839 research outputs found

    Memory resource balancing for virtualized computing

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    Virtualization has become a common abstraction layer in modern data centers. By multiplexing hardware resources into multiple virtual machines (VMs) and thus enabling several operating systems to run on the same physical platform simultaneously, it can effectively reduce power consumption and building size or improve security by isolating VMs. In a virtualized system, memory resource management plays a critical role in achieving high resource utilization and performance. Insufficient memory allocation to a VM will degrade its performance dramatically. On the contrary, over-allocation causes waste of memory resources. Meanwhile, a VM’s memory demand may vary significantly. As a result, effective memory resource management calls for a dynamic memory balancer, which, ideally, can adjust memory allocation in a timely manner for each VM based on their current memory demand and thus achieve the best memory utilization and the optimal overall performance. In order to estimate the memory demand of each VM and to arbitrate possible memory resource contention, a widely proposed approach is to construct an LRU-based miss ratio curve (MRC), which provides not only the current working set size (WSS) but also the correlation between performance and the target memory allocation size. Unfortunately, the cost of constructing an MRC is nontrivial. In this dissertation, we first present a low overhead LRU-based memory demand tracking scheme, which includes three orthogonal optimizations: AVL-based LRU organization, dynamic hot set sizing and intermittent memory tracking. Our evaluation results show that, for the whole SPEC CPU 2006 benchmark suite, after applying the three optimizing techniques, the mean overhead of MRC construction is lowered from 173% to only 2%. Based on current WSS, we then predict its trend in the near future and take different strategies for different prediction results. When there is a sufficient amount of physical memory on the host, it locally balances its memory resource for the VMs. Once the local memory resource is insufficient and the memory pressure is predicted to sustain for a sufficiently long time, a relatively expensive solution, VM live migration, is used to move one or more VMs from the hot host to other host(s). Finally, for transient memory pressure, a remote cache is used to alleviate the temporary performance penalty. Our experimental results show that this design achieves 49% center-wide speedup

    Centaur: Host-Side SSD Caching for Storage Performance Control

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    Topics in access, storage, and sensor networks

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    In the first part of this dissertation, Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) and IEEE 802.3ah Ethernet Passive Optical Network (ETON), two access networking standards, are studied. We study the impact of two parameters of the DOCSIS protocol and derive the probability of message collision in the 802.3ah device discovery scheme. We survey existing bandwidth allocation schemes for EPONs, derive the average grant size in one such scheme, and study the performance of the shortest-job-first heuristic. In the second part of this dissertation, we study networks of mobile sensors. We make progress towards an architecture for disconnected collections of mobile sensors. We propose a new design abstraction called tours which facilitates the combination of mobility and communication into a single design primitive and enables the system of sensors to reorganize into desirable topologies alter failures. We also initiate a study of computation in mobile sensor networks. We study the relationship between two distributed computational models of mobile sensor networks: population protocols and self-similar functions. We define the notion of a self-similar predicate and show when it is computable by a population protocol. Transition graphs of population protocols lead its to the consideration of graph powers. We consider the direct product of graphs and its new variant which we call the lexicographic direct product (or the clique product). We show that invariants concerning transposable walks in direct graph powers and transposable independent sets in graph families generated by the lexicographic direct product are uncomputable. The last part of this dissertation makes contributions to the area of storage systems. We propose a sequential access detect ion and prefetching scheme and a dynamic cache sizing scheme for large storage systems. We evaluate the cache sizing scheme theoretically and through simulations. We compute the expected hit ratio of our and competing schemes and bound the expected size of our dynamic cache sufficient to obtain an optimal hit ratio. We also develop a stand-alone simulator for studying our proposed scheme and integrate it with an empirically validated disk simulator

    Optimized Pricing Scheme in Cloud Environment Using Dedupication

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    IAAS environment is referred as resources with VM instanSces. Customers can?t utilize all resource, but provide full charge for allocated storage.And in server side, storage are not utilized, so scalability become degraded. Implement best billing cycle for access and utilize the resources. Data Deduplication is becoming increasingly popular in storage systems as a space-efficient approach to data backup. Present SiLo, a near-exact deduplication system.That effectively and complementarily exploits similarity and locality to achieve high duplicate elimination. The data secure storing and sharing of the files

    A unified approach to the performance analysis of caching systems

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    We propose a unified methodology to analyse the performance of caches (both isolated and interconnected), by extending and generalizing a decoupling technique originally known as Che's approximation, which provides very accurate results at low computational cost. We consider several caching policies, taking into account the effects of temporal locality. In the case of interconnected caches, our approach allows us to do better than the Poisson approximation commonly adopted in prior work. Our results, validated against simulations and trace-driven experiments, provide interesting insights into the performance of caching systems.Comment: in ACM TOMPECS 20016. Preliminary version published at IEEE Infocom 201

    Run Time Approximation of Non-blocking Service Rates for Streaming Systems

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    Stream processing is a compute paradigm that promises safe and efficient parallelism. Modern big-data problems are often well suited for stream processing's throughput-oriented nature. Realization of efficient stream processing requires monitoring and optimization of multiple communications links. Most techniques to optimize these links use queueing network models or network flow models, which require some idea of the actual execution rate of each independent compute kernel within the system. What we want to know is how fast can each kernel process data independent of other communicating kernels. This is known as the "service rate" of the kernel within the queueing literature. Current approaches to divining service rates are static. Modern workloads, however, are often dynamic. Shared cloud systems also present applications with highly dynamic execution environments (multiple users, hardware migration, etc.). It is therefore desirable to continuously re-tune an application during run time (online) in response to changing conditions. Our approach enables online service rate monitoring under most conditions, obviating the need for reliance on steady state predictions for what are probably non-steady state phenomena. First, some of the difficulties associated with online service rate determination are examined. Second, the algorithm to approximate the online non-blocking service rate is described. Lastly, the algorithm is implemented within the open source RaftLib framework for validation using a simple microbenchmark as well as two full streaming applications.Comment: technical repor

    Performance analysis and optimization of the Java memory system

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