13 research outputs found

    Opettajan ympäristökasvatuksen kokemus – Tapaustutkimus Vihreä lippu

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    Scientists suggest that increasing outdoor nature education for children is an effective step to take in transition to sustainability. In schools this can be promoted by participating in an environmental education programme. There a teacher plays a central role as being not only the one facilitating learning for the pupils, but also often participating in managing the programme in the work community. Therefore, a teacher’s user experience contributes to valuable knowledge for the service-provider in building a user-centered service. The practical context of the research is a study in the case organisation of Foundation for Environmental Education in Finland (FEE Suomi) and specifically their Vihreä lippu programme. Generally, environmental education, teacherhood and design are much researched topics in their own fields but no previous research is made in the intersection of them. Additionally, there is previous research done on developing the programme but they lack concrete suggestions for aligning the service with the research results. This study researches that gap from the design perspective with the focus on the overall experience of a teacher as a member of the community. The aim of this master’s thesis is to study how teachers in comprehensive schools experience an eco-school programme by identifying and communicating users’ needs, experiences and values in the context of Vihreä lippu. These findings are gathered to support the improvement of the existing service towards a better user experience. Qualitative research data was collected through service design methods, namely workshops and semi-structured interviews. Altogether 11 comprehensive school teachers around Finland were interviewed. In order to build a versatile image of the teacher’s experiences, people of different ages and differences in experience of both teaching and in Vihreä lippu programme were chosen. Data was analysed using qualitative content analysis. The findings reveal that although teachers are generally motivated to participate in the programme, they need support for it throughout the process. This research suggests that different factors on personal, school and programme level influence how the service is experienced by teachers. Negative factors for self are laboriousness, feeling of inadequacy and being active alone. Positive factors on a personal level are experience of meaningfulness, added value and being in nature. Added value of the programme is the meaning it generates both on personal and school level. The findings indicate that teachers’ stress factors in the programme are lack of time, amount of work, arduousness of the programme and pressure set by the community. To cope with the stress factors teacher’s explicitly express the need for support in different forms. Research results formulate a general overview of the teacher’s current user experience in Vihreä lippu programme. Based on the data, two sets of design proposals are introduced for service development. First, ideas directly from the teachers explicitly expressed in the interviews are combined. Second, design proposals by the author are created based on the interpretation of the overall results. In short, the suggestions are (1) to support teacher’s flow, (2) to create a sense of community and (3) to aim for systemic level change. This thesis creates a better understanding of how comprehensive school teachers experience an eco-school programme in their existing educational system. Design proposals suggest how teachers can be supported in creating meaning through environmental education work, if the Vihreä lippu programme is developed to be a more user-friendly service in the future.Tieteentekijät suosittelevat lisäämään lasten ulkona tapahtuvaa kasvatustyötä yhtenä tehokkaana keinona kestävän kehityksen edistämiseksi. Koulussa tähän voidaan pyrkiä osallistumalla ympäristökasvatuksen ohjelmaan. Siinä opettajalla on keskeinen rooli oppimisen fasilitoinnissa oppilaille, mutta myös ohjelman läpiviennissä omassa työyhteisössään. Siksi tieto opettajan käyttäjäkokemuksesta on palveluntarjoajalle merkittävä tekijä käyttäjälähtöisen palvelun rakentamisessa. Tämän tutkimuksen käytännön konteksti on ympäristökasvatusjärjestö FEE Suomi ja heidän kestävän kehityksen ohjelma Vihreä lippu. Yleisesti ottaen ympäristökasvatus, opettajuus ja muotoilu ovat tutkittuja aiheita, mutta tutkimusta niiden leikkauspisteessä ei ole aiemmin tehty. Vihreän lipun kehittämistä on tutkittu aiemmin, mutta niistä puuttuu konkreettiset ehdotukset palvelun muuttamiseen tulosten mukaisesti. Tämä opinnäytetyö paneutuu tutkimusaukon tarkasteluun muotoilun näkökulmasta ja keskittyy opettajan käyttäjäkokemukseen kokonaisuutena ja osana omaa yhteisöään. Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoite on tutkia miten peruskoulun opettajat kokevat ympäristökasvatuksen ohjelman tunnistamalla heidän tarpeita, kokemuksia ja arvoja Vihreän lipun kontekstissa. Tulokset on koottu edistämään nykyisen palvelun käyttäjälähtöisyyttä. Tutkimuksen laadullinen aineisto on kerätty palvelumuotoilun menetelmin, tarkemmin työpajoin ja semi-strukturoiduilla haastatteluilla. Kaikkiaan 11 peruskoulun opettajaa ympäri Suomen on haastateltu tutkimukseen. Opettajat ovat eri ikäisiä ja heidän kokemuksensa sekä opetuksessa että Vihreä lippu -ohjelmassa vaihtelevat, jotta kuva opettajan kokemuksesta olisi monipuolinen. Aineisto on analysoitu käyttäen laadullista sisällönanalyysia. Löydökset tuovat ilmi, että vaikka opettajat ovat yleisesti motivoituneita osallistumaan ohjelmaan, he tarvitsevat tukea koko prosessin ajan. Tutkimus osoittaa, että eri tekijät henkilökohtaisella, koulun ja ohjelman tasolla vaikuttavat siihen miten palvelu koetaan. Kielteisiä tekijöitä henkilökohtaisella tasolla ovat ohjelman työläys, riittämättömyyden tunne ja yksin toimiminen. Myönteisiä tekijöitä henkilökohtaisella tasolla ovat merkityksellisyyden kokeminen, lisäarvo ja luonnossa oleminen. Ohjelman lisäarvo on sen tuottama merkitys sekä henkilökohtaisella että koulun tasolla. Löydökset osoittavat, että opettajia kuormittavat tekijät ovat ajanpuute, työn määrä, ohjelman vaativuus ja yhteisön luoma paine. Selvitäkseen kuormittavien tekijöiden kanssa opettajat täsmällisesti ilmaisevat tarpeensa tuelle eri muodoissa. Tutkimustulokset muodostavat yleisen katsauksen opettajan tämänhetkiseen kokemukseen Vihreä lippu -ohjelmassa Aineistoon pohjautuen tutkimus tarjoaa kaksi erilaista muotoiluehdotusten kokoelmaa ratkaisuksi palvelun kehittämiseen. Ensimmäiseksi on koottu opettajien haastatteluissa täsmällisesti ehdottamia ideoita. Toiseksi tekijä ehdottaa muotoiluratkaisuja tulkintana tutkimuksen kaikista tuloksista. Lyhyesti ehdotukset ovat (1) opettajan flown kokemuksen tukeminen, (2) yhteisön kokemisen luominen ja (3) pyrkimys systeemiseen muutokseen. Tämä opinnäytetyö kasvattaa ymmärrystä peruskoulun opettajan kokemuksesta kestävän kehityksen ohjelmassa nykyisessä opetusjärjestelmässä. Muotoiluehdotukset esittävät ratkaisuja miten opettajia voidaan tukea luomaan merkitystä ympäristökasvatuksella, mikäli Vihreä lippu -ohjelmaa kehitetään tulevaisuudessa käyttäjälähtöisemmäksi palveluksi

