5 research outputs found

    Evaluating routing metric composition approaches for QoS differentiation in low power and lossy networks

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    Summarization: The use of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) in a wide variety of application domains has been intensively pursued lately while Future Internet designers consider WSN as a network architecture paradigm that provides abundant real-life real-time information which can be exploited to enhance the user experience. The wealth of applications running on WSNs imposes different Quality of Service requirements on the underlying network with respect to delay, reliability and loss. At the same time, WSNs present intricacies such as limited energy, node and network resources. To meet the application’s requirements while respecting the characteristics and limitations of the WSN, appropriate routing metrics have to be adopted by the routing protocol. These metrics can be primary (e.g. expected transmission count) to capture a specific effect (e.g. link reliability) and achieve a specific goal (e.g. low number of retransmissions to economize resources) or composite (e.g. combining latency with remaining energy) to satisfy different applications needs and WSNs requirements (e.g. low latency and energy consumption at the same time). In this paper, (a) we specify primary routing metrics and ways to combine them into composite routing metrics, (b) we prove (based on the routing algebra formalism) that these metrics can be utilized in such a way that the routing protocol converges to optimal paths in a loop-free manner and (c) we apply the proposed approach to the RPL protocol specified by the ROLL group of IETF for such low power and lossy link networks to quantify the achieved performance through extensive computer simulations.Presented on: Wireless Network

    QOS-Aware and Status-Aware Adaptive Resource Allocation Framework in SDN-Based IOT Middleware

