429 research outputs found

    Innovative Algorithms and Evaluation Methods for Biological Motif Finding

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    Biological motifs are defined as overly recurring sub-patterns in biological systems. Sequence motifs and network motifs are the examples of biological motifs. Due to the wide range of applications, many algorithms and computational tools have been developed for efficient search for biological motifs. Therefore, there are more computationally derived motifs than experimentally validated motifs, and how to validate the biological significance of the ‘candidate motifs’ becomes an important question. Some of sequence motifs are verified by their structural similarities or their functional roles in DNA or protein sequences, and stored in databases. However, biological role of network motifs is still invalidated and currently no databases exist for this purpose. In this thesis, we focus not only on the computational efficiency but also on the biological meanings of the motifs. We provide an efficient way to incorporate biological information with clustering analysis methods: For example, a sparse nonnegative matrix factorization (SNMF) method is used with Chou-Fasman parameters for the protein motif finding. Biological network motifs are searched by various clustering algorithms with Gene ontology (GO) information. Experimental results show that the algorithms perform better than existing algorithms by producing a larger number of high-quality of biological motifs. In addition, we apply biological network motifs for the discovery of essential proteins. Essential proteins are defined as a minimum set of proteins which are vital for development to a fertile adult and in a cellular life in an organism. We design a new centrality algorithm with biological network motifs, named MCGO, and score proteins in a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network to find essential proteins. MCGO is also combined with other centrality measures to predict essential proteins using machine learning techniques. We have three contributions to the study of biological motifs through this thesis; 1) Clustering analysis is efficiently used in this work and biological information is easily integrated with the analysis; 2) We focus more on the biological meanings of motifs by adding biological knowledge in the algorithms and by suggesting biologically related evaluation methods. 3) Biological network motifs are successfully applied to a practical application of prediction of essential proteins

    Detecting outlier patterns with query-based artificially generated searching conditions

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    In the age of social computing, finding interesting network patterns or motifs is significant and critical for various areas, such as decision intelligence, intrusion detection, medical diagnosis, social network analysis, fake news identification, and national security. However, subgraph matching remains a computationally challenging problem, let alone identifying special motifs among them. This is especially the case in large heterogeneous real-world networks. In this article, we propose an efficient solution for discovering and ranking human behavior patterns based on network motifs by exploring a user's query in an intelligent way. Our method takes advantage of the semantics provided by a user's query, which in turn provides the mathematical constraint that is crucial for faster detection. We propose an approach to generate query conditions based on the user's query. In particular, we use meta paths between the nodes to define target patterns as well as their similarities, leading to efficient motif discovery and ranking at the same time. The proposed method is examined in a real-world academic network using different similarity measures between the nodes. The experiment result demonstrates that our method can identify interesting motifs and is robust to the choice of similarity measures. © 2014 IEEE

    Identification of functionally related enzymes by learning-to-rank methods

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    Enzyme sequences and structures are routinely used in the biological sciences as queries to search for functionally related enzymes in online databases. To this end, one usually departs from some notion of similarity, comparing two enzymes by looking for correspondences in their sequences, structures or surfaces. For a given query, the search operation results in a ranking of the enzymes in the database, from very similar to dissimilar enzymes, while information about the biological function of annotated database enzymes is ignored. In this work we show that rankings of that kind can be substantially improved by applying kernel-based learning algorithms. This approach enables the detection of statistical dependencies between similarities of the active cleft and the biological function of annotated enzymes. This is in contrast to search-based approaches, which do not take annotated training data into account. Similarity measures based on the active cleft are known to outperform sequence-based or structure-based measures under certain conditions. We consider the Enzyme Commission (EC) classification hierarchy for obtaining annotated enzymes during the training phase. The results of a set of sizeable experiments indicate a consistent and significant improvement for a set of similarity measures that exploit information about small cavities in the surface of enzymes

    Scaling Up Network Analysis and Mining: Statistical Sampling, Estimation, and Pattern Discovery

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    Network analysis and graph mining play a prominent role in providing insights and studying phenomena across various domains, including social, behavioral, biological, transportation, communication, and financial domains. Across all these domains, networks arise as a natural and rich representation for data. Studying these real-world networks is crucial for solving numerous problems that lead to high-impact applications. For example, identifying the behavior and interests of users in online social networks (e.g., viral marketing), monitoring and detecting virus outbreaks in human contact networks, predicting protein functions in biological networks, and detecting anomalous behavior in computer networks. A key characteristic of these networks is that their complex structure is massive and continuously evolving over time, which makes it challenging and computationally intensive to analyze, query, and model these networks in their entirety. In this dissertation, we propose sampling as well as fast, efficient, and scalable methods for network analysis and mining in both static and streaming graphs

    Big networks : a survey

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    A network is a typical expressive form of representing complex systems in terms of vertices and links, in which the pattern of interactions amongst components of the network is intricate. The network can be static that does not change over time or dynamic that evolves through time. The complication of network analysis is different under the new circumstance of network size explosive increasing. In this paper, we introduce a new network science concept called a big network. A big networks is generally in large-scale with a complicated and higher-order inner structure. This paper proposes a guideline framework that gives an insight into the major topics in the area of network science from the viewpoint of a big network. We first introduce the structural characteristics of big networks from three levels, which are micro-level, meso-level, and macro-level. We then discuss some state-of-the-art advanced topics of big network analysis. Big network models and related approaches, including ranking methods, partition approaches, as well as network embedding algorithms are systematically introduced. Some typical applications in big networks are then reviewed, such as community detection, link prediction, recommendation, etc. Moreover, we also pinpoint some critical open issues that need to be investigated further. © 2020 Elsevier Inc

    GRAPES-DD: exploiting decision diagrams for index-driven search in biological graph databases

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    BACKGROUND: Graphs are mathematical structures widely used for expressing relationships among elements when representing biomedical and biological information. On top of these representations, several analyses are performed. A common task is the search of one substructure within one graph, called target. The problem is referred to as one-to-one subgraph search, and it is known to be NP-complete. Heuristics and indexing techniques can be applied to facilitate the search. Indexing techniques are also exploited in the context of searching in a collection of target graphs, referred to as one-to-many subgraph problem. Filter-and-verification methods that use indexing approaches provide a fast pruning of target graphs or parts of them that do not contain the query. The expensive verification phase is then performed only on the subset of promising targets. Indexing strategies extract graph features at a sufficient granularity level for performing a powerful filtering step. Features are memorized in data structures allowing an efficient access. Indexing size, querying time and filtering power are key points for the development of efficient subgraph searching solutions.RESULTS: An existing approach, GRAPES, has been shown to have good performance in terms of speed-up for both one-to-one and one-to-many cases. However, it suffers in the size of the built index. For this reason, we propose GRAPES-DD, a modified version of GRAPES in which the indexing structure has been replaced with a Decision Diagram. Decision Diagrams are a broad class of data structures widely used to encode and manipulate functions efficiently. Experiments on biomedical structures and synthetic graphs have confirmed our expectation showing that GRAPES-DD has substantially reduced the memory utilization compared to GRAPES without worsening the searching time.CONCLUSION: The use of Decision Diagrams for searching in biochemical and biological graphs is completely new and potentially promising thanks to their ability to encode compactly sets by exploiting their structure and regularity, and to manipulate entire sets of elements at once, instead of exploring each single element explicitly. Search strategies based on Decision Diagram makes the indexing for biochemical graphs, and not only, more affordable allowing us to potentially deal with huge and ever growing collections of biochemical and biological structures
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