6 research outputs found

    Augmented Reality in Smart Cities: A Multimedia Approach

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    Intro: This paper presents an advance overview of utilizing Augmented Reality (AR) in smart cities. Although, Smart cities contain six major aspects (mobility, economy, government, environment, living, and people), this paper focuses on three of them that have more potentiality in using virtual assistant (mobility, environment, and living). Methodology: Presenting a state-of-the-art review studies undertake between 2013 and 2017, which is driven from highlighted libraries is the aim of this research. After exact examine, 15 emphasized studies are chosen to divide the main aspects while 120 selective articles are supporting them. These categorizes have been critically compared with an aim, method and chronological perspectives. Results: First of All, Environmental issues (Museums industry) attract the most attention of researchers while the living issues (maintenance) have lower significant compare t latter and mobility (indoor-outdoor navigation) attract the least. Moreover, a close connection between academic and industry fields is going to be created. Conclusions: it has been concluded that, because of economic advantages, utilizing AR technology has improved in the tourism and maintenance. Moreover, until now, most of studies try to prove their concept rather than illustrate well stablished analytic approach. Because of hardware and software improvement, it is essential for the future studies to evaluate their hypothesis in a real urban context

    Augmented reality technology applications in museum tourism; examples from Turkey and throughout the World

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    Özellikle son yıllarda oldukça ön plana çıktığı göze çarpan kültürel turizmin bir parçası olan müze turizmi, günümüzde turizm sektörünün önemli bir unsuru haline gelmiştir. Müze turizmi, yerel ekonominin güçlenmesi için oldukça önemli olmasının yanı sıra öğrenmenin ve sosyalleşmenin de gerçekleşmesini sağlaması bakımından dikkat çekmektedir. Bugün müzecilik, aktif öğrenmenin sağlandığı sosyal ve kültürel mekanlar olma görevini üstlenmektedir. Dünyanın her yerinde önemli işlevlere sahip olan müzeler, ziyaretçi sayılarını koruma ya da artırma yönünde çaba göstermektedir. Bu sebeple rekabet halinde kalabilmek için modern teknolojilerden yararlanmak gerekli hale gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada, müzeciliğin sürdürülebilir olması bakımından artırılmış gerçeklik teknolojisinin rolü ve kullanım detayları, ağırlıklı olarak yurt dışında bulunan ve bu teknolojiyi uygulayan müzelerden çeşitli örnekler verilerek ortaya konmuştur. Çalışmada, Türkiye’de ve yabancı ülkelerde artırılmış gerçeklik teknolojisinden yararlanan müzeler araştırılmış, örneklendirilmiş ve bu yeni teknolojinin turizm ile ilişkisi irdelenerek müzeciliğin gelişimi açısından ve modern müzecilik anlayışında önemli rol oynadığı sonucuna varılmıştır.Museum tourism, which is a part of cultural tourism that attracts the attention to come to the forefront especially in recent years, today became an important element of tourism sector. Besides being important for boosting the local economy, museum tourism draws attention in terms of providing learning and socialization. Today, the museum has taken the task to be a social and cultural environment where active learning is provided. Museums that have important functions throughout the world make the effort to preserve or increase their number of visitors. That is why the use of modern technology became a necessity to stay competitive. In this study, the role and details of augmented reality technology in terms of sustainability of the museums has been revealed by giving various museum examples, mostly from abroad, that are using this technology. In the study, museums in Turkey and abroad using augmented reality were searched, exemplified and by analyzing the relation of this new technology with tourism, it has been determined that this technology plays an important role in the development and understanding of modern museolog

    Determining Views on the Effectivity of Augmented Reality Applications in Museums

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    In recent years, visitor-centred approaches have been adopted in museums, which are seen as some of the most important cultural establishments in forming modern culture. Therefore, it is aimed to increase visitor interest towards the collections and to portray the information about the collections more clearly. Digital technology is used to make collections exhibited in museums more interactive and augmented reality applications are used for this. The aim of this study is to determine the views of students on using augmented reality in museums. The research was conducted with the mixed method. The data in the quantitative dimension were collected with a student view questionnaire and the qualitative data were collected using a semi-structured interview form. The findings indicate that students believe they can learn information more permanently if augmented reality is used in museums and that the simpler the technology is, the easier it will be to learn how to use it. According to the results of this research, students stated that they can have more realistic experiences in museums that use augmented reality technology and that they can feel as if they are viewing the exhibitions in a more realistic setting. Students also believed that the historical animation of the exhibitions will result in more motivating and rich content. Additionally, they believe that the augmented reality applications and set up used in museums would positively affect learning.</p