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    «L’Internet des objets (IdO) est une infrastructure mondiale pour la sociĂ©tĂ© de l’information, qui permet de disposer de services Ă©voluĂ©s en interconnectant des objets (physiques ou virtuels) grĂące aux technologies de l’information et de la communication interopĂ©rables existantes ou en Ă©volution. »[1] La vision de l’Internet des Objets est d’étendre l’Internet dans nos vies quotidiennes afin d’amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© de vie des personnes, de sorte que le nombre d’appareils connectĂ©s et d’applications innovantes augmente trĂšs rapidement pour amener l’intelligence dans diffĂ©rents secteurs comme la ville, le transport ou la santĂ©. En 2020, les Ă©tudes affirment que les appareils connectĂ©s Ă  Internet devraient compter entre 26 milliards et 50 milliards d’unitĂ©s. [2, 3] La qualitĂ© de service d’application IoT dĂ©pend non seulement du rĂ©seau Internet et de l’infrastructure de communication, mais aussi du fonctionnement et des performances des appareils IoT. Par consĂ©quent, les nouveaux paramĂštres de QoS tels que la prĂ©cision des donnĂ©es et la disponibilitĂ© des appareils deviennent importants pour les applications IoT par rapport aux applications Internet. Le grand nombre de dispositifs et d’applications IoT connectĂ©s Ă  Internet, et le flux de trafic spontanĂ© entre eux rendent la gestion de la qualitĂ© de service complexe Ă  travers l’infrastructure Internet. D’un autre cĂŽtĂ©, les dispositifs non-IP et leurs capacitĂ©s limitĂ©es en termes d’énergie et de transmission crĂ©ent l’environnement dynamique et contraint. De plus, l’interconnexion de bout en bout entre les dispositifs et les applications n’est pas possible. Aussi, les applications sont intĂ©ressĂ©es par les donnĂ©es collectĂ©es, pas Ă  la source spĂ©cifique qui les produit. Le Software Defined Networking (SDN) est un nouveau paradigme pour les rĂ©seaux informatiques apparu rĂ©cemment pour cacher la complexitĂ© de l’architecture de rĂ©seau traditionnelle (par exemple de l’Internet) et briser la fermeture des systĂšmes de rĂ©seau dans les fonctions de contrĂŽle et de donnĂ©es. Il permet aux propriĂ©taires et aux administrateurs de rĂ©seau de contrĂŽler et de gĂ©rer le comportement du rĂ©seau par programme, en dĂ©couplant le plan de contrĂŽle du plan de donnĂ©es. SDN a le potentiel de rĂ©volutionner les rĂ©seaux informatiques classiques existants, en offrant plusieurs avantages tels que la gestion centralisĂ©e, la programmabilitĂ© du rĂ©seau, l’efficacitĂ© des coĂ»ts d’exploitation, et les innovations. Dans cette thĂšse, nous Ă©tudions la gestion de ressources sur l’infrastructure IoT, y compris les rĂ©seaux de transport/Internet et de dĂ©tection. Nous profitons de la technologie SDN comme le futur d’Internet pour offrir un systĂšme de support QoS flexible et adaptatif pour les services IoT. Nous prĂ©sentons un intergiciel basĂ© sur SDN pour dĂ©finir un cadre de gestion de QoS pour gĂ©rer les besoins spĂ©cifiques de chaque application Ă  travers l’infrastructure IoT. De plus, nous proposons un nouveau modĂšle QoS qui prend en compte les prĂ©fĂ©rences de QoS des applications et l’état des Ă©lĂ©ments de rĂ©seau pour allouer efficacement les ressources sur le rĂ©seau transport/Internet basĂ© sur SDN tout en maximisant les performances du rĂ©seau.----------ABSTRACT: The Internet of Things (IoT) is an integration of various kinds of technologies, wherein heterogeneous objects with capabilities of sensing, actuation, communication, computation, networking, and storage are rapidly developed to collect the data for the users and applications. The IoT vision is to extend the Internet into our everyday lives, so the number of connected devices and innovative applications are growing very fast to bring intelligence into as many domains as possible. The QoS for IoT application not only depends on the Internet network and communication infrastructure, it is also impacted by the operation and performance of IoT sensing infrastructure. Therefore, the new QoS parameters such as data accuracy, sampling rate, and device availability become important for the IoT applications compared to the Internet applications. The huge number of the Internet-connected IoT devices and application, and the spontaneous traffic flow among them make the management of the quality of service complex across