSNNs, even solving the complex 17-DoF humanoid task. Additionally, the EC framework demonstrates a two to three fold speedup in efficiency compared to directly evolving parameters. By providing a performant and hardware-friendly alternative, the EC framework lays the groundwork for further energy-efficient applications of RSNNs and advances the development of neuromorphic devices

    Evolving controllers for robots with multimodal locomotion

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    Animals have inspired numerous studies on robot locomotion, but the problem of how autonomous robots can learn to take advantage of multimodal locomotion remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we study how a robot with two different means of locomotion can effective learn when to use each one based only on the limited information it can obtain through its onboard sensors. We conduct a series of simulation-based experiments using a task where a wheeled robot capable of jumping has to navigate to a target destination as quickly as possible in environments containing obstacles. We apply evolutionary techniques to synthesize neural controllers for the robot, and we analyze the evolved behaviors. The results show that the robot succeeds in learning when to drive and when to jump. The results also show that, compared with unimodal locomotion, multimodal locomotion allows for simpler and higher performing behaviors to evolve.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio