51,836 research outputs found

    A UTP semantics for communicating processes with shared variables and its formal encoding in PVS

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    CSP# (communicating sequential programs) is a modelling language designed for specifying concurrent systems by integrating CSP-like compositional operators with sequential programs updating shared variables. In this work, we define an observation-oriented denotational semantics in an open environment for the CSP# language based on the UTP framework. To deal with shared variables, we lift traditional event-based traces into mixed traces which consist of state-event pairs for recording process behaviours. To capture all possible concurrency behaviours between action/channel-based communications and global shared variables, we construct a comprehensive set of rules on merging traces from processes which run in parallel/interleaving. We also define refinement to check process equivalence and present a set of algebraic laws which are established based on our denotational semantics. We further encode our proposed denotational semantics into the PVS theorem prover. The encoding not only ensures the semantic consistency, but also builds up a theoretic foundation for machine-assisted verification of CSP# specifications.Full Tex

    Concurrent Design of Embedded Control Software

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    Embedded software design for mechatronic systems is becoming an increasingly time-consuming and error-prone task. In order to cope with the heterogeneity and complexity, a systematic model-driven design approach is needed, where several parts of the system can be designed concurrently. There is however a trade-off between concurrency efficiency and integration efficiency. In this paper, we present a case study on the development of the embedded control software for a real-world mechatronic system in order to evaluate how we can integrate concurrent and largely independent designed embedded system software parts in an efficient way. The case study was executed using our embedded control system design methodology which employs a concurrent systematic model-based design approach that ensures a concurrent design process, while it still allows a fast integration phase by using automatic code synthesis. The result was a predictable concurrently designed embedded software realization with a short integration time

    Formal Modelling, Testing and Verification of HSA Memory Models using Event-B

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    The HSA Foundation has produced the HSA Platform System Architecture Specification that goes a long way towards addressing the need for a clear and consistent method for specifying weakly consistent memory. HSA is specified in a natural language which makes it open to multiple ambiguous interpretations and could render bugs in implementations of it in hardware and software. In this paper we present a formal model of HSA which can be used in the development and verification of both concurrent software applications as well as in the development and verification of the HSA-compliant platform itself. We use the Event-B language to build a provably correct hierarchy of models from the most abstract to a detailed refinement of HSA close to implementation level. Our memory models are general in that they represent an arbitrary number of masters, programs and instruction interleavings. We reason about such general models using refinements. Using Rodin tool we are able to model and verify an entire hierarchy of models using proofs to establish that each refinement is correct. We define an automated validation method that allows us to test baseline compliance of the model against a suite of published HSA litmus tests. Once we complete model validation we develop a coverage driven method to extract a richer set of tests from the Event-B model and a user specified coverage model. These tests are used for extensive regression testing of hardware and software systems. Our method of refinement based formal modelling, baseline compliance testing of the model and coverage driven test extraction using the single language of Event-B is a new way to address a key challenge facing the design and verification of multi-core systems.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Probabilistic Rely-guarantee Calculus

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    Jones' rely-guarantee calculus for shared variable concurrency is extended to include probabilistic behaviours. We use an algebraic approach which combines and adapts probabilistic Kleene algebras with concurrent Kleene algebra. Soundness of the algebra is shown relative to a general probabilistic event structure semantics. The main contribution of this paper is a collection of rely-guarantee rules built on top of that semantics. In particular, we show how to obtain bounds on probabilities by deriving rely-guarantee rules within the true-concurrent denotational semantics. The use of these rules is illustrated by a detailed verification of a simple probabilistic concurrent program: a faulty Eratosthenes sieve.Comment: Preprint submitted to TCS-QAP

    On partial order semantics for SAT/SMT-based symbolic encodings of weak memory concurrency

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    Concurrent systems are notoriously difficult to analyze, and technological advances such as weak memory architectures greatly compound this problem. This has renewed interest in partial order semantics as a theoretical foundation for formal verification techniques. Among these, symbolic techniques have been shown to be particularly effective at finding concurrency-related bugs because they can leverage highly optimized decision procedures such as SAT/SMT solvers. This paper gives new fundamental results on partial order semantics for SAT/SMT-based symbolic encodings of weak memory concurrency. In particular, we give the theoretical basis for a decision procedure that can handle a fragment of concurrent programs endowed with least fixed point operators. In addition, we show that a certain partial order semantics of relaxed sequential consistency is equivalent to the conjunction of three extensively studied weak memory axioms by Alglave et al. An important consequence of this equivalence is an asymptotically smaller symbolic encoding for bounded model checking which has only a quadratic number of partial order constraints compared to the state-of-the-art cubic-size encoding.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Deriving real-time action systems with multiple time bands using algebraic reasoning

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    The verify-while-develop paradigm allows one to incrementally develop programs from their specifications using a series of calculations against the remaining proof obligations. This paper presents a derivation method for real-time systems with realistic constraints on their behaviour. We develop a high-level interval-based logic that provides flexibility in an implementation, yet allows algebraic reasoning over multiple granularities and sampling multiple sensors with delay. The semantics of an action system is given in terms of interval predicates and algebraic operators to unify the logics for an action system and its properties, which in turn simplifies the calculations and derivations
