719 research outputs found

    An object-based classification approach for mapping "migrant housing" in the mega-urban area of the Pearl River Delta (China)

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    Urban areas develop on formal and informal levels. Informal development is often highly dynamic, leading to a lag of spatial information about urban structure types. In this work, an object-based remote sensing approach will be presented to map the migrant housing urban structure type in the Pearl River Delta, China. SPOT5 data were utilized for the classification (auxiliary data, particularly up-to-date cadastral data, were not available). A hierarchically structured classification process was used to create (spectral) independence from single satellite scenes and to arrive at a transferrable classification process. Using the presented classification approach, an overall classification accuracy of migrant housing of 68.0% is attained

    Urban land expansion and spatial dynamics in Globalizing Shanghai

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    pre-printUrban land expansion in China has attracted considerable scholarly attention. However, more work is needed to apply spatial modeling to understanding the mechanisms of urban growth from both institutional and physical perspectives. This paper analyzes urban expansion in Shanghai and its development zones (DZs). We find that, as nodes of global-local interface, the DZs are the most significant components of urban growth in Shanghai, and major spatial patterns of urban expansion in Shanghai are infilling and edge expansion. We apply logistic regression, geographically weighted logistic regression (GWLR) and spatial regime regression to investigate the determinants of urban land expansion including physical conditions, state policy and land development. Regressions reveal that, though the market has been an important driving force in urban growth, the state has played a predominant role through the implementation of urban planning and the establishment of DZs to fully capitalize on globalization. We also find that differences in urban growth dynamics exist between the areas inside and outside of the DZs. Finally, this paper discusses policies to promote sustainable development in Shanghai

    Land Use/Land Cover Change Detection by Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Imageries: Bangalore City India (1992-2012)

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    Land use and land cover (LULC) changes is a dynamic, widespread and accelerating process, mainly driven by natural phenomena and anthropogenic activities, which in turn drives changes that world impact natural ecosystem. Change detection is one of the landscape ecological aims. Main aim of this study is to prepare land use land cover and their change detections by using remote sensing and GIS techniques. This paper presents the land use/land cover changes that have taken place in Bangalore, from 1992 to 2012.The study has been done through Landsat & IRS imagery from 1992, 2000, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009 and 2012. The land use and land cover classification maps were prepared through remote sensing and GIS technology. The results indicate that there was a significant increasing trend in built up land and decreasing trend in agricultural lan

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThis research focuses on the application of geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial analysis methods to urban and regional development studies. GIS-based spatial modeling approaches have recently been used in examining regional development disparities and urban growth. Through the cases of Guangdong province and the city of Dongguan, the study employs a spatial-temporal, multiscale, and multimethodology approach in analyzing geographically referenced socioeconomic and remote sensing data. A general spatial data analysis framework is set through a study of regional development in China's Guangdong province and urban growth in the city of Dongguan. Three intensive spatial statistical analyses are carried out. First, the dissertation investigates the spatial dynamics of regional inequality through Markov chains and spatial Markov-chain analyses. In so doing, it addresses the effect of self-reinforcing agglomeration on regional disparities. Multilevel modeling is further employed to evaluate the relative importance of regional development mechanisms in Guangdong. Second, a spatial filtering perspective is employed for understanding the spatial effects on multiscalar characteristics of regional inequality in Guangdong. Spatial panel and space-time regression models are integrated to detail the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of underlying mechanisms behind regional inequality. Third, drawing upon a set of high-quality remote sensing data in the city of Dongguan, the dissertation analyzes the spatial-temporal dynamics and spatial determinants of urban growth in a rapid industrializing area. Through the application of landscape metrics, three types of urban growth, including infill, spontaneous, and edge expansion, are distinguished, addressing the diverse spatial patterns at different stages of urban growth. A spatial logistic approach is further developed to model the spatial variations of urban growth determinants within the Dongguan city. In short, the dissertation finds that regional inequality in the Guangdong province is sensitive to spatial scales, dependence, and the core-periphery structure therein. The evolution of inequality can hardly be simplified into either convergence or divergence trajectories. Furthermore, development mechanisms and urban growth determinants are apparently different in space and are sensitive to spatial hierarchies and regimes. Overall, through the application of GIS spatial modeling techniques, the dissertation has provided more valuable information about spatial effects on China's urban and regional development under economic transition and highlights the importance of taking into consideration spatial dimensions in urban and regional development studies

