5,641 research outputs found

    Electroencephalographic Responses to Frictional Stimuli: Measurement Setup and Processing Pipeline

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    Tactility is a key sense in the human interaction with the environment. The understanding of tactile perception has become an exciting area in industrial, medical and scienti c research with an emphasis on the development of new haptic technologies. Surprisingly, the quanti cation of tactile perception has, compared to other senses, only recently become a eld of scienti c investigation. The overall goal of this emerging scienti c discipline is an understanding of the causal chain from the contact of the skin with materials to the brain dynamics representing recognition of and emotional reaction to the materials. Each link in this chain depends on individual and environmental factors ranging from the in uence of humidity on contact formation to the role of attention for the perception of touch. This thesis reports on the research of neural correlates to the frictional stimulation of the human ngertip. Event-related electroencephalographic potentials (ERPs) upon the change in ngertip friction are measured and studied, when pins of a programmable Braille-display were brought into skin contact. In order to contribute to the understanding of the causal chain mentioned above, this work combines two research areas which are usually not connected to each other, namely tribology and neuroscience. The goal of the study is to evaluate contributions of friction to the process of haptic perception. Key contributions of this thesis are: 1) Development of a setup to simultaneously record physical forces and ERPs upon tactile stimulation. 2) Implementation of a dedicated signal processing pipeline for the statistical analysis of ERP -amplitudes, -latencies and -instantaneous phases. 3) Interpretation of skin friction data and extraction of neural correlates with respect to varying friction intensities. The tactile stimulation of the ngertip upon raising and lowering of di erent lines of Braille-pins (one, three and ve) caused pronounced N50 and P100 components in the event-related ERPsequences, which is in line with the current literature. Friction between the ngertip and the Braille-system exhibited a characteristic temporal development which is attributed to viscoelastic skin relaxation. Although the force stimuli varied by a factor of two between the di erent Braillepatterns, no signi cant di erences were observed between the amplitudes and latencies of ERPs after standard across-trial averaging. Thus, for the rst time a phase measure for estimating singletrial interactions of somatosensory potentials is proposed. Results show that instantaneous phase coherency is evoked by friction, and that higher friction induces stronger and more time-localized phase coherencyDie Taktilität ist ein zentraler Sinn in der Interaktion mit unserer Umwelt. Das Bestreben, fundierte Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich der taktilenWahrnehmung zu gewinnen erhält groÿen Zuspruch in der industriellen, medizinischen und wissenschaftlichen Forschung, meist mit einem Fokus auf der Entwicklung von haptischen Technologien. Erstaunlicherweise ist jedoch die wissenschaftliche Quanti zierung der taktilen Wahrnehmung, verglichen mit anderen Sinnesmodalitäten, erst seit kurzem ein sich entwickelnder Forschungsbereich. Fokus dieser Disziplin ist es, die kognitive und emotionale Reaktion nach physischem Kontakt mit Materialien zu beschreiben, und die kausale Wirkungskette von der Berührung bis zur Reaktion zu verstehen. Dabei unterliegen die einzelnen Faktoren dieser Kette sowohl individuellen als auch externen Ein üssen, welche von der Luftfeuchtigkeit während des Kontaktes bis hin zur Rolle der Aufmerksamkeit für die Wahrnehmung reichen. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Untersuchung von neuronalen Korrelaten nach Reibungsstimulation des menschlichen Fingers. Dazu wurden Reibungsänderungen, welche durch den Kontakt der menschlichen Fingerspitze mit schaltbaren Stiften eines Braille-Display erzeugt wurden, untersucht und die entsprechenden neuronalen Korrelate aufgezeichnet. Um zu dem Verst ändnis der oben erwähnten Wirkungskette beizutragen, werden Ansätze aus zwei für gewöhnlich nicht zusammenhängenden Forschungsbereichen, nämlich der Tribologie und der Neurowissenschaft, kombiniert. Folgende Beiträge sind Hauptbestandteile dieser Arbeit: 1) Realisierung einer Messumgebung zur simultanen Ableitung von Kräften und ereigniskorrelierten Potentialen nach taktiler Stimulation der Fingerspitze. 2) Aufbau einer speziellen Signalverarbeitungskette zur statistischen Analyse von stimulationsabh ängigen EEG -Amplituden, -Latenzen und -instantanen Phasen. 3) Interpretation der erhobenen Reibungsdaten und Extraktion neuronaler Korrelate hinsichtlich variierender Stimulationsintensitäten. Unsere Resultate zeigen, dass die taktile Stimulation der Fingerspitze nach Anheben und Senken von Braille-Stiften zu signi kanten N50 und P100 Komponenten in den ereigniskorrelierten Potentialen führt, im Einklang mit der aktuellen Literatur. Die Reibung zwischen der Fingerspitze und dem Braille-System zeigte einen charakteristischen Signalverlauf, welcher auf viskoelastische Hautrelaxation zurückzuführen ist. Trotz der um einen Faktor zwei verschiedenen Intensit ätsunterschiede zwischen den Stimulationsmustern zeigten sich keine signi kanten Unterschiede zwischen den einfach gemittelten Amplituden der evozierten Potentialen. Erstmalig wurde ein Phasen-Maÿ zur Identi zierung von Unterschieden zwischen somatosensorischen "single-trial" Interaktionen angewandt. Diese Phasenanalyse zeigte, im Gegensatz zur Amplituden- und Latenzanalyse, deutlichere und signi kantere Unterschiede zwischen den Stimulationsparadigmen. Es wird gefolgert, dass Kohärenz zwischen den Momentanphasen durch Reibungsereignisse herbeigef ührt wird und dass durch stärkere Reibung diese Kohärenz, im zeitlichen Verlauf, stärker und lokalisierter wird

