62,551 research outputs found

    On Correcting Inputs: Inverse Optimization for Online Structured Prediction

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    Algorithm designers typically assume that the input data is correct, and then proceed to find "optimal" or "sub-optimal" solutions using this input data. However this assumption of correct data does not always hold in practice, especially in the context of online learning systems where the objective is to learn appropriate feature weights given some training samples. Such scenarios necessitate the study of inverse optimization problems where one is given an input instance as well as a desired output and the task is to adjust the input data so that the given output is indeed optimal. Motivated by learning structured prediction models, in this paper we consider inverse optimization with a margin, i.e., we require the given output to be better than all other feasible outputs by a desired margin. We consider such inverse optimization problems for maximum weight matroid basis, matroid intersection, perfect matchings, minimum cost maximum flows, and shortest paths and derive the first known results for such problems with a non-zero margin. The effectiveness of these algorithmic approaches to online learning for structured prediction is also discussed.Comment: Conference version to appear in FSTTCS, 201

    Symmetry Matters for Sizes of Extended Formulations

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    In 1991, Yannakakis (J. Comput. System Sci., 1991) proved that no symmetric extended formulation for the matching polytope of the complete graph K_n with n nodes has a number of variables and constraints that is bounded subexponentially in n. Here, symmetric means that the formulation remains invariant under all permutations of the nodes of K_n. It was also conjectured in the paper mentioned above that "asymmetry does not help much," but no corresponding result for general extended formulations has been found so far. In this paper we show that for the polytopes associated with the matchings in K_n with log(n) (rounded down) edges there are non-symmetric extended formulations of polynomial size, while nevertheless no symmetric extended formulations of polynomial size exist. We furthermore prove similar statements for the polytopes associated with cycles of length log(n) (rounded down). Thus, with respect to the question for smallest possible extended formulations, in general symmetry requirements may matter a lot. Compared to the extended abtract that has appeared in the Proceedings of IPCO XIV at Lausanne, this paper does not only contain proofs that had been ommitted there, but it also presents slightly generalized and sharpened lower bounds.Comment: 24 pages; incorporated referees' comments; to appear in: SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematic

    New Inapproximability Bounds for TSP

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    In this paper, we study the approximability of the metric Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and prove new explicit inapproximability bounds for that problem. The best up to now known hardness of approximation bounds were 185/184 for the symmetric case (due to Lampis) and 117/116 for the asymmetric case (due to Papadimitriou and Vempala). We construct here two new bounded occurrence CSP reductions which improve these bounds to 123/122 and 75/74, respectively. The latter bound is the first improvement in more than a decade for the case of the asymmetric TSP. One of our main tools, which may be of independent interest, is a new construction of a bounded degree wheel amplifier used in the proof of our results

    Approximating Holant problems by winding

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    We give an FPRAS for Holant problems with parity constraints and not-all-equal constraints, a generalisation of the problem of counting sink-free-orientations. The approach combines a sampler for near-assignments of "windable" functions -- using the cycle-unwinding canonical paths technique of Jerrum and Sinclair -- with a bound on the weight of near-assignments. The proof generalises to a larger class of Holant problems; we characterise this class and show that it cannot be extended by expressibility reductions. We then ask whether windability is equivalent to expressibility by matchings circuits (an analogue of matchgates), and give a positive answer for functions of arity three

    Uncapacitated Flow-based Extended Formulations

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    An extended formulation of a polytope is a linear description of this polytope using extra variables besides the variables in which the polytope is defined. The interest of extended formulations is due to the fact that many interesting polytopes have extended formulations with a lot fewer inequalities than any linear description in the original space. This motivates the development of methods for, on the one hand, constructing extended formulations and, on the other hand, proving lower bounds on the sizes of extended formulations. Network flows are a central paradigm in discrete optimization, and are widely used to design extended formulations. We prove exponential lower bounds on the sizes of uncapacitated flow-based extended formulations of several polytopes, such as the (bipartite and non-bipartite) perfect matching polytope and TSP polytope. We also give new examples of flow-based extended formulations, e.g., for 0/1-polytopes defined from regular languages. Finally, we state a few open problems

    Stable marriage and roommates problems with restricted edges: complexity and approximability

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    In the Stable Marriage and Roommates problems, a set of agents is given, each of them having a strictly ordered preference list over some or all of the other agents. A matching is a set of disjoint pairs of mutually acceptable agents. If any two agents mutually prefer each other to their partner, then they block the matching, otherwise, the matching is said to be stable. We investigate the complexity of finding a solution satisfying additional constraints on restricted pairs of agents. Restricted pairs can be either forced or forbidden. A stable solution must contain all of the forced pairs, while it must contain none of the forbidden pairs. Dias et al. (2003) gave a polynomial-time algorithm to decide whether such a solution exists in the presence of restricted edges. If the answer is no, one might look for a solution close to optimal. Since optimality in this context means that the matching is stable and satisfies all constraints on restricted pairs, there are two ways of relaxing the constraints by permitting a solution to: (1) be blocked by as few as possible pairs, or (2) violate as few as possible constraints n restricted pairs. Our main theorems prove that for the (bipartite) Stable Marriage problem, case (1) leads to View the MathML source-hardness and inapproximability results, whilst case (2) can be solved in polynomial time. For non-bipartite Stable Roommates instances, case (2) yields an View the MathML source-hard but (under some cardinality assumptions) 2-approximable problem. In the case of View the MathML source-hard problems, we also discuss polynomially solvable special cases, arising from restrictions on the lengths of the preference lists, or upper bounds on the numbers of restricted pairs