the Internet infrastructure. On the other hand, the non-IP devices and their limited capabilities in terms of energy and transmission create the dynamic environment and hinder the direct interaction between devices and applications. The quality of service is becoming one of the critical non-functional IoT element which needs research and studies. A flexible and scalable QoS management mechanism must be implemented in IoT system to keep up with the growth rate of the Internet-connected IoT devices and applications as well as their heterogeneity and diversity. The solution should address the IoT application requirements and user satisfaction while considering the system dynamism, limitations, and characteristics. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging paradigm in computer networking which separates the control plane and the data plane of the network elements. It makes the network elements programmable via the centralized control plane. This approach enables more agile management and control over the network behavior. In this thesis, we take advantage of SDN technology as the future of the Internet to offer a flexible and adaptive QoS support scheme for the IoT services. We present an SDN-based middleware to define a QoS management framework to manage the application specific QoS needs across the IoT infrastructure including transport and sensing network. Also, we propose a new QoS model that takes into account the application QoS preferences and the network elements status to allocate effectively the resources for the applications across SDN network while maximizing network performance

    On reliable and secure RPL (routing protocol low-power and lossy networks) based monitoring and surveillance in oil and gas fields

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    Different efforts have been made to specify protocols and algorithms for the successful operation of the Internet of things Networks including, for instance, the Low Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs) and Linear Sensor Networks (LSNs). Into such efforts, IETF, the Internet Engineering Task Force, created a working group named, ROLL, to investigate the requirement of such networks and devising more efficient solutions. The effort of this group has resulted in the specification of the IPv6 Routing Protocol for LLNs (RPL), which was standardized in 2012. However, since the introduction of RPL, several studies have reported that it suffers from various limitations and weaknesses including scalability, slow convergence, unfairness of load distribution, inefficiency of bidirectional communication and security, among many others. For instance, a serious problem is RPL’s under-specification of DAO messages which may result in conflict and inefficient implementations leading to a poor performance and scalability issues. Furthermore, RPL has been found to suffer from several security issues including, for instance, the DAO flooding attack, in which the attacker floods the network with control messages aiming to exhaust network resources. Another fundamental issue is related to the scarcity of the studies that investigate RPL suitability for Linear Sensor Networks (LSN) and devising solution in the lieu of that.Motivated by these observations, the publications within this thesis aim to tackle some of the key gaps of the RPL by introducing more efficient and secure routing solutions in consideration of the specific requirements of LLNs in general and LSNs as a special case. To this end, the first publication proposes an enhanced version of RPL called Enhanced-RPL aimed at mitigating the memory overflow and the under-specification of the of DAOs messages. Enhanced-RPL has shown significant reduction in control messages overhead by up to 64% while maintaining comparable reliability to RPL. The second publication introduces a new technique to address the DAO attack of RPL which has been shown to be effective in mitigating the attack reducing the DAO overhead and latency by up to 205% and 181% respectively as well as increasing the PDR by up to 6% latency. The third and fourth publications focus on analysing the optimal placement of nodes and sink movement pattern (fixed or mobile) that RPL should adopt in LSNs. It was concluded based on the results obtained that RPL should opt for fixed sinks with 10 m distance between deployed nodes

