14 research outputs found

    Congestion probabilities in CDMA-based networks supporting batched Poisson traffic

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    We propose a new multirate teletraffic loss model for the calculation of time and call congestion probabilities in CDMA-based networks that accommodate calls of different serviceclasses whose arrival follows a batched Poisson process. The latter is more "peaked" and "bursty" than the ordinary Poisson process. The acceptance of calls in the system is based on the partial batch blocking discipline. This policy accepts a part of the batch (one or more calls) and discards the rest if the available resources are not enough to accept the whole batch. The proposed model takes into account the multiple access interference, the notion of local (soft) blocking, user’s activity and the interference cancellation. Although the analysis of the model does not lead to a product form solution of the steady state probabilities, we show that the calculation of the call-level performance metrics, time and call congestion probabilities, can be based on approximate but recursive formulas. The accuracy of the proposed formulas are verified through simulation and found to be quite satisfactory

    Performance analysis of CDMA-based networks with interference cancellation, for batched poisson traffic under the Bandwidth Reservation policy

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    CDMA-based technologies deserve assiduous analysis and evaluation. We study the performance, at call-level, of a CDMA cell with interference cancellation capabilities, while assuming that the cell accommodates different service-classes of batched Poisson arriving calls. The partial batch blocking discipline is applied for Call Admission Control (CAC). To guarantee certain Quality of Service (QoS) for each service-class, the Bandwidth Reservation (BR) policy is incorporated in the CAC; i.e., a fraction of system resources is reserved for high-speed service-classes. We propose a new multirate loss model for the calculation of time and call congestion probabilities. The notion of local (soft) and hard blocking, users activity, interference cancellation, as well as the BR policy, are incorporated in the model. Although the steady state probabilities of the system do not have a product form solution, time and call congestion probabilities can be efficiently determined via approximate but recursive formulas. Simulation verified the high accuracy of the new formulas. We also show the consistency of the proposed model in respect of its parameters, while comparison of the proposed model with that of Poisson input shows its necessity

    Teletraffic Performance Analysis of Multi-band Overlaid WCDMA Systems

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    Analytical Modelingof the WCDMA Interfacewith Packet Scheduling, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2009 nr 3

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    The article presents the application of a new analytical model of the full-availability group carrying a mixture of different multi-rate traffic classes with compression property for modeling the WCDMA radio interface with packet scheduling. The proposed model can be directly used for modeling of theWCDMA interface in the UMTS network servicing different traffic classes. The described model can be applied for a validation of the efficiency of the WCDMA interface measured by the blocking probability and the average carried traffic for particular traffic classes

    QoS Equalization in a W-CDMA Cell Supporting Calls of Innite or Finite Sources with Interference Cancelation, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2014, nr 3

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    In this paper, a multirate loss model for the calculation of time and call congestion probabilities in a Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (W-CDMA) cell is considered. It utilizes the Bandwidth Reservation (BR) policy and supports calls generated by an innite or nite number of users. The BR policy achieves QoS equalization by equalizing congestion probabilities among calls of dierent service-classes. In the proposed models a multiple access interference is considered, and the notion of local blocking, user's activity and interference cancelation. Although the analysis of the proposed models reveals that the steady state probabilities do not have a product form solution, the authors show that the calculation of time and call congestion probabilities can be based on approximate but recursive formulas, whose accuracy is veried through simulation and found to be quite satisfactory

    Call Blocking Probabilities of Multirate Elastic and Adaptive Traffic under the Threshold and Bandwidth Reservation Policies, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2016, nr 1

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    This paper proposes multirate teletraffic loss models of a link that accommodates different service-classes of elastic and adaptive calls. Calls follow a Poisson process, can tolerate bandwidth compression and have an exponentially distributed service time. When bandwidth compression occurs, the service time of new and in-service elastic calls increases. Adaptive calls do not alter their service time. All calls compete for the available link bandwidth under the combination of the Threshold (TH) and the Bandwidth Reservation (BR) policies. The TH policy can provide different QoS among service-classes by limiting the number of calls of a service-class up to a predefined threshold, which can be different for each service-class. The BR policy reserves part of the available link bandwidth to benefit calls of high bandwidth requirements. The analysis of the proposed models is based on approximate but recursive formulas, whereby authors determine call blocking probabilities and link utilization. The accuracy of the proposed formulas is verified through simulation and found to be very satisfactory

    Modelling and Optimisation of GSM and UMTS Radio Access Networks

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    The size and complexity of mobile communication networks have increased in the last years making network management a very complicated task. GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network (GERAN) systems are in a mature state now. Thus, non-optimal performance does not come from typical network start-up problems, but, more likely, from the mismatching between traffic, network or propagation models used for network planning, and their real counterparts. Such differences cause network congestion problems both in signalling and data channels. With the aim of maximising the financial benefits on their mature networks, operators do not solve anymore congestion problems by adding new radio resources, as they usually did. Alternatively, two main strategies can be adopted, a) a better assignment of radio resources through a re-planning approach, and/or b) the automatic configuration (optimisation, in a wide sense) of network parameters. Both techniques aim to adapt the network to the actual traffic and propagation conditions. Moreover, a new heterogenous scenario, where several services and Radio Access Technologies (RATs) coexist in the same area, is now common, causing new unbalanced traffic scenarios and congestion problems. In this thesis, several optimisation and modelling methods are proposed to solve congestion problems in data and signalling channels for single- and multi-RAT scenarios