7 research outputs found

    Fault-tolerant fpga for mission-critical applications.

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    One of the devices that play a great role in electronic circuits design, specifically safety-critical design applications, is Field programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). This is because of its high performance, re-configurability and low development cost. FPGAs are used in many applications such as data processing, networks, automotive, space and industrial applications. Negative impacts on the reliability of such applications result from moving to smaller feature sizes in the latest FPGA architectures. This increases the need for fault-tolerant techniques to improve reliability and extend system lifetime of FPGA-based applications. In this thesis, two fault-tolerant techniques for FPGA-based applications are proposed with a built-in fault detection region. A low cost fault detection scheme is proposed for detecting faults using the fault detection region used in both schemes. The fault detection scheme primarily detects open faults in the programmable interconnect resources in the FPGAs. In addition, Stuck-At faults and Single Event Upsets (SEUs) fault can be detected. For fault recovery, each scheme has its own fault recovery approach. The first approach uses a spare module and a 2-to-1 multiplexer to recover from any fault detected. On the other hand, the second approach recovers from any fault detected using the property of Partial Reconfiguration (PR) in the FPGAs. It relies on identifying a Partially Reconfigurable block (P_b) in the FPGA that is used in the recovery process after the first faulty module is identified in the system. This technique uses only one location to recover from faults in any of the FPGA’s modules and the FPGA interconnects. Simulation results show that both techniques can detect and recover from open faults. In addition, Stuck-At faults and Single Event Upsets (SEUs) fault can also be detected. Finally, both techniques require low area overhead

    Towards the development of a reliable reconfigurable real-time operating system on FPGAs

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    In the last two decades, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have been rapidly developed from simple “glue-logic” to a powerful platform capable of implementing a System on Chip (SoC). Modern FPGAs achieve not only the high performance compared with General Purpose Processors (GPPs), thanks to hardware parallelism and dedication, but also better programming flexibility, in comparison to Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs). Moreover, the hardware programming flexibility of FPGAs is further harnessed for both performance and manipulability, which makes Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) possible. DPR allows a part or parts of a circuit to be reconfigured at run-time, without interrupting the rest of the chip’s operation. As a result, hardware resources can be more efficiently exploited since the chip resources can be reused by swapping in or out hardware tasks to or from the chip in a time-multiplexed fashion. In addition, DPR improves fault tolerance against transient errors and permanent damage, such as Single Event Upsets (SEUs) can be mitigated by reconfiguring the FPGA to avoid error accumulation. Furthermore, power and heat can be reduced by removing finished or idle tasks from the chip. For all these reasons above, DPR has significantly promoted Reconfigurable Computing (RC) and has become a very hot topic. However, since hardware integration is increasing at an exponential rate, and applications are becoming more complex with the growth of user demands, highlevel application design and low-level hardware implementation are increasingly separated and layered. As a consequence, users can obtain little advantage from DPR without the support of system-level middleware. To bridge the gap between the high-level application and the low-level hardware implementation, this thesis presents the important contributions towards a Reliable, Reconfigurable and Real-Time Operating System (R3TOS), which facilitates the user exploitation of DPR from the application level, by managing the complex hardware in the background. In R3TOS, hardware tasks behave just like software tasks, which can be created, scheduled, and mapped to different computing resources on the fly. The novel contributions of this work are: 1) a novel implementation of an efficient task scheduler and allocator; 2) implementation of a novel real-time scheduling algorithm (FAEDF) and two efficacious allocating algorithms (EAC and EVC), which schedule tasks in real-time and circumvent emerging faults while maintaining more compact empty areas. 3) Design and implementation of a faulttolerant microprocessor by harnessing the existing FPGA resources, such as Error Correction Code (ECC) and configuration primitives. 4) A novel symmetric multiprocessing (SMP)-based architectures that supports shared memory programing interface. 5) Two demonstrations of the integrated system, including a) the K-Nearest Neighbour classifier, which is a non-parametric classification algorithm widely used in various fields of data mining; and b) pairwise sequence alignment, namely the Smith Waterman algorithm, used for identifying similarities between two biological sequences. R3TOS gives considerably higher flexibility to support scalable multi-user, multitasking applications, whereby resources can be dynamically managed in respect of user requirements and hardware availability. Benefiting from this, not only the hardware resources can be more efficiently used, but also the system performance can be significantly increased. Results show that the scheduling and allocating efficiencies have been improved up to 2x, and the overall system performance is further improved by ~2.5x. Future work includes the development of Network on Chip (NoC), which is expected to further increase the communication throughput; as well as the standardization and automation of our system design, which will be carried out in line with the enablement of other high-level synthesis tools, to allow application developers to benefit from the system in a more efficient manner

