19 research outputs found

    Library Automation in Universities of Karnataka

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    Attempts to know how, why and under what circumstances university libraries in Karnataka attempted to initiate library automation activities. It studies the status of libraries while initiating automation process and how they plan the need for automation for retrospective collection and current documents and OPAC services rendered along with various services rendered to the service


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    Most educational institutions in Nigeria, such as the Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education still operate on the manual method of library functions of acquisition, cataloging and circulation. This paper examines the inadequacies involved in the manual method of acquisition, cataloging and circulation functions of a library and proposes a solution by developing a software application to facilitate the automated processing of these library functions. The software was developed using Visual Basic 6.0 and employing MS-ACCESS Relational Database Management System in designing the database. The developed software was tested and found to perform well and produced expected results on completion. With this program, it was possible to record books that were acquired by the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, (NIPSS) as well as the cataloging and the circulation section of the library. The new system has some qualities such as reduction in the cost of processing of information, reduction in time spent in the acquisition, cataloging and circulation of books, increase in accuracy and efficiency, and elimination of duplication of effort which makes it superiorto the manual system of information processing. This new system is flexible and can be modified to suit any kind of library and data processing nee

    Electronic Resources Access and Usage for Scholarly Research Work by Postgraduate Students at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

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    This study investigated the extent of electronic resource access and usage for scholarly research work by post graduate students at University of agriculture in Abeokuta. The thrust of this paper is to discuss the points of accessing, frequency of use, usefulness and strategies to improve students’ use of electronic resources. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The target populations for this study are postgraduate students of Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State. The participants sampled numbered 350 postgraduate students using stratified random sampling method. Out of 350 questionnaires distributed, a total of 210 were collected representing 60% return. Based on the analysis of the data, it was found that the postgraduate students use email as a means of communication while other electronic facilities that can aid their research works were not adequately used by them. Recommendations were made for improvement.  Data collected were analysed using simple percentage, frequency counts and the mean. Keywords: Electronic resources access, usage, scholarly research, University of Agriculture, Nigeri

    The use of management Information System in National Board for Technical Education, Kaduna

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    This study investigated the barriers to the Use of Management Information System in National Board for Technical Education Kaduna. The study adopted the survey method of research and the instruments used for data collection were the questionnaire and unstructured interview. The target population of the study comprised of all the Management staff of the NBTE. Purposive sampling procedure was used to arrive at a total of 58 samples of the entire population of staff. The target sample was made up of 1 Chief Executive, 4 Directors, 27 Deputy Directors and 26 Chiefs. The data collected for the study was analyzed and interpreted by the use of descriptive statistics, which were presented in tabular format using percentages to provide answers to the research questions. The major barrier identified that affects the effective use of MIS is financial barrier. The study discovered that MIS impacted management/organization processes positively and negatively. The study therefore, concluded that the use of MIS by management staff of NBTE for an improved decision making is very low. In view of this number of recommendations were made, such as: top management of NBTE should give full support to adoption, implementation and maintenance of MIS by allocating adequate fund, and constant training and education of the staff will no doubt help to improve the MIS usage in the organization which will in turn improve information flow, hence effective decision making

    Information Resource Evaluation for Information Provision in University Libraries in the North Central Zone of Nigeria

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    This study was to ascertain the extent of information resource provision in universities in the North Central Zone of Nigeria, and to determine the influence of evaluation on the provision of library resources in universities in the North Central Zone of Nigeria. In line with this, two research questions guided the study; what is the extent of library resource provision in universities in the North Central Zone of Nigeria? And what is the influence of evaluation on the provision of library resources in the universities in the North Central Zone of Nigeria? The research design adopted was Ex post facto research. All the ninety nine librarians and all the twenty five chief and assistant chief library officers in the university libraries in all the six state, four federal, and four private- owned universities in the North Central Zone of Nigeria were the population and also the sampled population. The finding among others revealed that evaluating how each resource of the library helps to achieve the goals of the library had a significant influence on information resource provision in the university libraries. The study concluded that proper application of evaluation in critical areas such as those relating to selection, acquisition, processing, lending, preservation and use was very critical

    Application of computer technologies to reference services in university and research institute libraries in North Central Nigeria