    Study on measurement and evaluation methods on the sense of touch of thick clothing products

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    信州大学博士(工学)・学位論文・平成24年3月20日授与(甲第555号)・KWON EUICHULThesisKWON EUICHUL. Study on measurement and evaluation methods on the sense of touch of thick clothing products. 信州大学, 2012, 122p, 博士論文doctoral thesi

    A functional link neural network with modified cuckoo search for prediction tasks

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    The impact of temperature, relative humidity and ozone changes bring a sharp warming climate. These changes can cause extreme consequences such as floods, hurricanes, heat waves and droughts. Therefore, prediction of temperature and relative humidity is an important factor to measure the environmental changes. Neural network, especially the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) which uses Back Propagation algorithm (BP) as a supervised learning method, has been successfully applied in various problems for meteorological prediction tasks. However, this architecture has still been facing problems which the convergence rate is very low due to the multi layering topology of the network. Thus, this research proposed an implementation of Functional Link Neural Network (FLNN) which composed of a single layer of tunable weight trained with the Modified Cuckoo Search algorithm (MCS). The proposed approach was used to predict the daily temperatures, relative humidity and ozone data. Extensive simulation results have been compared with standard MLP trained with the BP, FLNN with BP and FLNN with CS. Promising results have shown that the proposed model has successfully out performed 14% percentage compared to other network models with reduced prediction error and fast convergence rate

    The interaction between motion and texture in the sense of touch

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    Besides providing information on elementary properties of objects, like texture, roughness, and softness, the sense of touch is also important in building a representation of object movement and the movement of our hands. Neural and behavioral studies shed light on the mechanisms and limits of our sense of touch in the perception of texture and motion, and of its role in the control of movement of our hands. The interplay between the geometrical and mechanical properties of the touched objects, such as shape and texture, the movement of the hand exploring the object, and the motion felt by touch, will be discussed in this article. Interestingly, the interaction between motion and textures can generate perceptual illusions in touch. For example, the orientation and the spacing of the texture elements on a static surface induces the illusion of surface motion when we move our hand on it or can elicit the perception of a curved trajectory during sliding, straight hand movements. In this work we present a multiperspective view that encompasses both the perceptual and the motor aspects, as well as the response of peripheral and central nerve structures, to analyze and better understand the complex mechanisms underpinning the tactile representation of texture and motion. Such a better understanding of the spatiotemporal features of the tactile stimulus can reveal novel transdisciplinary applications in neuroscience and haptics

    Gamma Band Oscillation Response to Somatosensory Feedback Stimulation Schemes Constructed on Basis of Biphasic Neural Touch Representation

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    abstract: Prosthetic users abandon devices due to difficulties performing tasks without proper graded or interpretable feedback. The inability to adequately detect and correct error of the device leads to failure and frustration. In advanced prostheses, peripheral nerve stimulation can be used to deliver sensations, but standard schemes used in sensorized prosthetic systems induce percepts inconsistent with natural sensations, providing limited benefit. Recent uses of time varying stimulation strategies appear to produce more practical sensations, but without a clear path to pursue improvements. This dissertation examines the use of physiologically based stimulation strategies to elicit sensations that are more readily interpretable. A psychophysical experiment designed to investigate sensitivities to the discrimination of perturbation direction within precision grip suggests that perception is biomechanically referenced: increased sensitivities along the ulnar-radial axis align with potential anisotropic deformation of the finger pad, indicating somatosensation uses internal information rather than environmental. Contact-site and direction dependent deformation of the finger pad activates complimentary fast adapting and slow adapting mechanoreceptors, exhibiting parallel activity of the two associate temporal patterns: static and dynamic. The spectrum of temporal activity seen in somatosensory cortex can be explained by a combined representation of these distinct response dynamics, a phenomenon referred in this dissertation to “biphasic representation.” In a reach-to-precision-grasp task, neurons in somatosensory cortex were found to possess biphasic firing patterns in their responses to texture, orientation, and movement. Sensitivities seem to align with variable deformation and mechanoreceptor activity: movement and smooth texture responses align with potential fast adapting activation, non-movement and coarse texture responses align with potential increased slow adapting activation, and responses to orientation are conceptually consistent with coding of tangential load. Using evidence of biphasic representations’ association with perceptual priorities, gamma band phase locking is used to compare responses to peripheral nerve stimulation patterns and mechanical stimulation. Vibrotactile and punctate mechanical stimuli are used to represent the practical and impractical percepts commonly observed in peripheral nerve stimulation feedback. Standard patterns of constant parameters closely mimic impractical vibrotactile stimulation while biphasic patterns better mimic punctate stimulation and provide a platform to investigate intragrip dynamics representing contextual activation.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Biomedical Engineering 201

    An Exploratory Study to Bring Meaning of Haptic In Association with Human Emotion

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    The popularity of haptic technologies has permitted daily life, allowing intimate and emotional contact to be conveyed from sender to receiver. However there are weaknesses apart when haptic is being applied into an application, which can result misinterpreted, high complexity and confusion to the user. Research shows that emotion comprise close relationship with haptic feedback, this research project will investigate the effectiveness of emotion to bring haptic meaning. The project has predict the weaknesses of emotion in explore the absolute meaning of haptic, however with the present of multi-model technology the weaknesses could be reduce in order to identify the suitable definition of haptic with association to emotion