6,456 research outputs found

    Reading with new tools: An evaluation of Personal Digital Assistants as tools for reading course materials

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    Lightweight, palmtop devices such as personal digital assistants (PDAs) can now be used for reading electronic text, opening up their potential as learning tools. This paper reports a study that evaluated the use of PDAs for reading course materials by students on an Open University master's course. The research is grounded in activity theory, which provides a useful framework for examining how the introduction of a new tool changes an existing activity. Student perceptions of the possibilities and constraints of the PDA, as determined by questionnaires and interviews, reveal the impact the new tool had upon reading. The PDA constrained reading with limitations such as the small screen size, new requirements for navigating through the text and awkward methods for taking notes. These conditions made it difficult for students to skim‐read the text, to move back and forth within the document and to interact with the text as easily as they could with paper. Nevertheless, students welcomed the opportunity to have the course materials on a portable, lightweight device that could be used at any time and in any place. This made it easier to fit the reading activity around the various other activities in which students were involved In addition, the PDA was used in conjunction with existing tools, such as the printed version of the course materials and the desktop computer. Therefore, it was not seen to replace paper but rather to extend and complement it. The findings are discussed using concepts from activity theory to interpret how the new tool modified the reading activity

    Físchlár on a PDA: handheld user interface design to a video indexing, browsing and playback system

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    The Físchlár digital video system is a web-based system for recording, analysis, browsing and playback of TV programmes which currently has about 350 users. Although the user interface to the system is designed for desktop PCs with a large screen and a mouse, we are developing versions to allow the use of mobile devices to access the system to record and browse the video content. In this paper, the design of a PDA user interface to video content browsing is considered. We use a design framework we have developed previously to be able to specify various video browsing interface styles thus making it possible to design for all potential users and their various environments. We can then apply this to the particulars of the PDA's small, touch-sensitive screen and the mobile environment where it will be used. The resultant video browsing interfaces have highly interactive interfaces yet are simple, which requires relatively less visual attention and focusing, and can be comfortably used in a mobile situation to browse the available video contents. To date we have developed and tested such interfaces on a Revo PDA, and are in the process of developing others

    This Far, No Further: Introducing Virtual Borders to Mobile Robots Using a Laser Pointer

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    We address the problem of controlling the workspace of a 3-DoF mobile robot. In a human-robot shared space, robots should navigate in a human-acceptable way according to the users' demands. For this purpose, we employ virtual borders, that are non-physical borders, to allow a user the restriction of the robot's workspace. To this end, we propose an interaction method based on a laser pointer to intuitively define virtual borders. This interaction method uses a previously developed framework based on robot guidance to change the robot's navigational behavior. Furthermore, we extend this framework to increase the flexibility by considering different types of virtual borders, i.e. polygons and curves separating an area. We evaluated our method with 15 non-expert users concerning correctness, accuracy and teaching time. The experimental results revealed a high accuracy and linear teaching time with respect to the border length while correctly incorporating the borders into the robot's navigational map. Finally, our user study showed that non-expert users can employ our interaction method.Comment: Accepted at 2019 Third IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), supplementary video: https://youtu.be/lKsGp8xtyI

