90 research outputs found

    Didáctica de las Actividades en el medio natural mediante m-learning y realidad aumentada en el Grado de Magisterio en Educación Primaria

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    En este trabajo se presenta la fase de evaluación de un proyecto de innovación didáctica llevado a cabo en el Grado de Magisterio en Educación Primaria (Universidad de Zaragoza). El proyecto se fundamenta en la incorporación del m-learning y de la realidad aumentada como metodología de la enseñanza de contenidos de actividades en el medio natural. Los contenidos sobre los que se ha trabajado son la bicicleta todo terreno, la escalada, la orientación, el senderismo, el esquí y el trail. El alumnado participante, que es futuro maestro de Educación Física, valora positivamente este método de trabajo, destacando la motivación que supone a nivel pedagógico. Del mismo modo, encuentra ciertas limitaciones, como la disponibilidad del número de dispositivos móviles o la necesidad de estar conectados a la red para poder utilizar determinadas aplicaciones. This paper presents the evaluation phase of a didactic innovation project. It has been developed in the Teaching in Primary Education degree (University of Zaragoza). The project shows the m-learning and augmented reality as a teaching methodology for outdoor activities contents. The contents on which we have worked are mountain biking, climbing, orientation, hiking, skiing and trail running. The students, future Physical Education teachers, valued positively this method. They underlined the motivation aroused in the students due to the novelty like a pedagogical way to work. In the same way, they found certain limitations. Firstly, the availability of the number of mobile devices needed. Secondly, the need to be connected to the network in order to use certain applications

    Digital factory – virtual reality environments for industrial training and maintenance

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    This study evaluates the use of virtual reality (VR) platforms, which is an integrated part of the digital factory for an industrial training and maintenance system. The digital factory-based VR platform provides an intuitive and immersive human–computer interface, which can be an efficient tool for industrial training and maintenance services. The outcomes from this study suggested that use of the VR platform for training and maintenance of complex industrial tasks should be encouraged and use of the VR platform for that purpose should be further evaluated. This paper highlighted the generic concept of the application of virtual reality technique within the digital factory to industrial maintenance and to build a low-cost VR application for a training and maintenance system. An application case on virtual reality technique in a power plant operations and maintenance is demonstrated within the scope of this research. Overall research implications on virtual reality concept in industrial applications are concluded with future research directions.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Exploring the Impact of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Technologies on Business Model Innovation in Technology Companies in Germany

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    Newly-emerging, digitally-based technological innovations, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), are new drivers for business model innovation. This study aims to develop a better understanding of the impact of AR/VR technologies on business model innovation in technology companies. The objective of the study is “to explore the impact of augmented reality and virtual reality technologies on business model innovation in technology companies in Germany”. This paper investigates the body of knowledge regarding contemporary business model innovation and presents a conceptual framework to guide the research. The philosophical underpinnings of the study are discussed, and the chosen research methodology is justified. A holistic multiple-case study design targets German business-to-business technology companies employing AR/VR technologies to innovate their business models. The paper concludes with a discussion of initial learnings garnered from the implementation of a pre-pilot case study test run, and a full pilot case study

    Collaborative learning & co-creation in XR

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    In this SIG, we aim at gathering researchers and practitioners to reflect on using XR technologies to support collaborative learning and co-creation, and to foster a joint force by connecting the Learning and Education community and the XR community at CHI. We witness a significant increase in CHI publications relating to these research areas: 292 titles about "collaborative learning" or "co-creation" since 2015 compared to 96 in 2010-2014; and 1180 titles about XR since 2015 compared to 288 in 2010-2014. This SIG will bring together researchers, educators, designers and practitioners to 1) stimulate a cross-disciplinary discussion on the opportunities of collaborative learning and co-creation in XR; 2) foresee the future directions, standards and obstacles to introduce XR to education; and 3) build a joint community connecting XR and education research at CHI

    Exploring virtual reality to improve engineering students' spatial abilities pilot study

