9,524 research outputs found

    Solving Set Constraint Satisfaction Problems using ROBDDs

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    In this paper we present a new approach to modeling finite set domain constraint problems using Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (ROBDDs). We show that it is possible to construct an efficient set domain propagator which compactly represents many set domains and set constraints using ROBDDs. We demonstrate that the ROBDD-based approach provides unprecedented flexibility in modeling constraint satisfaction problems, leading to performance improvements. We also show that the ROBDD-based modeling approach can be extended to the modeling of integer and multiset constraint problems in a straightforward manner. Since domain propagation is not always practical, we also show how to incorporate less strict consistency notions into the ROBDD framework, such as set bounds, cardinality bounds and lexicographic bounds consistency. Finally, we present experimental results that demonstrate the ROBDD-based solver performs better than various more conventional constraint solvers on several standard set constraint problems

    Learning Logistic Circuits

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    This paper proposes a new classification model called logistic circuits. On MNIST and Fashion datasets, our learning algorithm outperforms neural networks that have an order of magnitude more parameters. Yet, logistic circuits have a distinct origin in symbolic AI, forming a discriminative counterpart to probabilistic-logical circuits such as ACs, SPNs, and PSDDs. We show that parameter learning for logistic circuits is convex optimization, and that a simple local search algorithm can induce strong model structures from data.Comment: Published in the Proceedings of the Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI19

    Efficient parallel binary decision diagram construction using Cilk

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    Thesis (S.B. and M.Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2000.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 44-45).by David B. Berman.S.B.and M.Eng

    Discrete Function Representations Utilizing Decision Diagrams and Spectral Techniques

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    All discrete function representations become exponential in size in the worst case. Binary decision diagrams have become a common method of representing discrete functions in computer-aided design applications. For many functions, binary decision diagrams do provide compact representations. This work presents a way to represent large decision diagrams as multiple smaller partial binary decision diagrams. In the Boolean domain, each truth table entry consisting of a Boolean value only provides local information about a function at that point in the Boolean space. Partial binary decision diagrams thus result in the loss of information for a portion of the Boolean space. If the function were represented in the spectral domain however, each integer-valued coefficient would contain some global information about the function. This work also explores spectral representations of discrete functions, including the implementation of a method for transforming circuits from netlist representations directly into spectral decision diagrams

    A contribution to the evaluation and optimization of networks reliability

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    L’évaluation de la fiabilité des réseaux est un problème combinatoire très complexe qui nécessite des moyens de calcul très puissants. Plusieurs méthodes ont été proposées dans la littérature pour apporter des solutions. Certaines ont été programmées dont notamment les méthodes d’énumération des ensembles minimaux et la factorisation, et d’autres sont restées à l’état de simples théories. Cette thèse traite le cas de l’évaluation et l’optimisation de la fiabilité des réseaux. Plusieurs problèmes ont été abordés dont notamment la mise au point d’une méthodologie pour la modélisation des réseaux en vue de l’évaluation de leur fiabilités. Cette méthodologie a été validée dans le cadre d’un réseau de radio communication étendu implanté récemment pour couvrir les besoins de toute la province québécoise. Plusieurs algorithmes ont aussi été établis pour générer les chemins et les coupes minimales pour un réseau donné. La génération des chemins et des coupes constitue une contribution importante dans le processus d’évaluation et d’optimisation de la fiabilité. Ces algorithmes ont permis de traiter de manière rapide et efficace plusieurs réseaux tests ainsi que le réseau de radio communication provincial. Ils ont été par la suite exploités pour évaluer la fiabilité grâce à une méthode basée sur les diagrammes de décision binaire. Plusieurs contributions théoriques ont aussi permis de mettre en place une solution exacte de la fiabilité des réseaux stochastiques imparfaits dans le cadre des méthodes de factorisation. A partir de cette recherche plusieurs outils ont été programmés pour évaluer et optimiser la fiabilité des réseaux. Les résultats obtenus montrent clairement un gain significatif en temps d’exécution et en espace de mémoire utilisé par rapport à beaucoup d’autres implémentations. Mots-clés: Fiabilité, réseaux, optimisation, diagrammes de décision binaire, ensembles des chemins et coupes minimales, algorithmes, indicateur de Birnbaum, systèmes de radio télécommunication, programmes.Efficient computation of systems reliability is required in many sensitive networks. Despite the increased efficiency of computers and the proliferation of algorithms, the problem of finding good and quickly solutions in the case of large systems remains open. Recently, efficient computation techniques have been recognized as significant advances to solve the problem during a reasonable period of time. However, they are applicable to a special category of networks and more efforts still necessary to generalize a unified method giving exact solution. Assessing the reliability of networks is a very complex combinatorial problem which requires powerful computing resources. Several methods have been proposed in the literature. Some have been implemented including minimal sets enumeration and factoring methods, and others remained as simple theories. This thesis treats the case of networks reliability evaluation and optimization. Several issues were discussed including the development of a methodology for modeling networks and evaluating their reliabilities. This methodology was validated as part of a radio communication network project. In this work, some algorithms have been developed to generate minimal paths and cuts for a given network. The generation of paths and cuts is an important contribution in the process of networks reliability and optimization. These algorithms have been subsequently used to assess reliability by a method based on binary decision diagrams. Several theoretical contributions have been proposed and helped to establish an exact solution of the stochastic networks reliability in which edges and nodes are subject to failure using factoring decomposition theorem. From this research activity, several tools have been implemented and results clearly show a significant gain in time execution and memory space used by comparison to many other implementations. Key-words: Reliability, Networks, optimization, binary decision diagrams, minimal paths set and cuts set, algorithms, Birnbaum performance index, Networks, radio-telecommunication systems, programs

    Symbolic Parity Game Solvers that Yield Winning Strategies

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    Parity games play an important role for LTL synthesis as evidenced by recent breakthroughs on LTL synthesis, which rely in part on parity game solving. Yet state space explosion remains a major issue if we want to scale to larger systems or specifications. In order to combat this problem, we need to investigate symbolic methods such as BDDs, which have been successful in the past to tackle exponentially large systems. It is therefore essential to have symbolic parity game solving algorithms, operating using BDDs, that are fast and that can produce the winning strategies used to synthesize the controller in LTL synthesis. Current symbolic parity game solving algorithms do not yield winning strategies. We now propose two symbolic algorithms that yield winning strategies, based on two recently proposed fixpoint algorithms. We implement the algorithms and empirically evaluate them using benchmarks obtained from SYNTCOMP 2020. Our conclusion is that the algorithms are competitive with or faster than an earlier symbolic implementation of Zielonka's recursive algorithm, while also providing the winning strategies.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2020, arXiv:2009.0936
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