3,601 research outputs found

    Key competency development and students use of digital learning objects

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    The inclusion of key competencies in the New Zealand Curriculum (2007) has presented challenges for teachers in their efforts to gather evidence and detail student progress for reporting purposes. Research identifies the need to adopt different evaluation processes and systems, as outcomes and progression in key competencies is fundamentally different from those associated with more conventional learning. It also suggests the use of digital tools may assist in this process, but offers few suggestions as to how this might take place. This article introduces and describes a current research project utilising a thinking skills framework and screen-recording software to map students’ interaction with digital learning objects, and explore the extent to which they provide opportunities to develop thinking and relating to others competencies. It suggests the approach offers potential to make explicit for reporting purposes the nature and quality of students’ thinking, and how their interaction with others in groups, influences their ability to solve problems presented by the objects. However, it also suggests the approach may suffer from manageability challenges, and that student-led administration systems need to be developed to ensure its viability in whole class context

    Supporting decision making process with "Ideal" software agents: what do business executives want?

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    According to Simon’s (1977) decision making theory, intelligence is the first and most important phase in the decision making process. With the escalation of information resources available to business executives, it is becoming imperative to explore the potential and challenges of using agent-based systems to support the intelligence phase of decision-making. This research examines UK executives’ perceptions of using agent-based support systems and the criteria for design and development of their “ideal” intelligent software agents. The study adopted an inductive approach using focus groups to generate a preliminary set of design criteria of “ideal” agents. It then followed a deductive approach using semi-structured interviews to validate and enhance the criteria. This qualitative research has generated unique insights into executives’ perceptions of the design and use of agent-based support systems. The systematic content analysis of qualitative data led to the proposal and validation of design criteria at three levels. The findings revealed the most desirable criteria for agent based support systems from the end users’ point view. The design criteria can be used not only to guide intelligent agent system design but also system evaluation

    Formation coordination and network management of UAV networks using particle swarm optimization and software-defined networking

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    In recent years, with the growth in the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), UAV-based systems have become popular in both military and civil applications. The lack of reliable communication infrastructure in these scenarios has motivated the use of UAVs to establish a network as flying nodes, also known as UAV networks. However, the high mobility degree of flying and terrestrial users may be responsible for constant changes in nodes’ positioning, which makes it more challenging to guarantee their communication during the operational time. In this context, this work presents a framework solution for formation coordination and network management of UAVs, which aims to establish and maintain a set of relays units in order to provide a constant, reliable and efficient communication link among user nodes - which are performing individual or collaborative missions on its turn. Such a framework relies on a set of formation coordination algorithms - including the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) evolutionary algorithm -, and also considers the use of Software-defined Networking-based (SDN) communication protocol for network management. For coordination proposes, a novel particle selection criteria is proposed, which aims to guarantee network manageability of UAV formations, therefore being able to guarantee service persistence in case of nodes’ failure occurrence, as well as to provide required network performance, as a consequence. Simulations performed in OMNeT++ show the efficiency of the proposed solution and prove a promising direction of the solution for accomplishing its purposes.Em regiões de confrontos militares, em cenários pós-catástrofes naturais e, inclusive, em grandes áreas de cultivo agrícola, é comum a ausência de uma infra-estrutura préestabelecida de comunicação entre usuários durante a execução de uma ou mais operações eventuais. Nestes casos, Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados (VANTs) podem ser vistos como uma alternativa para o estabelecimento de uma rede temporária durante essas missões. Para algumas aplicações, a alta mobilidade destes usuários podem trazem grandes desafios para o gerenciamento autônomo de uma estrutura de comunicação aérea, como a organização espacial dos nós roteadores e as políticas de encaminhamento de pacotes adotadas durante a operação. Tendo isso em vista, esse trabalho apresenta o estudo de uma solução que visa o estabelecimento e manutenção das conexões entre os usuários - nos quais executam tarefas individuais ou colaborativas -, através do uso de algoritmos de coordenação de formação - no qual inclui o algoritmo evolucionário Otimização por Enxame de Partículas -, e, também, de conceitos relacionados a Rede Definidas por Software para o gerenciamento da rede. Ainda, é proposto um novo critério de seleção das partículas do algoritmo evolucionário, visando garantir gerenciabilidade das topologias formadas e, consequentemente, a persistência do serviço em caso de falha dos nós roteadores, assim como o cumprimento de especificações desejadas para o desempenho da rede. Simulações em OMNeT++ mostraram a eficácia da proposta e sustentam o modelo proposto a fim de atingir seus objetivos

    Talking across the divide: English teachers respond to the NCEA.

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    The implementation of the National Certificate of Educational Achievement as a single, senior secondary school qualification in New Zealand has been a fraught process marked by a good deal of acrimonious debate. This article reports on a research project that brought together two groups of secondary English teachers, one self-described as in favour of the NCEA and one as opposed to it. Both groups were invited to describe aspects of their practice, share their views on aspects of the NCEA and engage in a focus group where they explored these views with other teachers. Certain predictable trends were found in the responses of both groups but there was also an interesting degree of convergence. On the basis of this convergence, a possible way forward for reform of the NCEA is suggested

    Digital representation for assessment of spoken EFL at university level: A case study in Vietnam

