1,277 research outputs found

    Using real options to select stable Middleware-induced software architectures

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    The requirements that force decisions towards building distributed system architectures are usually of a non-functional nature. Scalability, openness, heterogeneity, and fault-tolerance are examples of such non-functional requirements. The current trend is to build distributed systems with middleware, which provide the application developer with primitives for managing the complexity of distribution, system resources, and for realising many of the non-functional requirements. As non-functional requirements evolve, the `coupling' between the middleware and architecture becomes the focal point for understanding the stability of the distributed software system architecture in the face of change. It is hypothesised that the choice of a stable distributed software architecture depends on the choice of the underlying middleware and its flexibility in responding to future changes in non-functional requirements. Drawing on a case study that adequately represents a medium-size component-based distributed architecture, it is reported how a likely future change in scalability could impact the architectural structure of two versions, each induced with a distinct middleware: one with CORBA and the other with J2EE. An option-based model is derived to value the flexibility of the induced-architectures and to guide the selection. The hypothesis is verified to be true for the given change. The paper concludes with some observations that could stimulate future research in the area of relating requirements to software architectures

    Methods for suspensions of passive and active filaments

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    Flexible filaments and fibres are essential components of important complex fluids that appear in many biological and industrial settings. Direct simulations of these systems that capture the motion and deformation of many immersed filaments in suspension remain a formidable computational challenge due to the complex, coupled fluid--structure interactions of all filaments, the numerical stiffness associated with filament bending, and the various constraints that must be maintained as the filaments deform. In this paper, we address these challenges by describing filament kinematics using quaternions to resolve both bending and twisting, applying implicit time-integration to alleviate numerical stiffness, and using quasi-Newton methods to obtain solutions to the resulting system of nonlinear equations. In particular, we employ geometric time integration to ensure that the quaternions remain unit as the filaments move. We also show that our framework can be used with a variety of models and methods, including matrix-free fast methods, that resolve low Reynolds number hydrodynamic interactions. We provide a series of tests and example simulations to demonstrate the performance and possible applications of our method. Finally, we provide a link to a MATLAB/Octave implementation of our framework that can be used to learn more about our approach and as a tool for filament simulation

    Measurements based performance analysis of Web services

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    Web services are increasingly used to enable interoperability and flexible integration of software systems. In this thesis we focus on measurement-based performance analysis of an e-commerce application which uses Web services components to execute business operations. In our experiments we use a session-oriented workload generated by a tool developed accordingly to TPC-W specification. The empirical results are obtained for two different user profiles, Browsing and Ordering, under different workload intensities. In addition to variation in workloads we also study the applications performance when Web services are implemented using .NET and J2EE. Unlike the previous work which was focused on the overall server response time and throughput, we present Web interaction, software architecture, and hardware resource level analysis of the system performance. In particular, we propose a method for extracting component level response times from the application server logs and study the impact of Web services and other components on the server performance. The results show that the response times of Web services components increase significantly under higher workload intensities when compared to other components. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    Real world evaluation of aspect-oriented software development : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    Software development has improved over the past decade with the rise in the popularity of the Object-Oriented (OO) development approach. However, software projects continue to grow in complexity and continue to have alarmingly low rates of success. Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is touted to be one solution to this software development problem. It shows promise of reducing programming complexity, making software more flexible and more amenable to change. The central concept introduced by AOP is the aspect. An aspect is used to modularise crosscutting concerns in a similar fashion to the way classes modularise business concerns. A crosscutting concern cannot be modularised in approaches such as OO because the code to realise the concern must be spread throughout the module (e.g. a tracing concent is implemented by adding code to every method in a system). AOP also introduces join points, pointcuts, and advice which are used with aspects to capture crosscutting concerns so they can be localised in a modular unit. OO took approximately 20 years to become a mainstream development approach. AOP was only invented in 1997. This project considers whether AOP is ready for commercial adoption. This requires analysis of the AOP implementations available, tool support, design processes, testing tools, standards, and support infrastructure. Only when AOP is evaluated across all these criteria can it be established whether it is ready to be used in commercial projects. Moreover, if companies are to invest time and money into adopting AOP, they must be aware of the benefits and risks associated with its adoption. This project attempts to quantify the potential benefits in adopting AOP, as well as identifying areas of risk. SolNet Solutions Ltd, an Information Technology (IT) company in Wellington, New Zealand, is used in this study as a target environment for integration of aspects into a commercial development process. SolNet is in the business of delivering large scale enterprise Java applications. To assist in this process they have developed a Common Services Architecture (CSA) containing components that can be reused to reduce risk and cost to clients. However, the CSA is complicated and SolNet have identified aspects as a potential solution to decrease the complexity. Aspects were found to bring substantial improvement to the Service Layer of SolNet. applications, including substantial reductions in complexity and size. This reduces the cost and time of development, as well as the risk associated with the projects. Moreover, the CSA was used in a more consistent fashion making the system easier to understand and maintain, and several crosscutting concerns were modularised as part of a reusable aspect library which could eventually form part of their CSA. It was found that AOP is approaching commercial readiness. However, more work is needed on defining standards for aspect languages and modelling of design elements. The current solutions in this area are commercially viable, but would greatly benefit from a standardised approach. Aspect systems can be difficult to test and the effect of the weaving process on Java serialisation requires further investigation