    Un panorama de la télédétection de l'étalement urbain

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    The objective of this review paper is to provide an overview of remote sensing based research tackling urban sprawl issue. 113 articles were indexed and analyzed after research on bibliographical databases. These 113 articles are presented in the form of summary table giving highlights of the listed publications. Articles are divided into 6 categories (F, A, B, C, D, E) according to whether they are articles of methodology, characterization, prospective modeling-simulation, retrospective modeling-simulation, analysis of impacts or monitoring of urban sprawl. The summary table is conceived as a tool which can help researchers interested by the measurement and the analysis of urban sprawl.Cette note rend compte d'une recherche bibliographique dont l'objectif est de fournir un panorama des recherches utilisant la télédétection pour aborder la problématique de l'étalement urbain. 113 articles ont été répertoriés et analysés à la suite de recherches dans des bases de données bibliographiques. Ces 113 articles sont présentés sous forme de tableau récapitulatif donnant un aperçu général des publications recensées. Les articles sont répartis en 6 catégories (F, A, B, C, D, E) suivant qu'il s'agit d'articles de méthodologie, de caractérisation, de modélisation-simulation prospective, de modélisation-simulation rétrospective, d'analyse d'impacts ou de monitorage de l'étalement urbain. Le panorama est conçu comme un outil d'aide aux chercheurs qui s'intéressent à la mesure et à l'analyse de l'étalement urbain

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationDuring the past three decades, China was experiencing a transitional economy driven by both the market and the state. At the same time, the economic transitions brought a tremendous urban land expansion in China and other transitional socialist countries

    Identifying urban growth patterns through land-use/land-cover spatio-temporal metrics: Simulation and analysis

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    [EN] The spatial pattern of urban growth determines how the physical, socio-economic and environmental characteristics of urban areas change over time. Monitoring urban areas for early identification of spatial patterns facilitates assuring their sustainable growth. In this paper, we assess the use of spatio-temporal metrics from land-use/land-cover (LULC) maps to identify growth patterns. We applied LULC change models to simulate different scenarios of urban growth spatial patterns (i.e., expansion, compact, dispersed, road-based and leapfrog) on various baseline urban forms (i.e., monocentric, polycentric, sprawl and linear). Then, we computed the spatio-temporal metrics for the simulated scenarios, selected the most informative metrics by applying discriminant analysis and classified the growth patterns using clustering methods. Two metrics, Weighted mean expansion and Weighted Euclidean distance, which account for the densification, compactness and concentration of urban growth, were the most efficient for classifying the five growth patterns, despite the influence of the baseline urban form. These metrics have the potential to identify growth patterns for monitoring and evaluating the management of developing urban areas.This work was supported by the the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and FEDER [CGL2016-80705-R].Sapena Moll, M.; Ruiz Fernández, LÁ. (2021). Identifying urban growth patterns through land-use/land-cover spatio-temporal metrics: Simulation and analysis. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 35(2):375-396. https://doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2020.181746337539635