    Supporting working time interruption management through persuasive design

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Knowledge workers often suffer productivity loss because of unsuccessful interruption handling, which can lead to even more detrimental behaviors like "cyber-slacking" and procrastination. Many of the interruption management techniques proposed in the research literature focus on minimizing interruption occurrences. However, given the inevitability of internal and external interruptions in everyday life, it may be more practical to help people regulate how they respond to interruptions using persuasive technologies. The aim of this dissertation is to explore and evaluate the design of persuasive computer agents that encourage information workers to resume interrupted work. Based on a systematic review of interruptions in the workplace, theories of self-regulation, and theories guiding the design of persuasive technologies, this dissertation describes the creation of a prototype research platform, WiredIn. WiredIn enables researchers to explore a variety of interruption resumption support strategies on desktop computers. Two empirical studies that investigate the efficacy, attributes, and consequences of applying the paradigms embodied in WiredIn in controlled and real-life working environments are presented here. Both studies validate the effect of persuasive interventions on improving interruption management behaviors; the second study also provides design suggestions that can inform future work in supporting interruption management and multitasking

    Legal Issues in the Regulation of On-Premise Signs

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    Across disciplinary boundaries towards a sustainable life: psychodynamic reflection on human behaviour ; dedicated with eternal gratitude and in high esteem to Prof. Dr. Rainer Fuchs