    Kosketuskäyttöliittymän toteuttaminen olemassa olevaan ohjelmaan

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    The purpose of this work was to evaluate the migration steps of a windowing desktop application into a touch based input enabled software. The study was conducted on an already existing building information modelling software called Tekla BIMsight. The task was to retain all the functionality already in the software while making it possible to be used on touch-enabled devices, such as tablets or convertible laptops with a swivel display. Design and implementation of the system has been documented as part of the thesis, as well as most problematic issues during this period. The effects of the implementation are validated and tested with real users and the results from that study were documented. The usability study was conducted to obtain quantitative and qualitative metrics of the usability. The nature of the input mechanism, direct or indirect, affects the user experience greatly. The final system should be as responsive as possible to maintain a good level of perceived performance. Early prototyping and access to the target devices is critical to the success of a migration process. There are several common mistakes that should be avoided in the design and implementation phases. Not all the problems were critical, but many of them were identified as very cumbersome for the user that would affect the positive user experience of the software. With each new context for a user interface the problems need to be solved again and only experience from such solutions can help alleviate this task. The implemented touch support can be verified to meet the set requirements very well: It allows the system to be used on touch based input environments and all the major user interface elements support this.Työn tarkoituksena oli toteuttaa ja arvioida toimenpiteet ja. menetelmät joilla olemassa olevaan käyttöliittymään voidaan lisätä tuki kosketuskäytölle. Ominaisuudet lisättiin rakennusten tietomallinnuksen tarkasteluohjelmaan, Tekla BIMsight. Tehtävänä oli säilyttää kaikki aiemmat toiminnot ja tehdä ohjelmasta tehokkaasti käytettävä kosketuslaitteilla, kuten tableteilla ja kääntyvällä näytöllä varustetuilla kannettavilla. Suunnittelu ja toteutus järjestelmälle on dokumentoitu työssä ja kaikkein vaativimmat ongelmat. Toteutetun tuen vaikutuksia arvioitiin oikeiden käyttäjien kanssa tehdyssä käyttäjätutkimuksessa, jonka tulokset on esitetty. Käytettävyystutkimuksella hankittiin kvantitatiivista ja kvalitatiivista tietoa tuotteesta. Laite jolla ohjelmistoa käytetään vaikuttaa ohjelmasta saatuun käyttökokemukseen merkittävästi. Hyvän käyttökokemuksen saavuttamiseksi lopullisen järjestelmän käytön tulisi olla sujuvaa. Aikaisten prototyyppien kokeilu ja kohdelaitteiden saatavuus ovat tärkeitä tekijöitä siirtymäprosessin kannalta. Yleisiä ongelmatilanteita ja haasteita joita kohdattiin suunnittelu- ja toteutusvaiheissa on listattu työssä. Loppukäyttäjän kannalta useat ongelmat olivat rasittavia ja vaikuttaisivat käyttökokemukseen negatiivisesti jos niitä ei korjata. Uuden käyttöympäristön tuomat ongelmat joudutaan ratkaisemaan aina uudestaan. Vain kokemuksella vastaavista tilanteista on merkittävästi etua itse ratkaisujen löytämiselle. Toteutetun kosketuskäyttöliittymän tuen voidaan todeta vastaavan sille asetettuja tavoitteita ja vaatimuksia hyvin; se mahdollistaa ohjelman käyttämisen kosketuskäyttöliittymän omaavissa laitteissa ja kaikkein merkittävimmät käyttöliittymäelementit on tuettuina

    Using high resolution displays for high resolution cardiac data

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    The ability to perform fast, accurate, high resolution visualization is fundamental to improving our understanding of anatomical data. As the volumes of data increase from improvements in scanning technology, the methods applied to rendering and visualization must evolve. In this paper we address the interactive display of data from high resolution MRI scanning of a rabbit heart and subsequent histological imaging. We describe a visualization environment involving a tiled LCD panel display wall and associated software which provide an interactive and intuitive user interface. The oView software is an OpenGL application which is written for the VRJuggler environment. This environment abstracts displays and devices away from the application itself, aiding portability between different systems, from desktop PCs to multi-tiled display walls. Portability between display walls has been demonstrated through its use on walls at both Leeds and Oxford Universities. We discuss important factors to be considered for interactive 2D display of large 3D datasets, including the use of intuitive input devices and level of detail aspects

    Voice-For-Blind: An Utilizable Email Client for Visually Impaired Users

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    For people who are sighted, visually impaired, or blind, electronic mail has evolved into a vital tool for collaboration and communication. However, the current email-related activities on smartphones cause a number of problems due to insufficient mapping of haptic feedback, complex text-entry layouts, a variety of screen sizes and orientations, illogical ordering of navigational items, and inconsistent interface design. The Components on touch-screen interfaces that can't be seen can be difficult for blind people to precisely access, making it difficult for them to carry out common mailing tasks such as receiving, sending, organising, managing spam, deleting, searching, and filtering. Due to these issues, blind people are having trouble using smartphones and completing a number of tasks related to email. Junk and Spam email frustration and cognitive overload are additional effects. We proposed Voice-For-Blind an utilizable email client that is friendly to visully imapired individuals to get around the obstacles relating to the usability and accessibility of smartphone-related mailing activities. 38 blind participants in an empirical study who carried out 14 email-related tasks are used to evaluate the proposed email client. The outcomes of this prototype's use demonstrate an elevated accuracy in complettion, improved user experience, and improved touchscreen interface control for basic tasks like email management. The findings show that Voice-For-Blind is an email client that is inclusive of accessibility, giving blind individuals an enhanced user - interface experience and reducing cognitive load when managing emails

    Fast Hands-free Writing by Gaze Direction

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    We describe a method for text entry based on inverse arithmetic coding that relies on gaze direction and which is faster and more accurate than using an on-screen keyboard. These benefits are derived from two innovations: the writing task is matched to the capabilities of the eye, and a language model is used to make predictable words and phrases easier to write.Comment: 3 pages. Final versio