123,902 research outputs found

    Sentiment Recognition in Egocentric Photostreams

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    Lifelogging is a process of collecting rich source of information about daily life of people. In this paper, we introduce the problem of sentiment analysis in egocentric events focusing on the moments that compose the images recalling positive, neutral or negative feelings to the observer. We propose a method for the classification of the sentiments in egocentric pictures based on global and semantic image features extracted by Convolutional Neural Networks. We carried out experiments on an egocentric dataset, which we organized in 3 classes on the basis of the sentiment that is recalled to the user (positive, negative or neutral)

    Event based text mining for integrated network construction

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    The scientific literature is a rich and challenging data source for research in systems biology, providing numerous interactions between biological entities. Text mining techniques have been increasingly useful to extract such information from the literature in an automatic way, but up to now the main focus of text mining in the systems biology field has been restricted mostly to the discovery of protein-protein interactions. Here, we take this approach one step further, and use machine learning techniques combined with text mining to extract a much wider variety of interactions between biological entities. Each particular interaction type gives rise to a separate network, represented as a graph, all of which can be subsequently combined to yield a so-called integrated network representation. This provides a much broader view on the biological system as a whole, which can then be used in further investigations to analyse specific properties of the networ

    Detecting complex events in user-generated video using concept classifiers

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    Automatic detection of complex events in user-generated videos (UGV) is a challenging task due to its new characteristics differing from broadcast video. In this work, we firstly summarize the new characteristics of UGV, and then explore how to utilize concept classifiers to recognize complex events in UGV content. The method starts from manually selecting a variety of relevant concepts, followed byconstructing classifiers for these concepts. Finally, complex event detectors are learned by using the concatenated probabilistic scores of these concept classifiers as features. Further, we also compare three different fusion operations of probabilistic scores, namely Maximum, Average and Minimum fusion. Experimental results suggest that our method provides promising results. It also shows that Maximum fusion tends to give better performance for most complex events

    STV-based Video Feature Processing for Action Recognition

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    In comparison to still image-based processes, video features can provide rich and intuitive information about dynamic events occurred over a period of time, such as human actions, crowd behaviours, and other subject pattern changes. Although substantial progresses have been made in the last decade on image processing and seen its successful applications in face matching and object recognition, video-based event detection still remains one of the most difficult challenges in computer vision research due to its complex continuous or discrete input signals, arbitrary dynamic feature definitions, and the often ambiguous analytical methods. In this paper, a Spatio-Temporal Volume (STV) and region intersection (RI) based 3D shape-matching method has been proposed to facilitate the definition and recognition of human actions recorded in videos. The distinctive characteristics and the performance gain of the devised approach stemmed from a coefficient factor-boosted 3D region intersection and matching mechanism developed in this research. This paper also reported the investigation into techniques for efficient STV data filtering to reduce the amount of voxels (volumetric-pixels) that need to be processed in each operational cycle in the implemented system. The encouraging features and improvements on the operational performance registered in the experiments have been discussed at the end