69,175 research outputs found

    Decomposing the education wage gap: everything but the kitchen sink

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    The authors use a multitude of data sources to provide a comprehensive, multidimensional decomposition of wages across both time and educational status. Their results confirm the importance of investments in and use of technology, which has been the focus of most of the previous literature. The authors also show that demand and supply factors played very different roles in the growing wage gaps of the 1980s and 1990s.Education - Economic aspects ; Wages ; Education

    Decomposing the education wage gap: everything but the kitchen sink

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    This paper contributes to a large literature concerned with identifying the source of the widening wage gap between high school and college graduates by providing a comprehensive, multidimensional decomposition of wages across both time and educational status. Data from a multitude of sources are brought to bear on the question of the relative importance of labor market supply and demand factors in the determination of those wage differences. The results confirm the importance of investments in and use of technology, which has been the focus of most of the previous literature, but are also able to show that demand and supply factors played very different roles in the growing wage gaps of the 1980s and 1990s.

    Mathieu Mercier: Everything But the Kitchen Sink

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    Le catalogue Mathieu Mercier : Everything But The Kitchen Sink est une retranscription de trois expositions personnelles de l’artiste à la fondation d’entreprise Ricard (Paris), à la Lokremise (Saint-Gall) et à la villa Merkel (Esslingen am Neckar). En plus des photographies de ces expositions, trois textes d’Andreas Baur, Konrad Bitterli et Marie Chênel interprètent le récent travail de l’artiste. Les textes sous trois strates posent des mots sur son travail. Un prologue, suivi d’une descrip..

    Decomposing the Education Wage Gap: Everything but the Kitchen Sink

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    The Express: February 9, 2021

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    Younger with age — Dr. Jarvis’ recover continues — Break-ins in Schultz Hall over break — Everything but the kitchen sink — Letter to the Editor — Guatemala Serves Lesson in Hope: J-Term Mission Trip — Revenge of the Sandman: Americans’ Problem with Sleep Deprivation — TUFW Lady Falcons net winning record — Men’s Up and down season winds down — Buckers take Intramural Volleyball title — The Top Tenhttps://pillars.taylor.edu/express-2000-2001/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Balancing generality and specificity in component-based reuse

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    For a component industry to be successful, we must move beyond the current techniques of black box reuse and genericity to a more flexible framework supporting customization of components as well as instantiation and composition of components. Customization of components strikes a balanced between creating dozens of variations of a base component and requiring the overhead of unnecessary features of an 'everything but the kitchen sink' component. We argue that design and instantiation of reusable components have competing criteria - design-for-use strives for generality, design-with-reuse strives for specificity - and that providing mechanisms for each can be complementary rather than antagonistic. In particular, we demonstrate how program slicing techniques can be applied to customization of reusable components

    Everything but the kitchen sink: building a metadata repository for time series data at the Federal Reserve Board.

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    In support of the Board's duty to conduct monetary policy for the United States, the research divisions at the Federal Reserve Board use a variety of time series data for both research and forecasting. The collection, maintenance and upkeep of more than 50,000 time series from more than sixty sources in a central location are daunting tasks; documenting the metadata for the compilation and use of these data is even more so. We are currently building a comprehensive metadata repository that links three kinds of metadata about our time series: structural metadata, reference metadata and operational metadata. Many of the pieces of this puzzle currently exist in an array of disparate formats: attributes in a proprietary database, HTML pages on a website, Word documents buried on a file server, etc. We are bringing these pieces of information together in a relational database setting to allow users to search and display relevant metadata for a particular series or economic concept. In addition, we are working to make the metadata entries in the repository time sensitive to accommodate the database of contemporaneous "real time" or "snapshot" time series that we are building for future research purposes. This paper will examine the different types of metadata gathered for time series data, and how this information is collected, stored and made available to staff at the Federal Reserve Board
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