    Performance Testing of Distributed Component Architectures

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    Performance characteristics, such as response time, throughput andscalability, are key quality attributes of distributed applications. Current practice,however, rarely applies systematic techniques to evaluate performance characteristics.We argue that evaluation of performance is particularly crucial in early developmentstages, when important architectural choices are made. At first glance, thiscontradicts the use of testing techniques, which are usually applied towards the endof a project. In this chapter, we assume that many distributed systems are builtwith middleware technologies, such as the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) or theCommon Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). These provide servicesand facilities whose implementations are available when architectures are defined.We also note that it is the middleware functionality, such as transaction and persistenceservices, remote communication primitives and threading policy primitives,that dominates distributed system performance. Drawing on these observations, thischapter presents a novel approach to performance testing of distributed applications.We propose to derive application-specific test cases from architecture designs so thatthe performance of a distributed application can be tested based on the middlewaresoftware at early stages of a development process. We report empirical results thatsupport the viability of the approach

    Automatic performance optimisation of component-based enterprise systems via redundancy

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    Component technologies, such as J2EE and .NET have been extensively adopted for building complex enterprise applications. These technologies help address complex functionality and flexibility problems and reduce development and maintenance costs. Nonetheless, current component technologies provide little support for predicting and controlling the emerging performance of software systems that are assembled from distinct components. Static component testing and tuning procedures provide insufficient performance guarantees for components deployed and run in diverse assemblies, under unpredictable workloads and on different platforms. Often, there is no single component implementation or deployment configuration that can yield optimal performance in all possible conditions under which a component may run. Manually optimising and adapting complex applications to changes in their running environment is a costly and error-prone management task. The thesis presents a solution for automatically optimising the performance of component-based enterprise systems. The proposed approach is based on the alternate usage of multiple component variants with equivalent functional characteristics, each one optimized for a different execution environment. A management framework automatically administers the available redundant variants and adapts the system to external changes. The framework uses runtime monitoring data to detect performance anomalies and significant variations in the application's execution environment. It automatically adapts the application so as to use the optimal component configuration under the current running conditions. An automatic clustering mechanism analyses monitoring data and infers information on the components' performance characteristics. System administrators use decision policies to state high-level performance goals and configure system management processes. A framework prototype has been implemented and tested for automatically managing a J2EE application. Obtained results prove the framework's capability to successfully manage a software system without human intervention. The management overhead induced during normal system execution and through management operations indicate the framework's feasibility
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