3 research outputs found

    Hands-Free User Interaction for Accessible Computing

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    Three experiments were conducted to compare hands-free and hands-on input methods for accessible computing. The first experiment compared hands-free and hands-on text-entry on a smart-phone. EVA Facial Mouse, an Android application, was used for facial tracking for the hands-free phase of the experiment. The second experiment used the Fitts law two-dimensional task in ISO 9241-9 to evaluate hands-free and hands-on point-select tasks on a laptop computer. We used a facial-tracking software called Camera Mouse in combination with dwell-time selection. The third user study compared Camera Mouse with the keyboard and touchpad of a laptop to play a simple yet well known game: Snake. A case study was also conducted with a physically challenged participant for the hands-free phase of the gaming experiment. Our key finding from the three experiments and the case study is that the hands-free methods are not yet as well-performing as the hands-on methods

    State of the Art in Neurotechnologies for Assistance and Rehabilitation in Spain: Support Technologies, Technology Transfer and Clinical Application

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    [EN] Neurotechnologies are those technologies aimed to study the nervous system, or to improve its function. In rehabilitation and assistance this term encompasses a very varied set of them. This paper reviews recent advances made in Spain in the investigation, development, and application of the technologies that play complementary and supportive roles in the rehabilitation and assistive function. Besides, it reviews the progresses in technology transfer and clinical applications of neurotechnologies.[ES] Se denominan neurotecnologías a aquellas tecnologías dirigidas al estudio del sistema nervioso o a mejorar su función. En el ámbito de la rehabilitación y asistencia el término engloba un conjunto muy variado de ellas. En este artículo se revisan los avances logrados en España en la investigación, desarrollo y aplicación de las tecnologías que juegan diversos papeles auxiliares en la función rehabilitadora y asistencial. Igualmente, se revisan los progresos en trasferencia tecnológica y en usos clínicos de las neurotecnologías.Los autores quieren agradecer el apoyo de NEUROTEC – Red Temática de Investigación en Neurotecnologías para la Asistencia y la Rehabilitación (DPI2015-69098-REDT), financiada por Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.Barrios, LJ.; Minguillón, J.; Perales, FJ.; Ron-Angevin, R.; Solé-Casals, J.; Mañanas, MA. (2017). Estado del Arte en Neurotecnologías para la Asistencia y la Rehabilitación en España: Tecnologías Auxiliares, Trasferencia Tecnológica y Aplicación Clínica. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. 14(4):355-361. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.riai.2017.06.004OJS355361144Alcoba, S., Minguillón, J., Morillas, C., López-Gordo, M. A., Castillo, R., Pelayo, F., 2015. 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