146,308 research outputs found

    Forced color classes, intersection graphs and the strong perfect graph conjecture

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    AbstractIn 1996, A. Sebő[11] raised the following two conjectures concerned with the famous Strong Perfect Graph Conjecture: (1) Suppose that a minimally imperfect graph G has a vertex p incident to 2ω(G)−2 determined edges and that its complement Ḡ has a vertex q incident to 2α(G)−2 determined edges. (An edge of G is called determined if an ω-clique of G contains both of its endpoints.) Then G is an odd hole or an odd antihole. (2) Let v0 be a vertex of a partitionable graph G. And suppose A,B to be ω-cliques of G so that v0∈A∩B. If every ω-clique K containing the vertex v0 is contained in A∪B, then G is an odd hole or an odd antihole. In this paper, we will prove (1) for a minimally imperfect graph G such that (p,q) is a determined edge of either G or Ḡ, and prove (2) for a minimally imperfect graph G such that Ḡ is C4-free and edges of Ḡ are all determined edges

    On self-complementation

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    We prove that, with very few exceptions, every graph of order n, n - 0, 1(mod 4) and size at most n - 1, is contained in a self-complementary graph of order n. We study a similar problem for digraphs

    Hamilton cycles in 5-connected line graphs

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    A conjecture of Carsten Thomassen states that every 4-connected line graph is hamiltonian. It is known that the conjecture is true for 7-connected line graphs. We improve this by showing that any 5-connected line graph of minimum degree at least 6 is hamiltonian. The result extends to claw-free graphs and to Hamilton-connectedness

    Groups whose character degree graph has diameter three

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    Let GG be a finite group, and let Δ(G)\Delta(G) denote the \emph{prime graph} built on the set of degrees of the irreducible complex characters of GG. It is well known that, whenever Δ(G)\Delta(G) is connected, the diameter of Δ(G)\Delta(G) is at most 33. In the present paper, we provide a description of the finite solvable groups for which the diameter of this graph attains the upper bound. This also enables us to confirm a couple of conjectures proposed by M.L. Lewis

    Closed Quasi-Fuchsian Surfaces In Hyperbolic Knot Complements

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    We show that every hyperbolic knot complement contains a closed quasi-Fuchsian surface.Comment: 69 pages, 27 figures. Made small changes suggested by refere
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