571 research outputs found

    Meerkat: A framework for Dynamic Graph Algorithms on GPUs

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    Graph algorithms are challenging to implement due to their varying topology and irregular access patterns. Real-world graphs are dynamic in nature and routinely undergo edge and vertex additions, as well as, deletions. Typical examples of dynamic graphs are social networks, collaboration networks, and road networks. Applying static algorithms repeatedly on dynamic graphs is inefficient. Unfortunately, we know little about how to efficiently process dynamic graphs on massively parallel architectures such as GPUs. Existing approaches to represent and process dynamic graphs are either not general or inefficient. In this work, we propose a library-based framework for dynamic graph algorithms that proposes a GPU-tailored graph representation and exploits the warp-cooperative execution model. The library, named Meerkat, builds upon a recently proposed dynamic graph representation on GPUs. This representation exploits a hashtable-based mechanism to store a vertex's neighborhood. Meerkat also enables fast iteration through a group of vertices, such as the whole set of vertices or the neighbors of a vertex. Based on the efficient iterative patterns encoded in Meerkat, we implement dynamic versions of the popular graph algorithms such as breadth-first search, single-source shortest paths, triangle counting, weakly connected components, and PageRank. Compared to the state-of-the-art dynamic graph analytics framework Hornet, Meerkat is 12.6×12.6\times, 12.94×12.94\times, and 6.1×6.1\times faster, for query, insert, and delete operations, respectively. Using a variety of real-world graphs, we observe that Meerkat significantly improves the efficiency of the underlying dynamic graph algorithm. Meerkat performs 1.17×1.17\times for BFS, 1.32×1.32\times for SSSP, 1.74×1.74\times for PageRank, and 6.08×6.08\times for WCC, better than Hornet on average

    The structure of unicellular maps, and a connection between maps of positive genus and planar labelled trees

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    A unicellular map is a map which has only one face. We give a bijection between a dominant subset of rooted unicellular maps of fixed genus and a set of rooted plane trees with distinguished vertices. The bijection applies as well to the case of labelled unicellular maps, which are related to all rooted maps by Marcus and Schaeffer's bijection. This gives an immediate derivation of the asymptotic number of unicellular maps of given genus, and a simple bijective proof of a formula of Lehman and Walsh on the number of triangulations with one vertex. From the labelled case, we deduce an expression of the asymptotic number of maps of genus g with n edges involving the ISE random measure, and an explicit characterization of the limiting profile and radius of random bipartite quadrangulations of genus g in terms of the ISE.Comment: 27pages, 6 figures, to appear in PTRF. Version 2 includes corrections from referee report in sections 6-

    Counting Perfect Matchings and the Switch Chain

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    We examine the problem of exactly or approximately counting all perfect matchings in hereditary classes of nonbipartite graphs. In particular, we consider the switch Markov chain of Diaconis, Graham, and Holmes. We determine the largest hereditary class for which the chain is ergodic, and define a large new hereditary class of graphs for which it is rapidly mixing. We go on to show that the chain has exponential mixing time for a slightly larger class. We also examine the question of ergodicity of the switch chain in an arbitrary graph. Finally, we give exact counting algorithms for three classes

    Unavoidable Immersions and Intertwines of Graphs

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    The topological minor and the minor relations are well-studied binary relations on the class of graphs. A natural weakening of the topological minor relation is an immersion. An immersion of a graph H into a graph G is a map that injects the vertex set of H into the vertex set of G such that edges between vertices of H are represented by pairwise-edge-disjoint paths of G. In this dissertation, we present two results: the first giving a set of unavoidable immersions of large 3-edge-connected graphs and the second on immersion intertwines of infinite graphs. These results, along with the methods used to prove them, are analogues of results on the graph minor relation. A conjecture for the unavoidable immersions of large 3-edge-connected graphs is also stated with a partial proof

    A look at cycles containing specified elements of a graph

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    AbstractThis article is intended as a brief survey of problems and results dealing with cycles containing specified elements of a graph. It is hoped that this will help researchers in the area to identify problems and areas of concentration

    A counterexample to the weak density of smooth maps between manifolds in Sobolev spaces

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    The present paper presents a counterexample to the sequentially weak density of smooth maps between two manifolds MM and NN in the Sobolev space W1,p(M,N)W^{1, p} (M, N), in the case pp is an integer. It has been shown that, if p<dimMp<\dim M is not an integer and the [p][p]-th homotopy group π[p](N)\pi_{[p]}(N) of NN is not trivial, [p][p] denoting the largest integer less then pp, then smooth maps are not sequentially weakly dense in W1,p(M,N)W^{1, p} (M, N) for the strong convergence. On the other, in the case p<dimMp< \dim M is an integer, examples have been provided where smooth maps are actually sequentially weakly dense in W1,p(M,N)W^{1, p} (M, N) with πp(N)0\pi_{p}(N)\not = 0. This is the case for instance for M=BmM= \mathbb B^m, the standard ball in Rm\mathbb R^m, and N=SpN=\mathbb S^p the standard sphere of dimension pp, for which πp(N)=Z\pi_{p}(N) =\mathbb Z. The main result of this paper shows however that such a property does not holds for arbitrary manifolds NN and integers pp.Our counterexample deals with the case p=3p=3, dimM4\dim M\geq 4 and N=S2N=\mathbb S^2, for which the homotopy group π3(S2)=Z\pi_3(\mathbb S^2)=\mathbb Z is related to the Hopf fibration.Comment: 68 page