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    Perubahan guna lahan merupakan fenomena yang terjadi akibat dari perkembangan kota yang sangat cepat. Wilayah yang mengalami perubahan guna lahan akibat dari perkembangan kota yakni wilayah pinggiran kota (urban fringe). Kota Surakarta sebagai salah satu pusat aktivitas utama di Provinsi Jawa Tengah mengalami perkembangan kota yang signifikan. Terjadinya perubahan guna lahan di wilayah urban fringe Kota Surakarta memberikan dampak secara struktur keruangan perkotaan Surakarta yakni meningkatnya alih fungsi lahan pertanian menjadi lahan terbangun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui transformasi spasial di wilayah urban fringe Kota Surakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penginderaan jauh berdasarkan citra satelit landsat 8 OLI dengan dzetzaka tools dan klasifikasi random forest. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan dalam jangka waktu 5 tahun (2013-2018) terjadi peningkatan luasan sebesar 3.284 ha lahan terbangun dan hilangnya lahan pertanian seluas 4.004 ha. Proyeksi terhadap data luasan lahan terbangun pada tahun 2013-2018 dapat menunjukkan bahwa pada tahun 2023 diprediksi akan terjadi peningkatan lahan terbangun sebesar 720 ha. Faktor aksesibilitas mempengaruhi transformasi spasial di wilayah urban fringe Kota Surakarta. Perubahan guna lahan paling signifikan terjadi di wilayah sekitar jaringan jalan utama

    Procjena korištenja zemljišta i preobrazbe zemljišnog pokrova i urbane dinamike koristeći viševremenske satelitske podatke

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    Assessment of Land use and land cover (LULC) transformations at different spatial levels is crucial in several areas, including protection of the environment, resource utilization, planning and sustainability. The present work is an attempt to carry out a detailed study of LULC transformations and to analyze urban areas in Srinagar city (India) using multi-temporal Landsat satellite data for the year 1995 to 2019. Seven different LULC classes were delineated for the selected periods by a supervised method using maximum likelihood classifier algorithm in ERDAS Imagine 14. The findings indicate that over the specified periods substantial changes have occurred in terms of LULC. Overall seven categories were identified and, throughout studies, three trends of LULC change were observed (1) continuous expansion of the area under the class of built-up, barren, horticulture (2) agriculture, water and marshy class are continuously decreasing (3) increase (1995–2010) and decrease (2010–2019) in forest classes between two periods. During the study period, in built-up (+), horticulture (+), agriculture (–) water (–) and marshes (–) most significant changes have been observed, referencing to change in percentage within each class, the maximum variability was observed in built-up (148.07%), horticulture (40.87%), marshes (–58.37%), water (–22%) and agriculture (–35.38%). For quantitative assessment changes Land Consumption Rate (LCR) and Land Absorption Coefficient (LAC) were introduced. The overall research scenario shows that the LULC transition in the city is very evident. The rapid change of LULC in the ecologically sensitive Srinagar city is driven mainly by anthropogenic sources and has a negative environmental influence.Procjena korištenja zemljišta i preobrazbe zemljišnog pokrova (LULC) na različitim prostornim razinama važna je u nekoliko područja uključujući zaštitu okoliša, iskorištavanje prirodnih izvora, planiranje i održivost. U ovom radu pokušava se provesti detaljna studija LULC preobrazbi i analizirati urbana područja u gradu Srinagar (Indija) koristeći viševremenske satelitske podatke Landsat za razdoblje od 1995. do 2019. godine. Iscrtano je sedam različitih LULC klasa za odabrano razdoblje uz pomoć nadzirane metode koristeći algoritam klasifikatora najveće vjerojatnosti u ERDAS Imagine 14. Rezultati ukazuju na to da su se u određenim razdobljima dogodile znatne promjene u smislu LULC-a. Svih sedam kategorija je identificirano te su kroz studije promatrana tri trenda izmjene LULC-a (1) stalno širenje područja u klasi izgrađenosti, neplodnosti, hortikulture (2) poljoprivreda, vode i močvarno tlo se stalno smanjuju (3) porast (1995–2010) i smanjenje (2010–2019) u klasi šuma između dva razdoblja. Tijekom razdoblja provođenja studije, u klasi izgrađenosti (+), hortikulture (+), poljoprivrede (–) voda (–) i močvarnog tla (–) opažene su najznačajnije promjene izražene u postocima unutar svake klase, najveća varijabilnost je uočena u klasi izgrađenosti (148,07%), hortikulture (40,87%), močvarnog tla (–58,37%), vode (–22%) i poljoprivrede (–35,38%). U svrhu kvantitativne procjene promjena uvedene su stopa korištenja zemljišta (LCR) i koeficijent apsorpcije zemljišta (LAC). Sveukupan istraživački scenarij pokazuje da je LULC tranzicija u gradu vrlo očita. Brze izmjene LULC-a u ekološki osjetljivom gradu Srinagaru vođene su uglavnom antropogenim izvorima te imaju negativan utjecaj na okoliš