    Towards the development of flexible, reliable, reconfigurable, and high-performance imaging systems

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    Current FPGAs can implement large systems because of the high density of reconfigurable logic resources in a single chip. FPGAs are comprehensive devices that combine flexibility and high performance in the same platform compared to other platform such as General-Purpose Processors (GPPs) and Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs). The flexibility of modern FPGAs is further enhanced by introducing Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) feature, which allows for changing the functionality of part of the system while other parts are functioning. FPGAs became an important platform for digital image processing applications because of the aforementioned features. They can fulfil the need of efficient and flexible platforms that execute imaging tasks efficiently as well as the reliably with low power, high performance and high flexibility. The use of FPGAs as accelerators for image processing outperforms most of the current solutions. Current FPGA solutions can to load part of the imaging application that needs high computational power on dedicated reconfigurable hardware accelerators while other parts are working on the traditional solution to increase the system performance. Moreover, the use of the DPR feature enhances the flexibility of image processing further by swapping accelerators in and out at run-time. The use of fault mitigation techniques in FPGAs enables imaging applications to operate in harsh environments following the fact that FPGAs are sensitive to radiation and extreme conditions. The aim of this thesis is to present a platform for efficient implementations of imaging tasks. The research uses FPGAs as the key component of this platform and uses the concept of DPR to increase the performance, flexibility, to reduce the power dissipation and to expand the cycle of possible imaging applications. In this context, it proposes the use of FPGAs to accelerate the Image Processing Pipeline (IPP) stages, the core part of most imaging devices. The thesis has a number of novel concepts. The first novel concept is the use of FPGA hardware environment and DPR feature to increase the parallelism and achieve high flexibility. The concept also increases the performance and reduces the power consumption and area utilisation. Based on this concept, the following implementations are presented in this thesis: An implementation of Adams Hamilton Demosaicing algorithm for camera colour interpolation, which exploits the FPGA parallelism to outperform other equivalents. In addition, an implementation of Automatic White Balance (AWB), another IPP stage that employs DPR feature to prove the mentioned novelty aspects. Another novel concept in this thesis is presented in chapter 6, which uses DPR feature to develop a novel flexible imaging system that requires less logic and can be implemented in small FPGAs. The system can be employed as a template for any imaging application with no limitation. Moreover, discussed in this thesis is a novel reliable version of the imaging system that adopts novel techniques including scrubbing, Built-In Self Test (BIST), and Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) to detect and correct errors using the Internal Configuration Access Port (ICAP) primitive. These techniques exploit the datapath-based nature of the implemented imaging system to improve the system's overall reliability. The thesis presents a proposal for integrating the imaging system with the Robust Reliable Reconfigurable Real-Time Heterogeneous Operating System (R4THOS) to get the best out of the system. The proposal shows the suitability of the proposed DPR imaging system to be used as part of the core system of autonomous cars because of its unbounded flexibility. These novel works are presented in a number of publications as shown in section 1.3 later in this thesis