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    A Virtual Reality pilot study is conducted to improve the spatial ability of engineering students based on solid geometry scenarios. The investigation focused on the Graphic Expression and Computer-Aided Design (GECAD) course, specifically on the study of the spatial abilities developed and the assessment of the academic results in the solid geometry module. A total of 20 participants completed three activities (6 h) in an immersive virtual learning environment (IVLE), using head-mounted display (HMD) glasses. Modeling exercises of three-dimensional geometric shapes are proposed, based on concepts of solid geometry. The scenarios are built step by step and the students can regulate the progress between stages while observing the geometric components at the scale and in the point of view they wish. Beyond academic results, the assessment of student improvement is based on spatial abilities tests: the Differential Aptitude Test: Spatial Relations Subset DAT-SR, Purdue Spatial Visualisation Test: Rotations PSVT:R and Mental Cutting Test MCT. Those tests are applied for evaluating different skills: mental folding, mental rotation and section by a plane. In summary, a methodology is proposed developing activities in an (IVLE) with 3D modelling software applied in solid geometry, in order to promote the development of spatial ability (SA). Spatial abilities are measured before and after the classroom activities and looking for correlations between the spatial perception tests (DAT:SR, PSVT:R and MCT) and academic results in solid geometry. In addition, we also wish to determine the students' opinion with regard to the proposed activities. The results obtained confirm the interest in using IVLE to develop spatial abilities in engineering students. Substantial increases of 10,9% in DAT:SR, 8,8 % in PSVT:R and 9,5% in MCT between pre- and post-tests were found. Moreover, the students' opinion of IVLE/HMD activities is positive. The methodology can be summarized in the following steps: 1. Students take the DAT:SR , PSVT:R and MCT prior to the activities. They also answer the survey on other variables that can affect SA (1 h). 2. The students individually complete the exercises with the 3D modelling software SolidWorks (10 h). 3. The IVLE activities consist of the guided reading by the professor of the completed exercise. The professor addresses the concepts of solid geometry used in each step. The students have a few minutes to view with HMD the animation showing the construction of the geometric shape, and once the representation is finished, they can move freely throughout the scenario, using the keyboard options (6 h). 4. Students solve the (DAT:SR, PSVT:R and MCT after the IVLE activities. At the end, the groups answer the satisfaction survey (1 h). 5. All the students are evaluated on their knowledge of the solid geometry contents by means of a test and 3D modelling exercises similar to those done in class and those described in the IVRL (1h). 6. Finally, the analysis of the spatial abilities test data, the controlled variables survey, satisfaction surveys and the academic results obtained in the solid geometry module enable us to examine the correlations and the strongest determining factors in order to obtain good academic results and propose IVLE activities to improve the levels of spatial ability obtained on the tests. This paper describes the exploratory methodology used and its results.Postprint (published version

    Implementasi Pengujian Alpha dan Beta Testing Pada Aplikasi Gamelan Virtual Reality

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    Abstrak. Pengujian merupakan bagian atau tahapan yang sangat penting dalam proses pengembangan perangkat lunak. Pengujian yang dilakukan secara tepat akan menghasilkan perangkat lunak berkualitas tinggi yang akhirnya dapat meningkatkan kepuasan pengguna dalam menggunakan perangkat lunak tersebut. Penelitian yang berjudul implementasi pengujian alpha dan beta testing pada aplikasi Gamelan Virtual Reality dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menguji seluruh fungsionalitas aplikasi Gamelan Virtual Reality dan mengukur seberapa besar tingkat penerimaan pengguna terhadap aplikasi yang dikembangkan tersebut. Pengujian Fungsionalitas aplikasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode alpha testing, sedangkan pengukuran tingkat penerimaan pengguna dilakukan dengan metode beta testing. Pada pengujian alpha testing, penulis secara langsung menguji dan membandingkan output aplikasi Gamelan Virtual Reality. Jika output yang dihasilkan berbeda dengan output yang diharapkan, maka fungsionalitas itu gagal dikembangkan. Pengujian ini menghasilkan sebuah kesimpulan bahwa fungsionalitas aplikasi Gamelan Virtual Reality telah dikembangkan dengan baik. Pada pengujian beta testing, penulis menganalisis jawaban kuesioner yang diisi oleh responden setelah menggunakan dan menguji aplikasi Gamelan Virtual Reality. Hasil dari proses analisis tersebut adalah pengguna sangat menerima aplikasi Gamelan Virtual Reality yang dikembangkan.   Abstract. Testing is an essential part and stage of software development. Properly conducted testing will result in high-quality software that ultimately enhances user satisfaction in utilizing the software. The research entitled "Implementation of Alpha and Beta Testing in Virtual Reality Gamelan Application" aims to test the entire functionality of the virtual reality gamelan application and measure the level of user acceptance towards the developed application. The functionality testing of the application was carried out using the alpha testing method, while the measurement of user acceptance was done through the beta testing method. In the alpha testing, the authors directly tested and compared the output of the virtual reality gamelan application. If the produced output differed from the expected output, it indicated a failure in functionality development. This testing leads to the conclusion that the functionality of the virtual reality gamelan application had been well developed. In the beta testing, the authors analyzed the questionnaire responses filled out by the participants after using and testing the virtual reality gamelan application. The result of this analysis shows that users highly accepted the developed virtual reality gamelan applicatio

    Students' Acceptance Level of Augmented Reality Technology Applied to Teaching Tools Chiller Simulation System

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    Along with the development of technology, Augmented Reality (AR) has been used as a teaching aid to facilitate the teaching and learning process. Nevertheless, the use of AR technology in teaching and learning session in Vocational College is still at a minimal level. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the level of students' acceptance of AR technology from the aspects of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and attitude. A total of 114 students who took the Diploma in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (PPU) program at Batu Pahat Vocational College, Kluang Vocational College, Muar Vocational College and Segamat Vocational College were involved in this study. The distribution of the questionnaire for this study is using google form through the online platform. This study uses descriptive analysis method (mean and standard deviation). The reliability value for this study instrument is α = 0.890. Overall, the results of the study showed that the level of perceived usefulness, the level of perceived ease of use and the level of attitude were at a high level with a mean value (M = 4.34, M = 4.36, M = 4.25). In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that most students have a high level of acceptance of the use of AR technology in teaching and learning session. In this regard, Vocational College should strive to enhance the use of AR technology so that the teaching and learning process can be carried out more effectively