97,548 research outputs found

    Tailoring temporal description logics for reasoning over temporal conceptual models

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    Temporal data models have been used to describe how data can evolve in the context of temporal databases. Both the Extended Entity-Relationship (EER) model and the Unified Modelling Language (UML) have been temporally extended to design temporal databases. To automatically check quality properties of conceptual schemas various encoding to Description Logics (DLs) have been proposed in the literature. On the other hand, reasoning on temporally extended DLs turn out to be too complex for effective reasoning ranging from 2ExpTime up to undecidable languages. We propose here to temporalize the ‘light-weight’ DL-Lite logics obtaining nice computational results while still being able to represent various constraints of temporal conceptual models. In particular, we consider temporal extensions of DL-Lite^N_bool, which was shown to be adequate for capturing non-temporal conceptual models without relationship inclusion, and its fragment DL-Lite^N_core with most primitive concept inclusions, which are nevertheless enough to represent almost all types of atemporal constraints (apart from covering)

    Evolving information systems: meeting the ever-changing environment

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    To meet the demands of organizations and their ever-changing environment, information systems are required which are able to evolve to the same extent as organizations do. Such a system has to support changes in all time-and application-dependent aspects. In this paper, requirements and a conceptual framework for evolving information systems are presented. This framework includes an architecture for such systems and a revision of the traditional notion of update. Based on this evolutionary notion of update (recording, correction and forgetting) a state transition-oriented model on three levels of abstraction (event level, recording level, correction level) is introduced. Examples are provided to illustrate the conceptual framework for evolving information systems

    A cookbook for temporal conceptual data modelling with description logic

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    We design temporal description logics suitable for reasoning about temporal conceptual data models and investigate their computational complexity. Our formalisms are based on DL-Lite logics with three types of concept inclusions (ranging from atomic concept inclusions and disjointness to the full Booleans), as well as cardinality constraints and role inclusions. In the temporal dimension, they capture future and past temporal operators on concepts, flexible and rigid roles, the operators `always' and `some time' on roles, data assertions for particular moments of time and global concept inclusions. The logics are interpreted over the Cartesian products of object domains and the flow of time (Z,<), satisfying the constant domain assumption. We prove that the most expressive of our temporal description logics (which can capture lifespan cardinalities and either qualitative or quantitative evolution constraints) turn out to be undecidable. However, by omitting some of the temporal operators on concepts/roles or by restricting the form of concept inclusions we obtain logics whose complexity ranges between PSpace and NLogSpace. These positive results were obtained by reduction to various clausal fragments of propositional temporal logic, which opens a way to employ propositional or first-order temporal provers for reasoning about temporal data models

    A layered framework for pattern-based ontology evolution

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    The challenge of ontology-driven modelling of information components is well known in both academia and industry. In this paper, we present a novel approach to deal with customisation and abstraction of ontology-based model evolution. As a result of an empirical study, we identify a layered change operator framework based on the granularity, domain-speciïŹcity and abstraction of changes. The implementation of the operator framework is supported through layered change logs. Layered change logs capture the objective of ontology changes at a higher level of granularity and support a comprehensive understanding of ontology evolution. The layered change logs are formalised using a graph-based approach. We identify the recurrent ontology change patterns from an ontology change log for their reuse. The identiïŹed patterns facilitate optimizing and improving the deïŹnition of domain-speciïŹc change patterns

    Integration of an object formalism within a hybrid dynamic simulation environment

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    PrODHyS is a general object-oriented environment which provides common and reusable components designed for the development and the management of dynamic simulation of systems engineering. Its major characteristic is its ability to simulate processes described by a hybrid model. In this framework, this paper focuses on the "Object Differential Petri Net" (ODPN) formalism integrated within PrODHyS. The use of this formalism is illustrated through a didactic example relating to the field of Chemical Process System Engineering (PSE)