    High performance reconfigurable architectures for biological sequence alignment

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    Bioinformatics and computational biology (BCB) is a rapidly developing multidisciplinary field which encompasses a wide range of domains, including genomic sequence alignments. It is a fundamental tool in molecular biology in searching for homology between sequences. Sequence alignments are currently gaining close attention due to their great impact on the quality aspects of life such as facilitating early disease diagnosis, identifying the characteristics of a newly discovered sequence, and drug engineering. With the vast growth of genomic data, searching for a sequence homology over huge databases (often measured in gigabytes) is unable to produce results within a realistic time, hence the need for acceleration. Since the exponential increase of biological databases as a result of the human genome project (HGP), supercomputers and other parallel architectures such as the special purpose Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) chip, Graphic Processing Unit (GPUs) and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have become popular acceleration platforms. Nevertheless, there are always trade-off between area, speed, power, cost, development time and reusability when selecting an acceleration platform. FPGAs generally offer more flexibility, higher performance and lower overheads. However, they suffer from a relatively low level programming model as compared with off-the-shelf microprocessors such as standard microprocessors and GPUs. Due to the aforementioned limitations, the need has arisen for optimized FPGA core implementations which are crucial for this technology to become viable in high performance computing (HPC). This research proposes the use of state-of-the-art reprogrammable system-on-chip technology on FPGAs to accelerate three widely-used sequence alignment algorithms; the Smith-Waterman with affine gap penalty algorithm, the profile hidden Markov model (HMM) algorithm and the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) algorithm. The three novel aspects of this research are firstly that the algorithms are designed and implemented in hardware, with each core achieving the highest performance compared to the state-of-the-art. Secondly, an efficient scheduling strategy based on the double buffering technique is adopted into the hardware architectures. Here, when the alignment matrix computation task is overlapped with the PE configuration in a folded systolic array, the overall throughput of the core is significantly increased. This is due to the bound PE configuration time and the parallel PE configuration approach irrespective of the number of PEs in a systolic array. In addition, the use of only two configuration elements in the PE optimizes hardware resources and enables the scalability of PE systolic arrays without relying on restricted onboard memory resources. Finally, a new performance metric is devised, which facilitates the effective comparison of design performance between different FPGA devices and families. The normalized performance indicator (speed-up per area per process technology) takes out advantages of the area and lithography technology of any FPGA resulting in fairer comparisons. The cores have been designed using Verilog HDL and prototyped on the Alpha Data ADM-XRC-5LX card with the Virtex-5 XC5VLX110-3FF1153 FPGA. The implementation results show that the proposed architectures achieved giga cell updates per second (GCUPS) performances of 26.8, 29.5 and 24.2 respectively for the acceleration of the Smith-Waterman with affine gap penalty algorithm, the profile HMM algorithm and the BLAST algorithm. In terms of speed-up improvements, comparisons were made on performance of the designed cores against their corresponding software and the reported FPGA implementations. In the case of comparison with equivalent software execution, acceleration of the optimal alignment algorithm in hardware yielded an average speed-up of 269x as compared to the SSEARCH 35 software. For the profile HMM-based sequence alignment, the designed core achieved speed-up of 103x and 8.3x against the HMMER 2.0 and the latest version of HMMER (version 3.0) respectively. On the other hand, the implementation of the gapped BLAST with the two-hit method in hardware achieved a greater than tenfold speed-up compared to the latest NCBI BLAST software. In terms of comparison against other reported FPGA implementations, the proposed normalized performance indicator was used to evaluate the designed architectures fairly. The results showed that the first architecture achieved more than 50 percent improvement, while acceleration of the profile HMM sequence alignment in hardware gained a normalized speed-up of 1.34. In the case of the gapped BLAST with the two-hit method, the designed core achieved 11x speed-up after taking out advantages of the Virtex-5 FPGA. In addition, further analysis was conducted in terms of cost and power performances; it was noted that, the core achieved 0.46 MCUPS per dollar spent and 958.1 MCUPS per watt. This shows that FPGAs can be an attractive platform for high performance computation with advantages of smaller area footprint as well as represent economic ‘green’ solution compared to the other acceleration platforms. Higher throughput can be achieved by redeploying the cores on newer, bigger and faster FPGAs with minimal design effort

    Nova combinação de hardware e de software para veículos de desporto automóvel baseada no processamento directo de funções gráficas

