2,443 research outputs found

    Personalized Automatic Estimation of Self-reported Pain Intensity from Facial Expressions

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    Pain is a personal, subjective experience that is commonly evaluated through visual analog scales (VAS). While this is often convenient and useful, automatic pain detection systems can reduce pain score acquisition efforts in large-scale studies by estimating it directly from the participants' facial expressions. In this paper, we propose a novel two-stage learning approach for VAS estimation: first, our algorithm employs Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) to automatically estimate Prkachin and Solomon Pain Intensity (PSPI) levels from face images. The estimated scores are then fed into the personalized Hidden Conditional Random Fields (HCRFs), used to estimate the VAS, provided by each person. Personalization of the model is performed using a newly introduced facial expressiveness score, unique for each person. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first approach to automatically estimate VAS from face images. We show the benefits of the proposed personalized over traditional non-personalized approach on a benchmark dataset for pain analysis from face images.Comment: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference, The 1st International Workshop on Deep Affective Learning and Context Modelin

    Semiparametric efficiency bound for models of sequential moment restrictions containing unknown functions

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    This paper computes the semiparametric efficiency bound for finite dimensional parameters identified by models of sequential moment restrictions containing unknown functions. Our results extend those of Chamberlain (1992b) and Ai and Chen (2003) for semiparametric conditional moment restriction models with identical information sets to the case of nested information sets, and those of Chamberlain (1992a) and Brown and Newey (1998) for models of sequential moment restrictions without unknown functions to cases with unknown functions of possibly endogenous variables. Our bound results are applicable to semiparametric panel data models and semiparametric two stage plug-in problems. As an example, we compute the efficiency bound for a weighted average derivative of a nonparametric instrumental variables (IV) regression, and find that the simple plug-in estimator is not efficient. Finally, we present an optimally weighted, orthogonalized, sieve minimum distance estimator that achieves the semiparametric efficiency bound.

    Unidata's Common Data Model mapping to the ISO 19123 Data Model

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    Access to real-time distributed Earth and Space Science (ESS) information is essential for enabling critical Decision Support Systems (DSS). Thus, data model interoperability between the ESS and DSS communities is a decisive achievement for enabling cyber-infrastructure which aims to serve important societal benefit areas. The ESS community is characterized by a certain heterogeneity, as far as data models are concerned. Recent spatial data infrastructures implement international standards for the data model in order to achieve interoperability and extensibility. This paper presents well-accepted ESS data models, introducing a unified data model called the Common Data Model (CDM). CDM mapping into the corresponding elements of the international standard coverage data model of ISO 19123 is presented and discussed at the abstract level. The mapping of CDM scientific data types to the ISO coverage model is a first step toward interoperability of data systems. This mapping will provide the abstract framework that can be used to unify subsequent efforts to define appropriate conventions along with explicit agreed-upon encoding forms for each data type. As a valuable case in point, the content mapping rules for CDM grid data are discussed addressing a significant example

    Semiparametric Efficiency Bound for Models of Sequential Moment Restrictions Containing Unknown Functions

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    This paper computes the semiparametric efficiency bound for finite dimensional parameters identified by models of sequential moment restrictions containing unknown functions. Our results extend those of Chamberlain (1992b) and Ai and Chen (2003) for semiparametric conditional moment restriction models with identical information sets to the case of nested information sets, and those of Chamberlain (1992a) and Brown and Newey (1998) for models of sequential moment restrictions without unknown functions to cases with unknown functions of possibly endogenous variables. Our bound results are applicable to semiparametric panel data models and semiparametric two stage plug-in problems. As an example, we compute the efficiency bound for a weighted average derivative of a nonparametric instrumental variables (IV) regression, and find that the simple plug-in estimator is not efficient. Finally, we present an optimally weighted, orthogonalized, sieve minimum distance estimator that achieves the semiparametric efficiency bound.Sequential moment models, Semiparametric efficiency bounds, Optimally weighted orthogonalized sieve minimum distance, Nonparametric IV regression, Weighted average derivatives, Partially linear quantile IV

    Pose-invariant, model-based object recognition, using linear combination of views and Bayesian statistics

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    This thesis presents an in-depth study on the problem of object recognition, and in particular the detection of 3-D objects in 2-D intensity images which may be viewed from a variety of angles. A solution to this problem remains elusive to this day, since it involves dealing with variations in geometry, photometry and viewing angle, noise, occlusions and incomplete data. This work restricts its scope to a particular kind of extrinsic variation; variation of the image due to changes in the viewpoint from which the object is seen. A technique is proposed and developed to address this problem, which falls into the category of view-based approaches, that is, a method in which an object is represented as a collection of a small number of 2-D views, as opposed to a generation of a full 3-D model. This technique is based on the theoretical observation that the geometry of the set of possible images of an object undergoing 3-D rigid transformations and scaling may, under most imaging conditions, be represented by a linear combination of a small number of 2-D views of that object. It is therefore possible to synthesise a novel image of an object given at least two existing and dissimilar views of the object, and a set of linear coefficients that determine how these views are to be combined in order to synthesise the new image. The method works in conjunction with a powerful optimization algorithm, to search and recover the optimal linear combination coefficients that will synthesize a novel image, which is as similar as possible to the target, scene view. If the similarity between the synthesized and the target images is above some threshold, then an object is determined to be present in the scene and its location and pose are defined, in part, by the coefficients. The key benefits of using this technique is that because it works directly with pixel values, it avoids the need for problematic, low-level feature extraction and solution of the correspondence problem. As a result, a linear combination of views (LCV) model is easy to construct and use, since it only requires a small number of stored, 2-D views of the object in question, and the selection of a few landmark points on the object, the process which is easily carried out during the offline, model building stage. In addition, this method is general enough to be applied across a variety of recognition problems and different types of objects. The development and application of this method is initially explored looking at two-dimensional problems, and then extending the same principles to 3-D. Additionally, the method is evaluated across synthetic and real-image datasets, containing variations in the objects’ identity and pose. Future work on possible extensions to incorporate a foreground/background model and lighting variations of the pixels are examined