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    This study focuses on application of computer technologies to reference services in university and research institute libraries in North Central, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research method was used and the study covered 13 university libraries and 19 research institute libraries in North Central, Nigeria. The population of the study was 234 librarians. Sample size for this study was made up of entire population. Research instruments were a questionnaire and a checklist. Data collected were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation. The findings revealed that computer technologies was used to a little extent for reference services (=2.07) in university libraries while in research institute libraries the grand mean of (=2.84) showed that computer technologies was highly used for the provision of reference services. The grand mean of (=2.69) revealed problems that hindered the application of computer technologies to reference services and the greatest of these was irregular supply of power in university libraries in North Central, Nigeria. Library managements should address irregular power supply; inadequate computer technology infrastructure and inadequate funding that hindered effective application of computer technologies in reference services for effective and efficient services in university and research institute libraries

    Problems and Prospects of Automating Public Libraries in Ghana

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    Automation has become a very integral aspect of modern libraries. Automation of libraries is designed to replace traditional libraries with its numerous challenges, specifically for public libraries in Ghana. This study was conducted by reviewing different papers on prospects and challenges of library automation globally and specifically narrowed to Ghana. From the study, it was revealed that the main problems of automating libraries have been categorised under four main headings which are; No automation problem, pre automation problem, automation problem, and post automation problem. Other problems revealed were poor construction of databases, lack of provision of information literacy education among patrons, poor usage of online information resources among others. The study further sought to identify the potential benefits of automating public libraries in Ghana which were the availability of more resources to patrons, deployment of inventory libraries, reduce manual labor, and increased rate of patron’s access to catalogs. It was recommended that funds must be allocated to automate public library systems, encouragement of practical hands-on workshops, review progress on areas of digitisation, planning, and consultation from other automated libraries, and employment of computer mastery databases


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    This study examined the corporate social responsibility intervention in the development of digital libraries in the universities of developing countries. It specifically investigated the challenges facing the MTN Foundation Digital Libraries in the universities in Nigeria and strategies that will engender their effective operation. The research design used for this study was descriptive survey design. A questionnaire titled Evaluation of MTNF Digital Libraries Questionnaire (EMTFDLQ) was designed and used for data collection. Responses were analysed using mean scores and percentages which are presented in tables. Findings show that Corporate Social Responsibility has provided vital impetus to the development of digital libraries in Nigeria. However, time allowed for the usage of the digital libraries, low bandwidth, non-allowance of storage device, system break down are challenges affecting the effectiveness and relevance of the digital libraries. At UNN specifically, the highest challenge is inadequate power supply. Repairs of broken down systems, good governance, cordial relationship between staff and users, functional generator, improve bandwidth, provision of more workstations, allowance of storage devices for download, update of database subscription and creation of awareness of the digital libraries are adoptable strategies for enhancing the effectiveness and relevance of the resources and services of the digital libraries


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    This study examined the corporate social responsibility intervention in the development of digital libraries in the universities of developing countries. It specifically investigated the challenges facing the MTN Foundation Digital Libraries in the universities in Nigeria and strategies that will engender their effective operation. The research design used for this study was descriptive survey design. A questionnaire titled Evaluation of MTNF Digital Libraries Questionnaire (EMTFDLQ) was designed and used for data collection. Responses were analysed using mean scores and percentages which are presented in tables. Findings show that Corporate Social Responsibility has provided vital impetus to the development of digital libraries in Nigeria. However, time allowed for the usage of the digital libraries, low bandwidth, non-allowance of storage device, system break down are challenges affecting the effectiveness and relevance of the digital libraries. At UNN specifically, the highest challenge is inadequate power supply. Repairs of broken down systems, good governance, cordial relationship between staff and users, functional generator, improve bandwidth, provision of more workstations, allowance of storage devices for download, update of database subscription and creation of awareness of the digital libraries are adoptable strategies for enhancing the effectiveness and relevance of the resources and services of the digital libraries


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    This study examined the corporate social responsibility intervention in the development of digital libraries in the universities of developing countries. It specifically investigated the challenges facing the MTN Foundation Digital Libraries in the universities in Nigeria and strategies that will engender their effective operation. The research design used for this study was descriptive survey design. A questionnaire titled Evaluation of MTNF Digital Libraries Questionnaire (EMTFDLQ) was designed and used for data collection. Responses were analysed using mean scores and percentages which are presented in tables. Findings show that Corporate Social Responsibility has provided vital impetus to the development of digital libraries in Nigeria. However, time allowed for the usage of the digital libraries, low bandwidth, non-allowance of storage device, system break down are challenges affecting the effectiveness and relevance of the digital libraries. At UNN specifically, the highest challenge is inadequate power supply. Repairs of broken down systems, good governance, cordial relationship between staff and users, functional generator, improve bandwidth, provision of more workstations, allowance of storage devices for download, update of database subscription and creation of awareness of the digital libraries are adoptable strategies for enhancing the effectiveness and relevance of the resources and services of the digital libraries