31 research outputs found

    Implementation of Adaptive Critic-Based Neurocontrollers for Turbogenerators in a Multimachine Power System

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    This paper presents the design and practical hardware implementation of optimal neurocontrollers that replace the conventional automatic voltage regulator (AVR) and the turbine governor of turbogenerators on multimachine power systems. The neurocontroller design uses a powerful technique of the adaptive critic design (ACD) family called dual heuristic programming (DHP). The DHP neurocontroller\u27s training and testing are implemented on the Innovative Integration M67 card consisting of the TMS320C6701 processor. The measured results show that the DHP neurocontrollers are robust and their performance does not degrade unlike the conventional controllers even when a power system stabilizer (PSS) is included, for changes in system operating conditions and configurations. This paper also shows that it is possible to design and implement optimal neurocontrollers for multiple turbogenerators in real time, without having to do continually online training of the neural networks, thus avoiding risks of instability

    Real-Time Dual Heuristic Programming-Based Neurocontroller for a Turbogenerator in a Multimachine Power System

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    Based on Dual Heuristic Programming (DHP), a real-time implementation of a neurocontroller for excitation and turbine control of a turbogenerator in a multimachine power system is presented. The feedback variables are completely based on local measurements. Simulation and real-time hardware implementation on a three-machine system demonstrate that the DHP neurocontroller is much more effective than conventional PID controllers, the automatic voltage regulator, power system stabilizer and the governor, for improving dynamic performance and stability under small and large disturbances

    Dual Heuristic Programming Excitation Neurocontrol for Generators in a Multimachine Power System

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    The design of nonlinear optimal neurocontrollers that replace the conventional automatic voltage regulators for excitation control of turbogenerators in a multimachine power system is presented in this paper. The neurocontroller design is based on dual heuristic programming (DHP), a powerful adaptive critic technique. The feedback variables are completely based on local measurements from the generators. Simulations on a three-machine power system demonstrate that DHP-based neurocontrol is much more effective than the conventional proportional-integral-derivative control for improving dynamic performance and stability of the power grid under small and large disturbances. This paper also shows how to design optimal multiple neurocontrollers for nonlinear systems, such as power systems, without having to do continually online training of the neural networks, thus avoiding risks of neural network instability

    Learning Autonomous Flight Controllers with Spiking Neural Networks

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    The ability of a robot to adapt in-mission to achieve an assigned goal is highly desirable. This thesis project places an emphasis on employing learning-based intelligent control methodologies to the development and implementation of an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Flight control is carried out by evolving spiking neural networks (SNNs) with Hebbian plasticity. The proposed implementation is capable of learning and self-adaptation to model variations and uncertainties when the controller learned in simulation is deployed on a physical platform. Controller development for small multicopters often relies on simulations as an intermediate step, providing cheap, parallelisable, observable and reproducible optimisation with no risk of damage to hardware. Although model-based approaches have been widely utilised in the process of development, loss of performance can be observed on the target platform due to simplification of system dynamics in simulation (e.g., aerodynamics, servo dynamics, sensor uncertainties). Ignorance of these effects in simulation can significantly deteriorate performance when the controller is deployed. Previous approaches often require mathematical or simulation models with a high level of accuracy which can be difficult to obtain. This thesis, on the other hand, attempts to cross the reality gap between a low-fidelity simulation and the real platform. This is done using synaptic plasticity to adapt the SNN controller evolved in simulation to the actual UAV dynamics. The primary contribution of this work is the implementation of a procedural methodology for SNN control that integrates bioinspired learning mechanisms with artificial evolution, with an SNN library package (i.e. eSpinn) developed by the author. Distinct from existing SNN simulators that mainly focus on large-scale neuron interactions and learning mechanisms from a neuroscience perspective, the eSpinn library draws particular attention to embedded implementations on hardware that is applicable for problems in the robotic domain. This C++ software package is not only able to support simulations in the MATLAB and Python environment, allowing rapid prototyping and validation in simulation; but also capable of seamless transition between simulation and deployment on the embedded platforms. This work implements a modified version of the NEAT neuroevolution algorithm and leverages the power of evolutionary computation to discover functional controller compositions and optimise plasticity mechanisms for online adaptation. With the eSpinn software package the development of spiking neurocontrollers for all degrees of freedom of the UAV is demonstrated in simulation. Plastic height control is carried out on a physical hexacopter platform. Through a set of experiments it is shown that the evolved plastic controller can maintain its functionality by self-adapting to model changes and uncertainties that take place after evolutionary training, and consequently exhibit better performance than its non-plastic counterpart