    A discontinuous control volume finite element method for multi-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media

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    We present a new, high-order, control-volume-finite-element (CVFE) method for multiphase porous media flow with discontinuous 1st-order representation for pressure and discontinuous 2nd-order representation for velocity. The method has been implemented using unstructured tetrahedral meshes to discretize space. The method locally and globally conserves mass. However, unlike conventional CVFE formulations, the method presented here does not require the use of control volumes (CVs) that span the boundaries between domains with differing material properties. We demonstrate that the approach accurately preserves discontinuous saturation changes caused by permeability variations across such boundaries, allowing efficient simulation of flow in highly heterogeneous models. Moreover, accurate solutions are obtained at significantly lower computational cost than using conventional CVFE methods. We resolve a long-standing problem associated with the use of classical CVFE methods to model flow in highly heterogeneous porous media

    A Discontinuous Control Volume Finite Element Method for Multi-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media

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    We present a new, high-order, control-volume-finite-element (CVFE) method for multiphase porous media flow with discontinuous 1st-order representation for pressure and discontinuous 2nd-order representation for velocity. The method has been implemented using unstructured tetrahedral meshes to discretize space. The method locally and globally conserves mass. However, unlike conventional CVFE formulations, the method presented here does not require the use of control volumes (CVs) that span the boundaries between domains with differing material properties. We demonstrate that the approach accurately preserves discontinuous saturation changes caused by permeability variations across such boundaries, allowing efficient simulation of flow in highly heterogeneous models. Moreover, accurate solutions are obtained at significantly lower computational cost than using conventional CVFE methods. We resolve a long-standing problem associated with the use of classical CVFE methods to model flow in highly heterogeneous porous media

    A nonparametric method for valuing new goods

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    This paper presents a revealed preference method for calculating a lower bound on the virtual or reservation price of a new good and suggests a way to improve these bounds by using budget expansion paths. This allows the calculation of cost-of-living and price indices when the number of goods available changes between periods. We apply this technique to the UK National Lottery and illustrate the effects of its inclusion in measures of inflation. JEL Classification: C43, D11

    Isolation of DDoS Attacks and Flash Events in Internet Traffic Using Deep Learning Techniques

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    The adoption of network function visualization (NFV) and software-defined radio (SDN) has created a tremendous increase in Internet traffic due to flexibility brought in the network layer. An increase in traffic flowing through the network poses a security threat that becomes tricky to detect and hence selects an appropriate mitigation strategy. Under such a scenario occurrence of the distributed denial of service (DDoS) and flash events (FEs) affect the target servers and interrupt services. Isolating the attacks is the first step before selecting an appropriate mitigation technique. However, detecting and isolating the DDoS attacks from FEs when happening simultaneously is a challenge that has attracted the attention of many researchers. This study proposes a deep learning framework to detect the FEs and DDoS attacks occurring simultaneously in the network and isolates one from the other. This step is crucial in designing appropriate mechanisms to enhance network resilience against such cyber threats. The experiments indicate that the proposed model possesses a high accuracy level in detecting and isolating DDoS attacks and FEs in networked systems

    Nonintrusive reduced order model for parametric solutions of inertia relief problems

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    The Inertia Relief (IR) technique is widely used by industry and produces equilibrated loads allowing to analyze unconstrained systems without resorting to the more expensive full dynamic analysis. The main goal of this work is to develop a computational framework for the solution of unconstrained parametric structural problems with IR and the Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD) method. First, the IR method is formulated in a parametric setting for both material and geometric parameters. A reduced order model using the encapsulated PGD suite is then developed to solve the parametric IR problem, circumventing the so-called curse of dimensionality. With just one offline computation, the proposed PGD-IR scheme provides a computational vademecum that contains all the possible solutions for a predefined range of the parameters. The proposed approach is nonintrusive and it is therefore possible to be integrated with commercial finite element (FE) packages. The applicability and potential of the developed technique is shown using a three-dimensional test case and a more complex industrial test case. The first example is used to highlight the numerical properties of the scheme, whereas the second example demonstrates the potential in a more complex setting and it shows the possibility to integrate the proposed framework within a commercial FE package. In addition, the last example shows the possibility to use the generalized solution in a multi-objective optimization setting