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    Assessing the speaking performance of students who are studying English as a Foreign Language (EFL) has mainly been conducted with face-to-face speaking tests. While such tests are undoubtedly interactive and authentic, they have been criticised for subjective scoring, as well as lacking an effective test delivery method and recordings for later review. Technology has increasingly been integrated into speaking tests over the last decade and become known as computer-assisted or computer-based assessment of speaking. Although this method is widely acknowledged to measure certain aspects of language speaking effectively, such as pronunciation and grammar, it has not yet proved to be a successful option for assessing interactive skills. An effective testing method is deemed to maintain the interactivity and authenticity of live speaking tests, able to deliver tests quickly and efficiently, and provide recordings of performances for multiple marking and review. This study investigated digital representation of EFL speaking performance as a viable form of student assessment. The feasibility of digital representation has previously been examined in relation to authenticity and reliability in assessment of different subjects in Western Australia, including Italian, Applied Information Technology, Engineering Studies, and Physical Education Studies. However, as far as the researcher is aware, no studies have yet assessed EFL speaking performance using digital representation. In an attempt to bridge this gap, this study explored the feasibility of digital representation for assessing EFL speaking performance in a university in Vietnam, the researcher’s home country. Data collection was undertaken in two phases using a mixed methods approach. In Phase 1, data related to English teachers’ and students’ perceptions of Computer- Assisted English Speaking Assessment (CAESA) were collected. Their perceptions were analysed in relation to the outcomes of a digital speaking assessment trial using the Oral Video Assessment Application (DMOVA). In Phase 2, student participants took an English speaking test while being videoed and audio recorded. English teachers invigilated and marked the trial test using the current method, followed by the digital method. Data were collected via Qualtrics surveys, interviews, observations and databases of student performance results. The feasibility of digital representation in assessing EFL speaking performance was analysed according to the Feasibility Analysis Framework developed by Kimbell, Wheeler, Miller, and Pollitt (2007). The findings from Phase 1 indicated that both teachers and students had positive attitudes towards computer-assisted assessment (CAA). They were confident with computer-assisted English assessment (CAEA) and preferred this testing method to the current paper-and-pencil process. Both cohorts believed that CAEA enhanced the precision and fairness of assessments and was efficient in terms of resources. However, some participants were sceptical about the authenticity of computer-assisted EFL speaking tests because it failed to foster conversations and interactions in the same way as face-to-face assessments. In spite of their scepticism, teachers and students indicated their willingness to trial DMOVA. Phase 2 identified the feasibility dimensions of DMOVA. This method of digital assessment was perceived to enhance fairness, reliability and validity, with some correlations between the live interview and digital tests. Teachers found it easy to manage the speaking tests with DMOVA and recognised the logistical advantages it offered. DMOVA was also credited with generating positive washback effects on learning, teaching and assessment of spoken English. In addition, the digital technology was compatible with the existing facilities at the university and required no support or advanced ICT knowledge. Overall, the benefits of the new testing method were perceived to outweigh the limitations. The study confirmed that digital representation of EFL speaking performances for assessment would be beneficial for Vietnam for the following reasons: (a) it has potential to enhance the reliability and accuracy of the current English speaking assessment method, (b) it retains evidence of students’ performance for later assessment and review, and (c) it facilitates marking and administration. These changes could boost EFL teaching, learning, and assessment, as witnessed in the trial, leading to increased motivation of teachers and students, and ultimately, enhancement of students’ English communication skills. The findings of the study also have implications for English speaking assessment policies and practices in Vietnam and other similar contexts where English is taught, spoken and assessed as a foreign language

    A soa-based e-government data integration

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    Data Integration presents a core issue in the Palestinian e-Government Technical Framework. The currently used data integration model relies on the Integrated Central Database which lacks quality attributes such as: interoperability and flexibility. We purpose a SOA-based approach for data integration that achieves the above attributes. We present and analyze the current architecture and implementation of the Palestinian e-Government Integrated Central Database model. We transform the current model into a SOA framework that is realized using Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and Web Services. The proposed framework offers database replication and connectivity functionalities for the Central Database. The proposed framework is evaluated using a scenario-based software architecture evaluation method and proves that it achieves the framework goals of quality attributes: interoperability and flexibility. Moreover, a prototype of the framework is implemented and validates the framework correctness. A specific usage is presented and further proves that the framework accomplishes its functionality and quality attributes

    The Impact of Business Process Management Values on Enterprise Content Management Workflow Systems Performance

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    Improving an enterprise’s operations, services, policies and rules using information systems and business process management is a continuance decision-makers role. This research explores how business process management values impact on enterprise content management (ECM) workflow system performance and how business process management values can be incorporated as part of a measurement model for improving ECM workflow system performance to achieve business objectives and organisational goals. The research focuses on establishing a set of variables for the measurement of CERT business process management values and further explores the impact of these CERT values on ECM workflow system performance. The CERT values are customer orientation (C), excellence (E), responsibility (R) and teamwork (T). These values can be applied using the three round structure of the Delphi method to validate key performance indicators, which are used to implement a performance measurement and management framework in order to measure workflow information system performance. Through this process, the current ECM workflow system performance (i.e. “Now” situation) and the desired future system performance (i.e. “Preferred” situation) can be described using a performance profile development model based on the concepts and variables of CERT values. This thesis contributes to business practice studies, information systems literature and the informatics body of knowledge in several ways: First, it explains how CERT values can support decision-making by finding their impact on ECM workflow systems performance. Second, it formulates a performance profile development model, which is a decision-making process to measure ECM workflow systems performance. Third, it shows how to implement the research strategic procedures using Delphi’s rounds. Fourth, it demonstrates the quality of mixed methods as the research choice for this type of information systems enquiry. The research promotes the use of the Delphi method for the implementation of such decision-making processes, the application of the performance profile development model for scientific decision studies and the analysis of the relationships between variables to recognise other key performance indicators within business process management and the performance measurement and management research contexts