205 research outputs found

    Every generalized quadrangle of order 5 having a regular point is symplectic

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    For many years now, one of the most important open problems in the theory of generalized quadrangles has been whether other classes of generalized quadrangles exist besides those that are currently known. This paper reports on an unsuccessful attempt to construct a new generalized quadrangle. As a byproduct of our attempt, however, we obtain the following new characterization result: every generalized quadrangle of order 5 that has at least one regular point is isomorphic to the quadrangle W(5) arising from a symplectic polarity of PG(3, 5). During the classification process, we used the computer algebra system GAP to perform certain computations or to search for an optimal strategy for the proof

    On the Pauli graphs of N-qudits

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    A comprehensive graph theoretical and finite geometrical study of the commutation relations between the generalized Pauli operators of N-qudits is performed in which vertices/points correspond to the operators and edges/lines join commuting pairs of them. As per two-qubits, all basic properties and partitionings of the corresponding Pauli graph are embodied in the geometry of the generalized quadrangle of order two. Here, one identifies the operators with the points of the quadrangle and groups of maximally commuting subsets of the operators with the lines of the quadrangle. The three basic partitionings are (a) a pencil of lines and a cube, (b) a Mermin's array and a bipartite-part and (c) a maximum independent set and the Petersen graph. These factorizations stem naturally from the existence of three distinct geometric hyperplanes of the quadrangle, namely a set of points collinear with a given point, a grid and an ovoid, which answer to three distinguished subsets of the Pauli graph, namely a set of six operators commuting with a given one, a Mermin's square, and set of five mutually non-commuting operators, respectively. The generalized Pauli graph for multiple qubits is found to follow from symplectic polar spaces of order two, where maximal totally isotropic subspaces stand for maximal subsets of mutually commuting operators. The substructure of the (strongly regular) N-qubit Pauli graph is shown to be pseudo-geometric, i. e., isomorphic to a graph of a partial geometry. Finally, the (not strongly regular) Pauli graph of a two-qutrit system is introduced; here it turns out more convenient to deal with its dual in order to see all the parallels with the two-qubit case and its surmised relation with the generalized quadrangle Q(4, 3), the dual ofW(3).Comment: 17 pages. Expanded section on two-qutrits, Quantum Information and Computation (2007) accept\'

    Coordinatization structures for generalized quadrangles and glued near hexagons.

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    A question of Frohardt on 22-groups, and skew translation quadrangles of even order

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    We solve a fundamental question posed in Frohardt's 1988 paper [Fro] on finite 22-groups with Kantor familes, by showing that finite groups with a Kantor family (F,F)(\mathcal{F},\mathcal{F}^*) having distinct members A,BFA, B \in \mathcal{F} such that ABA^* \cap B^* is a central subgroup of HH and the quotient H/(AB)H/(A^* \cap B^*) is abelian cannot exist if the center of HH has exponent 44 and the members of F\mathcal{F} are elementary abelian. In a similar way, we solve another old problem dating back to the 1970s by showing that finite skew translation quadrangles of even order (t,t)(t,t) are always translation generalized quadrangles.Comment: 10 pages; submitted (February 2018

    Central aspects of skew translation quadrangles, I

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    Except for the Hermitian buildings H(4,q2)\mathcal{H}(4,q^2), up to a combination of duality, translation duality or Payne integration, every known finite building of type B2\mathbb{B}_2 satisfies a set of general synthetic properties, usually put together in the term "skew translation generalized quadrangle" (STGQ). In this series of papers, we classify finite skew translation generalized quadrangles. In the first installment of the series, as corollaries of the machinery we develop in the present paper, (a) we obtain the surprising result that any skew translation quadrangle of odd order (s,s)(s,s) is a symplectic quadrangle; (b) we determine all skew translation quadrangles with distinct elation groups (a problem posed by Payne in a less general setting); (c) we develop a structure theory for root-elations of skew translation quadrangles which will also be used in further parts, and which essentially tells us that a very general class of skew translation quadrangles admits the theoretical maximal number of root-elations for each member, and hence all members are "central" (the main property needed to control STGQs, as which will be shown throughout); (d) we solve the Main Parameter Conjecture for a class of STGQs containing the class of the previous item, and which conjecturally coincides with the class of all STGQs.Comment: 66 pages; submitted (December 2013

    On a conjecture of Brouwer involving the connectivity of strongly regular graphs

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    In this paper, we study a conjecture of Andries E. Brouwer from 1996 regarding the minimum number of vertices of a strongly regular graph whose removal disconnects the graph into non-singleton components. We show that strongly regular graphs constructed from copolar spaces and from the more general spaces called Δ\Delta-spaces are counterexamples to Brouwer's Conjecture. Using J.I. Hall's characterization of finite reduced copolar spaces, we find that the triangular graphs T(m)T(m), the symplectic graphs Sp(2r,q)Sp(2r,q) over the field Fq\mathbb{F}_q (for any qq prime power), and the strongly regular graphs constructed from the hyperbolic quadrics O+(2r,2)O^{+}(2r,2) and from the elliptic quadrics O(2r,2)O^{-}(2r,2) over the field F2\mathbb{F}_2, respectively, are counterexamples to Brouwer's Conjecture. For each of these graphs, we determine precisely the minimum number of vertices whose removal disconnects the graph into non-singleton components. While we are not aware of an analogue of Hall's characterization theorem for Δ\Delta-spaces, we show that complements of the point graphs of certain finite generalized quadrangles are point graphs of Δ\Delta-spaces and thus, yield other counterexamples to Brouwer's Conjecture. We prove that Brouwer's Conjecture is true for many families of strongly regular graphs including the conference graphs, the generalized quadrangles GQ(q,q)GQ(q,q) graphs, the lattice graphs, the Latin square graphs, the strongly regular graphs with smallest eigenvalue -2 (except the triangular graphs) and the primitive strongly regular graphs with at most 30 vertices except for few cases. We leave as an open problem determining the best general lower bound for the minimum size of a disconnecting set of vertices of a strongly regular graph, whose removal disconnects the graph into non-singleton components.Comment: 25 pages, 1 table; accepted to JCTA; revised version contains a new section on copolar and Delta space