5 research outputs found

    Evolutionary techniques applied to the optimal short-term scheduling of the electrical energy production

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    This paper presents an evolutionary technique applied to the optimal short-term scheduling (24 h) of the electric energy production. The equations that define the problem lead to a non-convex non-linear programming problem with a high number of continuous and discrete variables. Consequently, the resolution of the problem based on combinatorial methods is rather hard. The required heuristics, introduced to assure the feasibility of the constraints, are analyzed, along with a brief description of the proposed genetic algorithm (GA). The GA is used to compute the optimal on/off status of thermal units and the fitness function is obtained by solving a quadratic programming problem by means of a standard non-linear Interior Point (IP) method. The results from real-world cases based on the Spanish power system are reported, which show the good performance of the proposed algorithm, taking into account the complexity and dimensionality of the problem. Finally, an IP algorithm is adapted to deal with discrete variables that appear in this problem and the obtained results are compared with that of the proposed GA.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2004-00159Junta de Andalucia ACPAI-2003/032Junta de Andalucia P05-TIC-0053

    Procedimiento multicriterio multiexperto para determinar el índice de control de una organización

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    For a company to be productive, requires high cohesion in the elements involved in its internal control system. In order to analyze trends have control organizations, the Comptroller General of the Republic of Cuba, provides a guide to self where each entity in certain periods checks the behavior of these indicators. However, it takes time and consistency in work control to achieve compliance with all elements not to mention that the current model does not identify the critical components to prioritize work in that direction. The present paper proposes a method that applies multicriteria techniques with expert consensus to establish a ranking of the components of the index obtaining guide an organization's control.Para que una empresa sea productiva, requiere de una alta cohesión en los elementos que intervienen en su sistema de control interno. Con el objetivo de analizar las tendencias de control que poseen las organizaciones, la Contraloría General de la República de Cuba, establece una guía de autocontrol donde cada entidad en períodos determinado revisa el comportamiento de dichos indicadores. Sin embargo se requiere de tiempo y sistematicidad en el trabajo del control para lograr cumplir con todos sus elementos sin contar que el modelo actual no permite identificar los componentes críticos para priorizar el trabajo hacia esa dirección. El presenta trabajo propone un procedimiento que aplica técnicas multicriterios con el consenso de experto para establecer un ranking a los componentes de la guía obteniendo el índice de control de una organizació

    Uncertainties in energy markets and their consideration in energy storage evaluation

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    This book successfully illustrates the modeling of electricity prices with the help of stochastic processes. The relatively new phenomenon of negative prices is also integrated into the models. The integration of feed-in from wind power plants in energy models is also very innovative. This approach helps to simulate electricity prices in order to take into account the "merit-order effect of renewable energy". Finally, the models are used for the techno-economic evaluation of energy storages