8 research outputs found

    Distilling Abstract Machines (Long Version)

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    It is well-known that many environment-based abstract machines can be seen as strategies in lambda calculi with explicit substitutions (ES). Recently, graphical syntaxes and linear logic led to the linear substitution calculus (LSC), a new approach to ES that is halfway between big-step calculi and traditional calculi with ES. This paper studies the relationship between the LSC and environment-based abstract machines. While traditional calculi with ES simulate abstract machines, the LSC rather distills them: some transitions are simulated while others vanish, as they map to a notion of structural congruence. The distillation process unveils that abstract machines in fact implement weak linear head reduction, a notion of evaluation having a central role in the theory of linear logic. We show that such a pattern applies uniformly in call-by-name, call-by-value, and call-by-need, catching many machines in the literature. We start by distilling the KAM, the CEK, and the ZINC, and then provide simplified versions of the SECD, the lazy KAM, and Sestoft's machine. Along the way we also introduce some new machines with global environments. Moreover, we show that distillation preserves the time complexity of the executions, i.e. the LSC is a complexity-preserving abstraction of abstract machines.Comment: 63 page

    Formalizing Functions as Processes

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    We present the first formalization of Milner’s classic translation of the λ-calculus into the π-calculus. It is a challenging result with respect to variables, names, and binders, as it requires one to relate variables and binders of the λ-calculus with names and binders in the π-calculus. We formalize it in Abella, merging the set of variables and the set of names, thus circumventing the challenge and obtaining a neat formalization. About the translation, we follow Accattoli’s factoring of Milner’s result via the linear substitution calculus, which is a λ-calculus with explicit substitutions and contextual rewriting rules, mediating between the λ-calculus and the π-calculus. Another aim of the formalization is to investigate to which extent the use of contexts in Accattoli’s refinement can be formalized

    Proof nets and the call-by-value λ-calculus

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    International audienceThis paper gives a detailed account of the relationship between (a variant of) the call-by-value lambda calculus and linear logic proof nets. The presentation is carefully tuned in order to realize an isomorphism between the two systems: every single rewriting step on the calculus maps to a single step on proof nets, and viceversa. In this way, we obtain an algebraic reformulation of proof nets. Moreover, we provide a simple correctness criterion for our proof nets, which employ boxes in an unusual way, and identify a subcalculus that is shown to be as expressive as the full calculus

    Quantitative Types for Intuitionistic Calculi

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    We define quantitative type systems for two intuitionistic term languages. While the first language in natural deduction style is already known in the literature, the second one is one of the contributions of the paper, and turns out to be a natural computational interpretation of sequent calculus style by means of a non-idempotent type discipline. The type systems are able to characterize linear-head, weak and strong normalization sets of terms. All such characterizations are given by means of combinatorial arguments, i.e. there is a measure based on type derivations which is decreasing with respect to the different reduction relations considered in the paper

    Extending Implicit Computational Complexity and Abstract Machines to Languages with Control

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    The Curry-Howard isomorphism is the idea that proofs in natural deduction can be put in correspondence with lambda terms in such a way that this correspondence is preserved by normalization. The concept can be extended from Intuitionistic Logic to other systems, such as Linear Logic. One of the nice conseguences of this isomorphism is that we can reason about functional programs with formal tools which are typical of proof systems: such analysis can also include quantitative qualities of programs, such as the number of steps it takes to terminate. Another is the possiblity to describe the execution of these programs in terms of abstract machines. In 1990 Griffin proved that the correspondence can be extended to Classical Logic and control operators. That is, Classical Logic adds the possiblity to manipulate continuations. In this thesis we see how the things we described above work in this larger context

    Evaluating functions as processes

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    A famous result by Milner is that the λ-calculus can be simulated inside the π-calculus. This simulation, however, holds only modulo strong bisimilarity on processes, i.e. there is a slight mismatch between β-reduction and how it is simulated in the π-calculus. The idea is that evaluating a λ-term in the π-calculus is like running an environment-based abstract machine, rather than applying ordinary β-reduction. In this paper we show that such an abstract-machine evaluation corresponds to linear weak head reduction, a strategy arising from the representation of λ-terms as linear logic proof nets, and that the relation between the two is as tight as it can be. The study is also smoothly rephrased in the call-by-value case, introducing a call-by-value analogous of linear weak head reduction