5 research outputs found

    Spatial and spectral remote sensing features to detect deforestation in Brazilian Savannas

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    The Brazilian Savannas have been under increasing anthropic pressure for many years, and land-use/land-cover changes (LULCC) have been largely neglected. Remote sensing provides useful tools to detect changes, but previous studies have not attempted to separate the effects of phenology from deforestation, clearing or fires to improve the accuracy of change detection without a dense time series. The scientific questions addressed in this study were: how well can we differentiate seasonal changes from deforestation processes combining the spatial and spectral information of bi-temporal (normalized difference vegetation index) NDVI images? Which feature best contribute to increase the separability on classification assessment? We applied an object-based remote sensing method that is able to separate seasonal changes due to phenology effects from LULCC by combining spectral and the spatial context using traditional spectral features and semivariogram indices, exploring the full capability of NDVI image difference to train random forest (RF) algorithm. We found that the spatial variability of NDVI values is not affect by vegetation seasonality and, therefore, the combination of spectral features and semivariogram indices provided high global accuracy (97.73%) to separate seasonal changes and deforestation or fires. From the total of 13 features, 6 provided the best combination to increase the separability on classification assessment (4 spatial and 2 spectral features). How to accurately extract LULCC while disregarding the ones caused by phenological differences in Brazilian seasonal biomes undergoing rapid land-cover changes can be achieved by adding semivariogram indices in combination with spectral features as input data to train RF algorithm

    Caracterizacão da heterogeneidade espacial da paisagem utilizando parâmetros do semivariograma derivados de imagens NDVI

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    [EN] Assuming a relationship between landscape heterogeneity and measures of spatial dependence by using remotely sensed data, the aim of this work was to evaluate the potential of semivariogram parameters, derived from satellite images with different spatial resolutions, to characterize landscape spatial heterogeneity of forested and human modified areas. The NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) was generated in an area of Brazilian amazon tropical forest (1,000 km²). We selected samples (1 x 1 km) from forested and human modified areas distributed throughout the study area, to generate the semivariogram and extract the sill (¿²-overall spatial variability of the surface property) and range (¿-the length scale of the spatial structures of objects) parameters. The analysis revealed that image spatial resolution influenced the sill and range parameters. The average sill and range values increase from forested to human modified areas and the greatest between-class variation was found for LANDSAT 8 imagery, indicating that this image spatial resolution is the most appropriate for deriving sill and range parameters with the intention of describing landscape spatial heterogeneity. By combining remote sensing and geostatistical techniques, we have shown that the sill and range parameters of semivariograms derived from NDVI images are a simple indicator of landscape heterogeneity and can be used to provide landscape heterogeneity maps to enable researchers to design appropriate sampling regimes. In the future, more applications combining remote sensing and geostatistical features should be further investigated and developed, such as change detection and image classification using object-based image analysis (OBIA) approaches.[PT] Assumindo a existência de uma relação entre a heterogeneidade da paisagem e medidas de dependência espacial obtidas de dados de sensoriamento remoto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o potencial dos parâmetros do semivariograma derivados de imagens de satélite com diferentes resoluções espaciais, para caracterizar áreas cobertas por floresta e áreas sob ação antrópica. Para isso, o NDVI (Índice de Vegetação da Diferença Normalizada) de cada umas das imagens (SPOT 6, Landsat 8 e MODIS Terra) foi gerado em uma área de floresta tropical Amazônica (1.000 km²), onde foram selecionadas amostras (1 x 1 km) de áreas florestadas e áreas antrópicas. A partir destes dados, foram gerados os semivariogramas e extraídos os parâmetros patamar (¿²-variabilidade espacial total) e alcance (¿-distância dentro da qual as amostras apresentam-se estruturadas espacialmente). A análise revelou que a resolução espacial das imagens influencia os parâmetros ¿² e ¿, apresentando significativo aumento das áreas de florestas para as áreas sob ação antrópica. A maior variação entre estas classes foi obtida com as imagens Landsat 8, indicando estas imagens, com resolução espacial de 30 metros, a mais apropriada para a obtenção dos parâmetros do semivariograma objetivando a caracterização da heterogeneidade espacial da paisagem. Combinando o sensoriamento remoto e técnicas geostatisticas, demonstrou-se que os parâmetros do semivariograma derivados de imagens NDVI podem ser utilizados como um simples indicador de heterogeneidade da paisagem, gerando mapas que permitem aos pesquisadores delinearem com maior eficácia o regime de amostragem. Outras aplicações combinando estas duas técnicas devem ser investigadas, como por exemplo a detecção de mudanças na cobertura do solo e a classificação de imagens utilizando análises orientada a objetos (OBIA).The authors are grateful to the Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES), Department of Forest Science of the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) and the ONF Brazil group for supporting this work.De Oliveira Silveira, EM.; De Mello, JM.; Acerbi Junior, FW.; Dos Reis, AA.; Withey, KD.; Ruiz Fernández, LÁ. (2017). Characterizing Landscape Spatial Heterogeneity Using Semivariogram Parameters Derived from NDVI Images. Cerne. 23(4):413-422. https://doi.org/10.1590/01047760201723042370S41342223

    Leveraging machine learning to extend Ontology-Driven Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (O-GEOBIA): a case study in forest-type mapping

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    Ontology-driven Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (O-GEOBIA) contributes to the identification of meaningful objects. In fusing data from multiple sensors, the number of feature variables is increased and object identification becomes a challenging task. We propose a methodological contribution that extends feature variable characterisation. This method is illustrated with a case study in forest-type mapping in Tasmania, Australia. Satellite images, airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and expert photo-interpretation data are fused for feature extraction and classification. Two machine learning algorithms, Random Forest and Boruta, are used to identify important and relevant feature variables. A variogram is used to describe textural and spatial features. Different variogram features are used as input for rule-based classifications. The rule-based classifications employ (i) spectral features, (ii) vegetation indices, (iii) LiDAR, and (iv) variogram features, and resulted in overall classification accuracies of 77.06%, 78.90%, 73.39% and 77.06% respectively. Following data fusion, the use of combined feature variables resulted in a higher classification accuracy (81.65%). Using relevant features extracted from the Boruta algorithm, the classification accuracy is further improved (82.57%). The results demonstrate that the use of relevant variogram features together with spectral and LiDAR features resulted in improved classification accuracy