14 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Strength of Genomic Privacy Metrics

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The genome is a unique identifier for human individuals. The genome also contains highly sensitive information, creating a high potential for misuse of genomic data (for example, genetic discrimination). In this paper, we investigate how genomic privacy can be measured in scenarios where an adversary aims to infer a person’s genomic markers by constructing probability distributions on the values of genetic variations. We measured the strength of privacy metrics by requiring that metrics are monotonic with increasing adversary strength and uncovered serious problems with several existing metrics currently used to measure genomic privacy. We provide suggestions on metric selection, interpretation, and visualization, and illustrate the work flow using case studies for three real-world diseases

    POSTER: Evaluating Privacy Metrics for Graph Anonymization and De-anonymization

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    Many modern communication systems generate graph data, for example social networks and email networks. Such graph data can be used for recommender systems and data mining. However, because graph data contains sensitive information about individuals, sharing or publishing graph data may pose privacy risks. To protect graph privacy, data anonymization has been proposed to prevent individual users in a graph from being identified by adversaries. The effectiveness of both anonymization and de-anonymization techniques is usually evaluated using the adversary’s success rate. However, the success rate does not measure privacy for individual users in a graph because it is an aggregate per-graph metric. In addition, it is unclear whether the success rate is monotonic, i.e. whether it indicates higher privacy for weaker adversaries, and lower privacy for stronger adversaries. To address these gaps, we propose a methodology to systematically evaluate the monotonicity of graph privacy metrics, and present preliminary results for the monotonicity of 25 graph privacy metrics

    Measuring Privacy in Vehicular Networks

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    Vehicular communication plays a key role in near- future automotive transport, promising features like increased traffic safety or wireless software updates. However, vehicular communication can expose driver locations and thus poses important privacy risks. Many schemes have been proposed to protect privacy in vehicular communication, and their effectiveness is usually shown using privacy metrics. However, to the best of our knowledge, (1) different privacy metrics have never been compared to each other, and (2) it is unknown how strong the metrics are. In this paper, we argue that privacy metrics should be monotonic, i.e. that they indicate decreasing privacy for increasing adversary strength, and we evaluate the monotonicity of 32 privacy metrics on real and synthetic traffic with state-of- the-art adversary models. Our results indicate that most privacy metrics are weak at least in some situations. We therefore recommend to use metrics suites, i.e. combinations of privacy metrics, when evaluating new privacy-enhancing technologies

    Using Metrics Suites to Improve the Measurement of Privacy in Graphs

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Social graphs are widely used in research (e.g., epidemiology) and business (e.g., recommender systems). However, sharing these graphs poses privacy risks because they contain sensitive information about individuals. Graph anonymization techniques aim to protect individual users in a graph, while graph de-anonymization aims to re-identify users. The effectiveness of anonymization and de-anonymization algorithms is usually evaluated with privacy metrics. However, it is unclear how strong existing privacy metrics are when they are used in graph privacy. In this paper, we study 26 privacy metrics for graph anonymization and de-anonymization and evaluate their strength in terms of three criteria: monotonicity indicates whether the metric indicates lower privacy for stronger adversaries; for within-scenario comparisons, evenness indicates whether metric values are spread evenly; and for between-scenario comparisons, shared value range indicates whether metrics use a consistent value range across scenarios. Our extensive experiments indicate that no single metric fulfills all three criteria perfectly. We therefore use methods from multi-criteria decision analysis to aggregate multiple metrics in a metrics suite, and we show that these metrics suites improve monotonicity compared to the best individual metric. This important result enables more monotonic, and thus more accurate, evaluations of new graph anonymization and de-anonymization algorithms

    On the Strength of Privacy Metrics for Vehicular Communication

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    Privacy Risk Assessment: From Art to Science, by Metrics

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    Privacy risk assessments aim to analyze and quantify the privacy risks associated with new systems. As such, they are critically important in ensuring that adequate privacy protections are built in. However, current methods to quantify privacy risk rely heavily on experienced analysts picking the “correct” risk level on e.g. a five-point scale. In this paper, we argue that a more scientific quantification of privacy risk increases accuracy and reliability and can thus make it easier to build privacy-friendly systems. We discuss how the impact and likelihood of privacy violations can be decomposed and quantified, and stress the importance of meaningful metrics and units of measurement. We suggest a method of quantifying and representing privacy risk that considers a collection of factors as well as a variety of contexts and attacker models. We conclude by identifying some of the major research questions to take this approach further in a variety of application scenarios

    Technical Privacy Metrics: a Systematic Survey

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed versionThe goal of privacy metrics is to measure the degree of privacy enjoyed by users in a system and the amount of protection offered by privacy-enhancing technologies. In this way, privacy metrics contribute to improving user privacy in the digital world. The diversity and complexity of privacy metrics in the literature makes an informed choice of metrics challenging. As a result, instead of using existing metrics, new metrics are proposed frequently, and privacy studies are often incomparable. In this survey we alleviate these problems by structuring the landscape of privacy metrics. To this end, we explain and discuss a selection of over eighty privacy metrics and introduce categorizations based on the aspect of privacy they measure, their required inputs, and the type of data that needs protection. In addition, we present a method on how to choose privacy metrics based on nine questions that help identify the right privacy metrics for a given scenario, and highlight topics where additional work on privacy metrics is needed. Our survey spans multiple privacy domains and can be understood as a general framework for privacy measurement

    Privacy in the Smart City - Applications, Technologies, Challenges and Solutions

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    Many modern cities strive to integrate information technology into every aspect of city life to create so-called smart cities. Smart cities rely on a large number of application areas and technologies to realize complex interactions between citizens, third parties, and city departments. This overwhelming complexity is one reason why holistic privacy protection only rarely enters the picture. A lack of privacy can result in discrimination and social sorting, creating a fundamentally unequal society. To prevent this, we believe that a better understanding of smart cities and their privacy implications is needed. We therefore systematize the application areas, enabling technologies, privacy types, attackers and data sources for the attacks, giving structure to the fuzzy term “smart city”. Based on our taxonomies, we describe existing privacy-enhancing technologies, review the state of the art in real cities around the world, and discuss promising future research directions. Our survey can serve as a reference guide, contributing to the development of privacy-friendly smart cities