    Performance Assessment of Routing Protocols for IoT/6LoWPAN Networks

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) proposes a disruptive communication paradigm that allows smart objects to exchange data among themselves to reach a common goal. IoT application scenarios are multiple and can range from a simple smart home lighting system to fully controlled automated manufacturing chains. In the majority of IoT deployments, things are equipped with small devices that can suffer from severe hardware and energy restrictions that are responsible for performing data processing and wireless communication tasks. Thus, due to their features, communication networks that are used by these devices are generally categorized as Low Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs). The considerable variation in IoT applications represents a critical issue to LLN networks, which should offer support to different requirements as well as keeping reasonable quality-of-service (QoS) levels. Based on this challenge, routing protocols represent a key issue in IoT scenarios deployment. Routing protocols are responsible for creating paths among devices and their interactions. Hence, network performance and features are highly dependent on protocol behavior. Also, based on the adopted protocol, the support for some specific requirements of IoT applications may or may not be provided. Thus, a routing protocol should be projected to attend the needs of the applications considering the limitations of the device that will execute them. Looking to attend the demand of routing protocols for LLNs and, consequently, for IoT networks, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has designed and standardized the IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks (RPL). This protocol, although being robust and offering features to fulfill the need of several applications, still presents several faults and weaknesses (mainly related to its high complexity and memory requirement), which limits its adoption in IoT scenarios. An alternative to RPL, the Lightweight On-demand Ad Hoc Distancevector Routing Protocol – Next Generation (LOADng) has emerged as a less complicated routing solution for LLNs. However, the cost of its simplicity is paid for with the absence of adequate support for a critical set of features required for many IoT environments. Thus, based on the challenging open issues related to routing in IoT networks, this thesis aims to study and propose contributions to better attend the network requirements of IoT scenarios. A comprehensive survey, reviewing state-of-the-art routing protocols adopted for IoT, identified the strengths and weaknesses of current solutions available in the literature. Based on the identified limitations, a set of improvements is designed to overcome these issues and enhance IoT network performance. The novel solutions are proposed to include reliable and efficient support to attend the needs of IoT applications, such as mobility, heterogeneity, and different traffic patterns. Moreover, mechanisms to improve the network performance in IoT scenarios, which integrate devices with different communication technologies, are introduced. The studies conducted to assess the performance of the proposed solutions showed the high potential of the proposed solutions. When the approaches presented in this thesis were compared with others available in the literature, they presented very promising results considering the metrics related to the Quality of Service (QoS), network and energy efficiency, and memory usage as well as adding new features to the base protocols. Hence, it is believed that the proposed improvements contribute to the state-of-the-art of routing solutions for IoT networks, increasing the performance and adoption of enhanced protocols.A Internet das Coisas, do inglĂȘs Internet of Things (IoT), propĂ”e um paradigma de comunicação disruptivo para possibilitar que dispositivos, que podem ser dotados de comportamentos autĂłnomos ou inteligentes, troquem dados entre eles buscando alcançar um objetivo comum. Os cenĂĄrios de aplicação do IoT sĂŁo muito variados e podem abranger desde um simples sistema de iluminação para casa atĂ© o controle total de uma linha de produção industrial. Na maioria das instalaçÔes IoT, as “coisas” sĂŁo equipadas com um pequeno dispositivo, responsĂĄvel por realizar as tarefas de comunicação e processamento de dados, que pode sofrer com severas restriçÔes de hardware e energia. Assim, devido Ă s suas caracterĂ­sticas, a rede de comunicação criada por esses dispositivos Ă© geralmente categorizada como uma Low Power and Lossy Network (LLN). A grande variedade de cenĂĄrios IoT representam uma questĂŁo crucial para as LLNs, que devem oferecer suporte aos diferentes requisitos das aplicaçÔes, alĂ©m de manter nĂ­veis de qualidade de serviço, do inglĂȘs Quality of Service (QoS), adequados. Baseado neste desafio, os protocolos de encaminhamento constituem um aspecto chave na implementação de cenĂĄrios IoT. Os protocolos de encaminhamento sĂŁo responsĂĄveis por criar os caminhos entre os dispositivos e permitir suas interaçÔes. Assim, o desempenho e as caracterĂ­sticas da rede sĂŁo altamente dependentes do comportamento destes protocolos. Adicionalmente, com base no protocolo adotado, o suporte a alguns requisitos especĂ­ficos das aplicaçÔes de IoT podem ou nĂŁo ser fornecidos. Portanto, estes protocolos devem ser projetados para atender as necessidades das aplicaçÔes assim como considerando as limitaçÔes do hardware no qual serĂŁo executados. Procurando atender Ă s necessidades dos protocolos de encaminhamento em LLNs e, consequentemente, das redes IoT, a Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) desenvolveu e padronizou o IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks (RPL). O protocolo, embora seja robusto e ofereça recursos para atender Ă s necessidades de diferentes aplicaçÔes, apresenta algumas falhas e fraquezas (principalmente relacionadas com a sua alta complexidade e necessidade de memĂłria) que limitam sua adoção em cenĂĄrios IoT. Em alternativa ao RPL, o Lightweight On-demand Ad hoc Distance-vector Routing Protocol – Next Generation (LOADng) emergiu como uma solução de encaminhamento menos complexa para as LLNs. Contudo, o preço da simplicidade Ă© pago com a falta de suporte adequado para um conjunto de recursos essenciais necessĂĄrios em muitos ambientes IoT. Assim, inspirado pelas desafiadoras questĂ”es ainda em aberto relacionadas com o encaminhamento em redes IoT, esta tese tem como objetivo estudar e propor contribuiçÔes para melhor atender os requisitos de rede em cenĂĄrios IoT. Uma profunda e abrangente revisĂŁo do estado da arte sobre os protocolos de encaminhamento adotados em IoT identificou os pontos fortes e limitaçÔes das soluçÔes atuais. Com base nas debilidades encontradas, um conjunto de soluçÔes de melhoria Ă© proposto para superar carĂȘncias existentes e melhorar o desempenho das redes IoT. As novas soluçÔes sĂŁo propostas para incluir um suporte confiĂĄvel e eficiente capaz atender Ă s necessidades das aplicaçÔes IoT relacionadas com suporte Ă  mobilidade, heterogeneidade dos dispositivos e diferentes padrĂ”es de trĂĄfego. AlĂ©m disso, sĂŁo introduzidos mecanismos para melhorar o desempenho da rede em cenĂĄrios IoT que integram dispositivos com diferentes tecnologias de comunicação. Os vĂĄrios estudos realizados para mensurar o desempenho das soluçÔes propostas mostraram o grande potencial do conjunto de melhorias introduzidas. Quando comparadas com outras abordagens existentes na literatura, as soluçÔes propostas nesta tese demonstraram um aumento do desempenho consistente para mĂ©tricas relacionadas a qualidade de serviço, uso de memĂłria, eficiĂȘncia energĂ©tica e de rede, alĂ©m de adicionar novas funcionalidades aos protocolos base. Portanto, acredita-se que as melhorias propostas contribuiem para o avanço do estado da arte em soluçÔes de encaminhamento para redes IoT e aumentar a adoção e utilização dos protocolos estudados