21 research outputs found

    Event-driven simulation scheme for spiking neural networks using lookup tables to characterize neuronal dynamics

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    Nearly all neuronal information processing and interneuronal communication in the brain involves action potentials, or spikes, which drive the short-term synaptic dynamics of neurons, but also their long-term dynamics, via synaptic plasticity. In many brain structures, action potential activity is considered to be sparse. This sparseness of activity has been exploited to reduce the computational cost of large-scale network simulations, through the development of event-driven simulation schemes. However, existing event-driven simulations schemes use extremely simplified neuronal models. Here, we implement and evaluate critically an event-driven algorithm (ED-LUT) that uses precalculated look-up tables to characterize synaptic and neuronal dynamics. This approach enables the use of more complex (and realistic) neuronal models or data in representing the neurons, while retaining the advantage of high-speed simulation. We demonstrate the method's application for neurons containing exponential synaptic conductances, thereby implementing shunting inhibition, a phenomenon that is critical to cellular computation. We also introduce an improved two-stage event-queue algorithm, which allows the simulations to scale efficiently to highly connected networks with arbitrary propagation delays. Finally, the scheme readily accommodates implementation of synaptic plasticity mechanisms that depend on spike timing, enabling future simulations to explore issues of long-term learning and adaptation in large-scale networks.This work has been supported by the EU projects SpikeFORCE (IST-2001-35271), SENSOPAC (IST-028056) and the Spanish National Grant (DPI-2004-07032

    A neuro-inspired system for online learning and recognition of parallel spike trains, based on spike latency and heterosynaptic STDP

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    Humans perform remarkably well in many cognitive tasks including pattern recognition. However, the neuronal mechanisms underlying this process are not well understood. Nevertheless, artificial neural networks, inspired in brain circuits, have been designed and used to tackle spatio-temporal pattern recognition tasks. In this paper we present a multineuronal spike pattern detection structure able to autonomously implement online learning and recognition of parallel spike sequences (i.e., sequences of pulses belonging to different neurons/neural ensembles). The operating principle of this structure is based on two spiking/synaptic neurocomputational characteristics: spike latency, that enables neurons to fire spikes with a certain delay and heterosynaptic plasticity, that allows the own regulation of synaptic weights. From the perspective of the information representation, the structure allows mapping a spatio-temporal stimulus into a multidimensional, temporal, feature space. In this space, the parameter coordinate and the time at which a neuron fires represent one specific feature. In this sense, each feature can be considered to span a single temporal axis. We applied our proposed scheme to experimental data obtained from a motor inhibitory cognitive task. The test exhibits good classification performance, indicating the adequateness of our approach. In addition to its effectiveness, its simplicity and low computational cost suggest a large scale implementation for real time recognition applications in several areas, such as brain computer interface, personal biometrics authentication or early detection of diseases.Comment: Submitted to Frontiers in Neuroscienc

    Spiking Neural Network With Distributed Plasticity Reproduces Cerebellar Learning in Eye Blink Conditioning Paradigms

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    In this study, we defined a realistic cerebellar model through the use of artificial spiking neural networks, testing it in computational simulations that reproduce associative motor tasks in multiple sessions of acquisition and extinction. Methods: By evolutionary algorithms, we tuned the cerebellar microcircuit to find out the near-optimal plasticity mechanism parameters that better reproduced human-like behavior in eye blink classical conditioning, one of the most extensively studied paradigms related to the cerebellum. We used two models: one with only the cortical plasticity and another including two additional plasticity sites at nuclear level. Results: First, both spiking cerebellar models were able to well reproduce the real human behaviors, in terms of both "timing" and "amplitude", expressing rapid acquisition, stable late acquisition, rapid extinction, and faster reacquisition of an associative motor task. Even though the model with only the cortical plasticity site showed good learning capabilities, the model with distributed plasticity produced faster and more stable acquisition of conditioned responses in the reacquisition phase. This behavior is explained by the effect of the nuclear plasticities, which have slow dynamics and can express memory consolidation and saving. Conclusions: We showed how the spiking dynamics of multiple interactive neural mechanisms implicitly drive multiple essential components of complex learning processes. Significance: This study presents a very advanced computational model, developed together by biomedical engineers, computer scientists, and neuroscientists. Since its realistic features, the proposed model can provide confirmations and suggestions about neurophysiological and pathological hypotheses and can be used in challenging clinical application

    GeNN: a code generation framework for accelerated brain simulations

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    Large-scale numerical simulations of detailed brain circuit models are important for identifying hypotheses on brain functions and testing their consistency and plausibility. An ongoing challenge for simulating realistic models is, however, computational speed. In this paper, we present the GeNN (GPU-enhanced Neuronal Networks) framework, which aims to facilitate the use of graphics accelerators for computational models of large-scale neuronal networks to address this challenge. GeNN is an open source library that generates code to accelerate the execution of network simulations on NVIDIA GPUs, through a flexible and extensible interface, which does not require in-depth technical knowledge from the users. We present performance benchmarks showing that 200-fold speedup compared to a single core of a CPU can be achieved for a network of one million conductance based Hodgkin-Huxley neurons but that for other models the speedup can differ. GeNN is available for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows platforms. The source code, user manual, tutorials, Wiki, in-depth example projects and all other related information can be found on the project website http://genn-team.github.io/genn/