16 research outputs found

    Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Screening and Risk Factors Using Decision Tree: Results of Data Mining

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to examine a predictive model using features related to the diabetes type 2 risk factors. METHODS: The data were obtained from a database in a diabetes control system in Tabriz, Iran. The data included all people referred for diabetes screening between 2009 and 2011. The features considered as "Inputs" were: age, sex, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, family history of diabetes, and body mass index (BMI). Moreover, we used diagnosis as "Class". We applied the "Decision Tree" technique and "J48" algorithm in the WEKA (3.6.10 version) software to develop the model. RESULTS: After data preprocessing and preparation, we used 22,398 records for data mining. The model precision to identify patients was 0.717. The age factor was placed in the root node of the tree as a result of higher information gain. The ROC curve indicates the model function in identification of patients and those individuals who are healthy. The curve indicates high capability of the model, especially in identification of the healthy persons. CONCLUSIONS: We developed a model using the decision tree for screening T2DM which did not require laboratory tests for T2DM diagnosis

    Combining semantic web technologies with evolving fuzzy classifier eClass for EHR-based phenotyping : a feasibility study

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    In parallel to nation-wide efforts for setting up shared electronic health records (EHRs) across healthcare settings, several large-scale national and international projects are developing, validating, and deploying electronic EHR oriented phenotype algorithms that aim at large-scale use of EHRs data for genomic studies. A current bottleneck in using EHRs data for obtaining computable phenotypes is to transform the raw EHR data into clinically relevant features. The research study presented here proposes a novel combination of Semantic Web technologies with the on-line evolving fuzzy classifier eClass to obtain and validate EHR-driven computable phenotypes derived from 1956 clinical statements from EHRs. The evaluation performed with clinicians demonstrates the feasibility and practical acceptability of the approach proposed

    Extracting Rules for Diagnosis of Diabetes Using Genetic Programming

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    Background: Diabetes is a global health challenge that cusses high incidence of major social and economic consequences. As such, early prevention or identification of those people at risk is crucial for reducing the problems caused by it. The aim of study was to extract the rules for diabetes diagnosing using genetic programming. Methods: This study utilized the PIMA dataset of the University of California, Irvine. This dataset consists of the information of 768 Pima heritage women, including 500 healthy persons and 268 persons with diabetes. Regarding the missing values and outliers in this dataset, the K-nearest neighbor and k-means methods are applied respectively. Moreover, a genetic programming model (GP) was conducted to diagnose diabetes as well as to determine the most important factors affecting it. Accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of the proposed model on the PIMA dataset were obtained as 79.32, 58.96 and 90.74%, respectively. Results: The experimental results of our model on PIMA revealed that age, PG concentration, BMI, Tri Fold Thick and Serum Ins were effective in diabetes mellitus and increased risk of diabetes. In addition, the good performance of the model coupled with the simplicity and comprehensiveness of the extracted rules is also shown by the experimental results. Conclusions: GPs can effectively implement the rules for diagnosing diabetes. Both BMI and PG Concentration are also the most important factors to increase the risk of suffering from diabetes. Keywords: Diabetes, PIMA, Genetic programming, KNNi, K-means, Missing value, Outlier detection, Rule extraction

    Extracting Rules for Diagnosis of Diabetes Using Genetic Programming

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    Background: Diabetes is a global health challenge that cusses high incidence of major social and economic consequences. As such, early prevention or identification of those people at risk is crucial for reducing the problems caused by it. The aim of study was to extract the rules for diabetes diagnosing using genetic programming. Methods: This study utilized the PIMA dataset of the University of California, Irvine. This dataset consists of the information of 768 Pima heritage women, including 500 healthy persons and 268 persons with diabetes. Regarding the missing values and outliers in this dataset, the K-nearest neighbor and k-means methods are applied respectively. Moreover, a genetic programming model (GP) was conducted to diagnose diabetes as well as to determine the most important factors affecting it. Accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of the proposed model on the PIMA dataset were obtained as 79.32, 58.96 and 90.74%, respectively. Results: The experimental results of our model on PIMA revealed that age, PG concentration, BMI, Tri Fold Thick and Serum Ins were effective in diabetes mellitus and increased risk of diabetes. In addition, the good performance of the model coupled with the simplicity and comprehensiveness of the extracted rules is also shown by the experimental results. Conclusions: GPs can effectively implement the rules for diagnosing diabetes. Both BMI and PG Concentration are also the most important factors to increase the risk of suffering from diabetes. Keywords: Diabetes, PIMA, Genetic programming, KNNi, K-means, Missing value, Outlier detection, Rule extraction

    Medical Pattern Recognition: Applying an Improved Intuitionistic Fuzzy Cross-Entropy Approach

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    One of the toughest challenges in medical diagnosis is the handling of uncertainty. Since medical diagnosis with respect to the symptoms uncertain, they will be assumed to have an intuitive nature. Thus, to obtain the uncertain optimism degree of the doctor, fuzzy linguistic quantifiers will be used. The aim of this article is to provide an improved nonprobabilistic entropy approach to support doctors examining the work of the preliminary diagnosing. The proposed entropy measure is based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets, extrainformation regarding hesitation degree, and an intuitive and mathematical connection between the notions of entropy in terms of fuzziness and intuitionism has been revealed. An illustrative example for medical pattern recognition demonstrates the usefulness of this study. Furthermore, in order to make computing and ranking results easier and to increase the recruiting productivity, a computer-based interface system has been developed to support doctors in making more efficient judgments

    An Optimized Recursive General Regression Neural Network Oracle for the Prediction and Diagnosis of Diabetes

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    Diabetes is a serious, chronic disease that has been seeing a rise in the number of cases and prevalence over the past few decades. It can lead to serious complications and can increase the overall risk of dying prematurely. Data-oriented prediction models have become effective tools that help medical decision-making and diagnoses in which the use of machine learning in medicine has increased substantially. This research introduces the Recursive General Regression Neural Network Oracle (R-GRNN Oracle) and is applied on the Pima Indians Diabetes dataset for the prediction and diagnosis of diabetes. The R-GRNN Oracle (Bani-Hani, 2017) is an enhancement to the GRNN Oracle developed by Masters et al. in 1998, in which the recursive model is created of two oracles: one within the other. Several classifiers, along with the R-GRNN Oracle and the GRNN Oracle, are applied to the dataset, they are: Support Vector Machine (SVM), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN), Gaussian NaEF;ve Bayes (GNB), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), and Random Forest (RF). Genetic Algorithm (GA) was used for feature selection as well as the hyperparameter optimization of SVM and MLP, and Grid Search (GS) was used to optimize the hyperparameters of KNN and RF. The performance metrics accuracy, AUC, sensitivity, and specificity were recorded for each classifier. The R-GRNN Oracle was able to achieve the highest accuracy, AUC, and sensitivity (81.14%, 86.03%, and 63.80%, respectively), while the optimized MLP had the highest specificity (89.71%)