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    Contents: Introduction: Inga Krättli: Long-term Responsibility for a Sustainable Life: Introductory Panel Session and Roundtable Discussion (15-22); Part 1: On Organisations and Philosophies of Development: Isolde M. Schönstein: Die Verantwortung der Kirchen für nachhaltige Entwicklung (25-33); Emil Brix: Zivilgesellschaft als Chance für die Demokratie (35-42); Michal Sicinski: Ecology and Sustainable Development within a General Social Theory: Old and New Approaches (43-52); Part 2: On Higher Education and Cases of Institution Building: Norbert Derner: Mutual Relationships of Personal Interests and the Evolution of Complex Social Systems (55-59); R. Garleja, I. Kerpe: Innovative Changes in the Social Demand for Lifelong Education (61-66); Richard J. Bartak: Bioakademie - Bildungsprojekt zum ökologischen Landbau in der Tschechischen Republik (67-74); Vijaya Sherry Chand, Elmar A. Stuhler and Sasi Misra: The Fachhochschule System of Higher Education: University of Applied Sciences, Landshut and University of Applied Sciences, Freising-Weihenstephan (75-86); Part 3: Interdisciplinary Studies on National Parks, Ecotourism and Investment: Jan W. Dobrowolski: An Interdisciplinary Study of, and Education for, the Sustainable Development of National Park Regions in Poland and a New Concept of Sound Tourism Management applied to the Cinque Terre National Park in Italy (89-100); Aleksandra Wagner, Jan W. Dobrowolski, Maria Zielinska: Ecotourism as a Factor of Sustainable Development of Specially Protected Regions (101-108); Philippos Nicolopoulos: The Large Scale Investments in Alternative Tourism and Sustainable Development: The Case of Crete and Arcadia (109-121); Part 4: Living Space Resources, Evaluation of Raw Materials, Agricultural and Food Policy: Drago Muvrin: Sustainable Development through Research and Learning. Sustainable Development and Habitation. An Approach to the Use of Living Space Resources (125-136); Ingeborg Bauer: Basic Principles of the Bavarian Agricultural Policy and its Contribution to Sustainable Development (137-142); Aija Melngaile: Global Aspects of Food Chain Development (143-149); Richard J. Bartak: Evaluating the Use of Raw Materials for Food Production from Economic, Ecological, Ethical and Social Points of View (151-162); Part 5: International Agricultural Research for Development: Sabine Homann, Andre van Rooyen, Thinah Moyo and Zivayi Nengomasha: Strengthening Livestock Market Flows and Feeding Practices for Improved Livelihoods in Southern Zimbabwe (165-173); Sabine Homann, Barbara Rischkowsky, Jörg Steinbach, Michael Kirk: Towards Endogenous Development: Borana Pastoralists' Response to Environmental and Institutional Changes (175-182); Sabine Homann, Barbara Rischkowsky, Jörg Steinbach: Herd Mobility Leads the Way for Sustainable Pastoral Development: The Case of Borana Rangelands, Southern Ethiopia (183-194); Part 6: Aspects of Eco-Design and Development, Innovation as well as Renewable Energy Sources: Marion Hersh: Ecodesign for All: Principles and Practice (197-216); Jozica Knez-Riedl: Developing a Sustainable/Holistic Firm (217-225); Majda Bastic: Analysis of Slovenian New Products from Environmental Viewpoint (227-234); Jan Fiedler: The Economics of Renewable Energy Sources in the Czech Republic (235-240); Part 7: Technological Issues and Opportunities: Zinaida Klestova, Alexander Makarenko, Eugene Samorodov: Geoinformational Systems in society Transformation. System Analysis and Transregional Infrastructure (243-250); T. Abadjieva: Effect of Solar Radiation on Materials and Design of Buildings in Botswana (251-258); Vera Vokolkova: Road Transport and its Contribution to Global Warming with Special Regards to Developing Countries (259-269); Dana Wenscheova: Transportation and Environment in the City of Brno (271-275); Antonin Kremr: The Modrice Project - Reconstruction and Intensification of the City Waste Water Treatment Plant in Brno (277-280); Part 8: Latvian Processes and Methodologies: I. Skards, J. Raipulis, I. Karlsone, V. Strazdina: Why Have Suicide Rates in Baltic States Increased after Restoration of Independence after 1990 (283-296); Ilmars Skards, Jekabs Raipulis, Ilga Karlsone: Demographic Situation in Latvia and the Conditions which Limit it (297-310); A. Goldsteins: State Forest Certification Activities in Latvia (311-315); Part 9: Our New Enemy: Timi Ecimovic: The Climate Change System (319-334); Melanie Thun: "Shishmaref Must Yield" (335-336); Werner Zeppenfeld: Tuvalu: An Island Nation Cables SOS (337); Part 10: Possible Follow up Studies: Rainer Fuchs, Shalini Misra: Need and Possibility for Analysing Human Motivation Potential - Related to Sustainability (341-363); Rainer Fuchs: Goal-oriented Action: The Interaction of Process Components in Terms of Cybernetic Theory (365-380); Elmar A. Stuhler: The Usefulness of Action Psychology for Multipurpose Agribusiness (381-393); Elmar A. Stuhler: Retrospect and Prospect (395-400)

    Attention Restraint, Working Memory Capacity, and Mind Wandering: Do Emotional Valence or Intentionality Matter?

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    Attention restraint appears to mediate the relationship between working memory capacity (WMC) and mind wandering (Kane et al., 2016). Prior work has identifed two dimensions of mind wandering—emotional valence and intentionality. However, less is known about how WMC and attention restraint correlate with these dimensions. Te current study examined the relationship between WMC, attention restraint, and mind wandering by emotional valence and intentionality. A confrmatory factor analysis demonstrated that WMC and attention restraint were strongly correlated, but only attention restraint was related to overall mind wandering, consistent with prior fndings. However, when examining the emotional valence of mind wandering, attention restraint and WMC were related to negatively and positively valenced, but not neutral, mind wandering. Attention restraint was also related to intentional but not unintentional mind wandering. Tese results suggest that WMC and attention restraint predict some, but not all, types of mind wandering

    Transport (Chapter 10)

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    Meeting climate mitigation goals would require transformative changes in the transport sector (high confidence). In 2019, direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the transport sector were 8.7 GtCO2-eq (up from 5.0 GtCO2-eq in 1990) and accounted for 23% of global energy-related CO2 emissions. 70% of direct transport emissions came from road vehicles, while 1%, 11%, and 12% came from rail, shipping, and aviation, respectively. Emissions from shipping and aviation continue to grow rapidly. Transport related emissions in developing regions of the world have increased more rapidly than in Europe or North America, a trend that is likely to continue in coming decades (high confidence)