    Adaptive-critic-Based Optimal Neurocontrol for Synchronous Generators in a Power System using MLP/RBF Neural Networks

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    This paper presents a novel optimal neurocontroller that replaces the conventional controller (CONVC), which consists of the automatic voltage regulator and turbine governor, to control a synchronous generator in a power system using a multilayer perceptron neural network (MLPN) and a radial basis function neural network (RBFN). The heuristic dynamic programming (HDP) based on the adaptive critic design technique is used for the design of the neurocontroller. The performance of the MLPN-based HDP neurocontroller (MHDPC) is compared with the RBFN-based HDP neurocontroller (RHDPC) for small as well as large disturbances to a power system, and they are in turn compared with the CONVC. Simulation results are presented to show that the proposed neurocontrollers provide stable convergence with robustness, and the RHDPC outperforms the MHDPC and CONVC in terms of system damping and transient improvement

    UltraSwarm: A Further Step Towards a Flock of Miniature Helicopters

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    We describe further progress towards the development of a MAV (micro aerial vehicle) designed as an enabling tool to investigate aerial flocking. Our research focuses on the use of low cost off the shelf vehicles and sensors to enable fast prototyping and to reduce development costs. Details on the design of the embedded electronics and the modification of the chosen toy helicopter are presented, and the technique used for state estimation is described. The fusion of inertial data through an unscented Kalman filter is used to estimate the helicopter’s state, and this forms the main input to the control system. Since no detailed dynamic model of the helicopter in use is available, a method is proposed for automated system identification, and for subsequent controller design based on artificial evolution. Preliminary results obtained with a dynamic simulator of a helicopter are reported, along with some encouraging results for tackling the problem of flocking

    Evolutionary design automation for control systems with practical constraints

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    The aim of this work is to explore the potential and to enhance the capability of evolutionary computation in the development of novel and advanced methodologies that enable control system structural optimisation and design automation for practical applications. Current design and optimisation methods adopted in control systems engineering are in essence based upon conventional numerical techniques that require derivative information of performance indices. These techniques lack robustness in solving practical engineering problems, which are often of a multi-dimensional, multi-modal nature. Using those techniques can often achieve neither global nor structural optimisation. In contrast, evolutionary mechanism learning tools have the ability to search in a multi-dimensional, multi-modal space, but they can not approach a local optimum as a conventional calculus-based method. The first objective of this research is to develop a reliable and effective evolutionary algorithm for engineering applications. In this thesis, a globally optimal evolutionary methodology and environment for control system structuring and design automation is developed, which requires no design indices to be differentiable. This is based on the development of a hybridised GA search engine, whose local tuning is tremendously enhanced by the incorporation of Hill-Climbing (HC), Simulated Annealing (SA) and Simplex techniques to improve the performance in search and design. A Lamarckian inheritance technique is also developed to improve crossover and mutation operations in GAs. Benchmark tests have shown that the enhanced hybrid GA is accurate, and reliable. Based on this search engine and optimisation core, a linear and nonlinear control system design automation suite is developed in a Java based platform-independent format, which can be readily available for design and design collaboration over corporate Intranets and the Internet. Since it has also made cost function unnecessary to be differentiable, hybridised indices combining time and frequency domain measurement and accommodating practical constraints can now be incorporated in the design. Such type of novel indices are proposed in the thesis and incorporated in the design suite. The Proportional plus Integral plus Derivative (PID) controller is very popular in real world control applications. The development of new PID tuning rules remains an area of active research. Many researchers, such as Åström and Hägglund, Ho, Zhuang and Atherton, have suggested many methods. However, their methods still suffer from poor load disturbance rejection, poor stability or shutting of the derivative control etc. In this thesis, Systematic and batch optimisation of PID controllers to meet practical requirements is achieved using the developed design automation suite. A novel cost function is designed to take disturbance rejection, stability in terms of gain and phase margins and other specifications into account in-the same time. Comparisons made with Ho's method confirm that the derivative action can play an important role to improve load disturbance rejection yet maintaining the same stability margins. Comparisons made with Åström’s method confirm that the results from this thesis are superior not only in load disturbance rejection but also in terms of stability margins. Further robustness issues are addressed by extending the PID structure to a free form transfer function. This is realised by achieving design automation. Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFTX, method offers a direct frequency-domain design technique for uncertain plants, which can deal non-conservatively with different types of uncertainty models and specifications. QFT design problems are often multi-modal and multi-dimensional, where loop shaping is .the most challenging part. Global solutions can hardly be obtained using analytical and convex or linear programming techniques. In addition, these types of conventional methods often impose unrealistic or unpractical assumptions and often lead to very conservative designs. In this thesis, GA-based automatic loop shaping for QFT controllers suggested by the Research Group is being furthered. A new index is developed for the design which can describe stability, load rejection and reduction of high frequency gains, which has not been achieved with existing methods. The corresponding prefilter can also be systematically designed if tracking is one of the specifications. The results from the evolutionary computing based design automation suite show that the evolutionary technique is much better than numerical methods and manual designs, i.e., 'high frequency gain' and controller order have been significantly reduced. Time domain simulations show that the designed QFT controller combined with the corresponding prefilter performs more satisfactorily