    Procjena korištenja zemljišta i preobrazbe zemljišnog pokrova i urbane dinamike koristeći viševremenske satelitske podatke

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    Assessment of Land use and land cover (LULC) transformations at different spatial levels is crucial in several areas, including protection of the environment, resource utilization, planning and sustainability. The present work is an attempt to carry out a detailed study of LULC transformations and to analyze urban areas in Srinagar city (India) using multi-temporal Landsat satellite data for the year 1995 to 2019. Seven different LULC classes were delineated for the selected periods by a supervised method using maximum likelihood classifier algorithm in ERDAS Imagine 14. The findings indicate that over the specified periods substantial changes have occurred in terms of LULC. Overall seven categories were identified and, throughout studies, three trends of LULC change were observed (1) continuous expansion of the area under the class of built-up, barren, horticulture (2) agriculture, water and marshy class are continuously decreasing (3) increase (1995–2010) and decrease (2010–2019) in forest classes between two periods. During the study period, in built-up (+), horticulture (+), agriculture (–) water (–) and marshes (–) most significant changes have been observed, referencing to change in percentage within each class, the maximum variability was observed in built-up (148.07%), horticulture (40.87%), marshes (–58.37%), water (–22%) and agriculture (–35.38%). For quantitative assessment changes Land Consumption Rate (LCR) and Land Absorption Coefficient (LAC) were introduced. The overall research scenario shows that the LULC transition in the city is very evident. The rapid change of LULC in the ecologically sensitive Srinagar city is driven mainly by anthropogenic sources and has a negative environmental influence.Procjena korištenja zemljišta i preobrazbe zemljišnog pokrova (LULC) na različitim prostornim razinama važna je u nekoliko područja uključujući zaštitu okoliša, iskorištavanje prirodnih izvora, planiranje i održivost. U ovom radu pokušava se provesti detaljna studija LULC preobrazbi i analizirati urbana područja u gradu Srinagar (Indija) koristeći viševremenske satelitske podatke Landsat za razdoblje od 1995. do 2019. godine. Iscrtano je sedam različitih LULC klasa za odabrano razdoblje uz pomoć nadzirane metode koristeći algoritam klasifikatora najveće vjerojatnosti u ERDAS Imagine 14. Rezultati ukazuju na to da su se u određenim razdobljima dogodile znatne promjene u smislu LULC-a. Svih sedam kategorija je identificirano te su kroz studije promatrana tri trenda izmjene LULC-a (1) stalno širenje područja u klasi izgrađenosti, neplodnosti, hortikulture (2) poljoprivreda, vode i močvarno tlo se stalno smanjuju (3) porast (1995–2010) i smanjenje (2010–2019) u klasi šuma između dva razdoblja. Tijekom razdoblja provođenja studije, u klasi izgrađenosti (+), hortikulture (+), poljoprivrede (–) voda (–) i močvarnog tla (–) opažene su najznačajnije promjene izražene u postocima unutar svake klase, najveća varijabilnost je uočena u klasi izgrađenosti (148,07%), hortikulture (40,87%), močvarnog tla (–58,37%), vode (–22%) i poljoprivrede (–35,38%). U svrhu kvantitativne procjene promjena uvedene su stopa korištenja zemljišta (LCR) i koeficijent apsorpcije zemljišta (LAC). Sveukupan istraživački scenarij pokazuje da je LULC tranzicija u gradu vrlo očita. Brze izmjene LULC-a u ekološki osjetljivom gradu Srinagaru vođene su uglavnom antropogenim izvorima te imaju negativan utjecaj na okoliš