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia EletrónicaThe main motivation for the work presented here began with previously conducted experiments with a programming concept at the time named "Macro". These experiments led to the conviction that it would be possible to build a system of engine control from scratch, which could eliminate many of the current problems of engine management systems in a direct and intrinsic way. It was also hoped that it would minimize the full range of software and hardware needed to make a final and fully functional system. Initially, this paper proposes to make a comprehensive survey of the state of the art in the specific area of software and corresponding hardware of automotive tools and automotive ECUs. Problems arising from such software will be identified, and it will be clear that practically all of these problems stem directly or indirectly from the fact that we continue to make comprehensive use of extremely long and complex "tool chains". Similarly, in the hardware, it will be argued that the problems stem from the extreme complexity and inter-dependency inside processor architectures. The conclusions are presented through an extensive list of "pitfalls" which will be thoroughly enumerated, identified and characterized. Solutions will also be proposed for the various current issues and for the implementation of these same solutions. All this final work will be part of a "proof-of-concept" system called "ECU2010". The central element of this system is the before mentioned "Macro" concept, which is an graphical block representing one of many operations required in a automotive system having arithmetic, logic, filtering, integration, multiplexing functions among others. The end result of the proposed work is a single tool, fully integrated, enabling the development and management of the entire system in one simple visual interface. Part of the presented result relies on a hardware platform fully adapted to the software, as well as enabling high flexibility and scalability in addition to using exactly the same technology for ECU, data logger and peripherals alike. Current systems rely on a mostly evolutionary path, only allowing online calibration of parameters, but never the online alteration of their own automotive functionality algorithms. By contrast, the system developed and described in this thesis had the advantage of following a "clean-slate" approach, whereby everything could be rethought globally. In the end, out of all the system characteristics, "LIVE-Prototyping" is the most relevant feature, allowing the adjustment of automotive algorithms (eg. Injection, ignition, lambda control, etc.) 100% online, keeping the engine constantly working, without ever having to stop or reboot to make such changes. This consequently eliminates any "turnaround delay" typically present in current automotive systems, thereby enhancing the efficiency and handling of such systems.A principal motivação para o trabalho que conduziu a esta tese residiu na constatação de que os actuais métodos de modelação de centralinas automóveis conduzem a significativos problemas de desenvolvimento e manutenção. Como resultado dessa constatação, o objectivo deste trabalho centrou-se no desenvolvimento de um conceito de arquitectura que rompe radicalmente com os modelos state-of-the-art e que assenta num conjunto de conceitos que vieram a ser designados de "Macro" e "Celular ECU". Com este modelo pretendeu-se simultaneamente minimizar a panóplia de software e de hardware necessários à obtenção de uma sistema funcional final. Inicialmente, esta tese propõem-se fazer um levantamento exaustivo do estado da arte na área específica do software e correspondente hardware das ferramentas e centralinas automóveis. Os problemas decorrentes de tal software serão identificados e, dessa identificação deverá ficar claro, que praticamente todos esses problemas têm origem directa ou indirecta no facto de se continuar a fazer um uso exaustivo de "tool chains" extremamente compridas e complexas. De forma semelhante, no hardware, os problemas têm origem na extrema complexidade e inter-dependência das arquitecturas dos processadores. As consequências distribuem-se por uma extensa lista de "pitfalls" que também serão exaustivamente enumeradas, identificadas e caracterizadas. São ainda propostas soluções para os diversos problemas actuais e correspondentes implementações dessas mesmas soluções. Todo este trabalho final faz parte de um sistema "proof-of-concept" designado "ECU2010". O elemento central deste sistema é o já referido conceito de “Macro”, que consiste num bloco gráfico que representa uma de muitas operações necessárias num sistema automóvel, como sejam funções aritméticas, lógicas, de filtragem, de integração, de multiplexagem, entre outras. O resultado final do trabalho proposto assenta numa única ferramenta, totalmente integrada que permite o desenvolvimento e gestão de todo o sistema de forma simples numa única interface visual. Parte do resultado apresentado assenta numa plataforma hardware totalmente adaptada ao software, bem como na elevada flexibilidade e escalabilidade, para além de permitir a utilização de exactamente a mesma tecnologia quer para a centralina, como para o datalogger e para os periféricos. Os sistemas actuais assentam num percurso maioritariamente evolutivo, apenas permitindo a calibração online de parâmetros, mas nunca a alteração online dos próprios algoritmos das funcionalidades automóveis. Pelo contrário, o sistema desenvolvido e descrito nesta tese apresenta a vantagem de seguir um "clean-slate approach", pelo que tudo pode ser globalmente repensado. No final e para além de todas as restantes características, o “LIVE-PROTOTYPING” é a funcionalidade mais relevante, ao permitir alterar algoritmos automóveis (ex: injecção, ignição, controlo lambda, etc.) de forma 100% online, mantendo o motor constantemente a trabalhar e sem nunca ter de o parar ou re-arrancar para efectuar tais alterações. Isto elimina consequentemente qualquer "turnaround delay" tipicamente presente em qualquer sistema automóvel actual, aumentando de forma significativa a eficiência global do sistema e da sua utilização

    Parallel and Distributed Computing

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    The 14 chapters presented in this book cover a wide variety of representative works ranging from hardware design to application development. Particularly, the topics that are addressed are programmable and reconfigurable devices and systems, dependability of GPUs (General Purpose Units), network topologies, cache coherence protocols, resource allocation, scheduling algorithms, peertopeer networks, largescale network simulation, and parallel routines and algorithms. In this way, the articles included in this book constitute an excellent reference for engineers and researchers who have particular interests in each of these topics in parallel and distributed computing