    Hardware Implementation of a Mamdani Fuzzy Logic Controller for a Static Compensator in a Multimachine Power System

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    A Mamdani-type fuzzy logic controller is designed and implemented in hardware for controlling a static compensator (STATCOM), which is connected to a ten-bus multimachine power system. Such a controller does not need any mathematical model of the plant to be controlled and can efficiently provide control signals for the STATCOM over a wide range of operating conditions of the power system and during different disturbances. The proposed controller is implemented using the M67 digital signal processor board and is interfaced to the multimachine power system simulated on a real-time digital simulator. Experimental results are provided, showing that the proposed Mamdani fuzzy logic controller provides superior damping compared to the conventional proportional-integral (PI) controller for both small and large scale disturbances. In addition, the proposed controller manages to restore the power system to the steady state conditions with less control effort exerted by the STATCOM, which, in turn, leads to smaller megavar rating and, therefore, less cost for the device. The matrix pencil method analysis of the damping provided by the different controllers indicates that the proposed controller provides higher damping than the PI controller and also mitigates the modes present with the conventional PI control

    Dynamic, Stochastic, Computational, and Scalable Technologies for Smart Grids

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    The smart electric power grid will evolve into a very complex adaptive system under semi-autonomous distributed control. its spatial and temporal complexity, non-convexity, non-linearity, non-stationarity, variability and uncertainties exceed the characteristics found in today\u27s traditional power system. the distributed integration of intermittent sources of energy and plug-in electric vehicles to a smart grid further adds complexity and challenges to its modeling, control and optimization. Innovative technologies are needed to handle the growing complexity of the smart grid and stochastic bidirectional optimal power flows, to maximize the penetration of renewable energy, and to provide maximum utilization of available energy storage, especially plugin electric vehicles. Smart grids will need to be monitored continuously to maintain stability, reliability and efficiency under normal and abnormal operating conditions and disturbances. a combination of capabilities for system state prediction, dynamic stochastic power flow, system optimization, and solution checking will be necessary. the optimization and control systems for a smart-grid environment will require a computational systems thinking machine to handle the uncertainties and variability that exist. the importance and contributions of the computational intelligence field for developing the dynamic, stochastic, computational, and scalable technologies needed for sensemaking, situational awareness, control and optimization in smart grids are presented in this paper. © 2011 IEEE