34 research outputs found

    A Superficial Analysis Approach for Identifying Malicious Domain Names Generated by DGA Malware

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    Some of the most serious security threats facing computer networks involve malware. To prevent malware-related damage, administrators must swiftly identify and remove the infected machines that may reside in their networks. However, many malware families have domain generation algorithms (DGAs) to avoid detection. A DGA is a technique in which the domain name is changed frequently to hide the callback communication from the infected machine to the command-and-control server. In this article, we propose an approach for estimating the randomness of domain names by superficially analyzing their character strings. This approach is based on the following observations: human-generated benign domain names tend to reflect the intent of their domain registrants, such as an organization, product, or content. In contrast, dynamically generated malicious domain names consist of meaningless character strings because conflicts with already registered domain names must be avoided; hence, there are discernible differences in the strings of dynamically generated and human-generated domain names. Notably, our approach does not require any prior knowledge about DGAs. Our evaluation indicates that the proposed approach is capable of achieving recall and precision as high as 0.9960 and 0.9029, respectively, when used with labeled datasets. Additionally, this approach has proven to be highly effective for datasets collected via a campus network. Thus, these results suggest that malware-infected machines can be swiftly identified and removed from networks using DNS queries for detected malicious domains as triggers

    Explainable Artificial Intelligence Applications in Cyber Security: State-of-the-Art in Research

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    This survey presents a comprehensive review of current literature on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) methods for cyber security applications. Due to the rapid development of Internet-connected systems and Artificial Intelligence in recent years, Artificial Intelligence including Machine Learning and Deep Learning has been widely utilized in the fields of cyber security including intrusion detection, malware detection, and spam filtering. However, although Artificial Intelligence-based approaches for the detection and defense of cyber attacks and threats are more advanced and efficient compared to the conventional signature-based and rule-based cyber security strategies, most Machine Learning-based techniques and Deep Learning-based techniques are deployed in the “black-box” manner, meaning that security experts and customers are unable to explain how such procedures reach particular conclusions. The deficiencies of transparencies and interpretability of existing Artificial Intelligence techniques would decrease human users’ confidence in the models utilized for the defense against cyber attacks, especially in current situations where cyber attacks become increasingly diverse and complicated. Therefore, it is essential to apply XAI in the establishment of cyber security models to create more explainable models while maintaining high accuracy and allowing human users to comprehend, trust, and manage the next generation of cyber defense mechanisms. Although there are papers reviewing Artificial Intelligence applications in cyber security areas and the vast literature on applying XAI in many fields including healthcare, financial services, and criminal justice, the surprising fact is that there are currently no survey research articles that concentrate on XAI applications in cyber security. Therefore, the motivation behind the survey is to bridge the research gap by presenting a detailed and up-to-date survey of XAI approaches applicable to issues in the cyber security field. Our work is the first to propose a clear roadmap for navigating the XAI literature in the context of applications in cyber security

    Umělá inteligence v kybernetické bezpečnosti

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    Artifcial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have grown rapidly in recent years, and their applications in practice can be seen in many felds, ranging from facial recognition to image analysis. Recent developments in Artificial intelligence have a vast transformative potential for both cybersecurity defenders and cybercriminals. Anti-malware solutions adopt intelligent techniques to detect and prevent threats to the digital space. In contrast, cybercriminals are aware of the new prospects too and likely to adapt AI techniques to their operations. This thesis presents advances made so far in the field of applying AI techniques in cybersecurity for combating against cyber threats, to demonstrate how this promising technology can be a useful tool for detection and prevention of cyberattacks. Furthermore, the research examines how transnational criminal organizations and cybercriminals may leverage developing AI technology to conduct more sophisticated criminal activities. Next, the research outlines the possible dynamic new kind of malware, called X-Ware and X-sWarm, which simulates the swarm system behaviour and integrates the neural network to operate more efficiently as a background for the forthcoming anti-malware solution. This research proposes how to record and visualize the behaviour of these type of malware when it propagates through the file system, computer network (virus process is known) or by observed data analysis (virus process is not known and we observe only the data from the system). Finally, a paradigm of an anti-malware solution, named Multi agent antivirus system has been proposed in the thesis that gives the insight to develop a more robust, adaptive and flexible defence system.Význam umělé inteligence (AI) a strojového učení (ML) v posledních letech rychle rostl a na jejich aplikacích lze vidět, že v mnoha oblastech, od rozpoznávání obličeje až po analýzu obrazu, byl učiněn velký pokrok. Poslední vývoj v oblasti umělé inteligence má obrovský potenciál jak pro obránce v oblasti kybernetické bezpečnosti, tak pro ůtočníky. AI se stává řešením v otázce obrany proti modernímu malware a hraje tak důležitou roli v detekci a prevenci hrozeb v digitálním prostoru. Naproti tomu kyberzločinci jsou si vědomi nových vyhlídek ve spojení s AI a pravděpodobně přizpůsobí tyto techniky novým generacím malware, vektorům útoku a celkově jejich operacím. Tato práce představuje dosavadní pokroky aplikace technik AI v oblasti kybernetické bezpečnosti. V této oblasti tzn. v boji proti kybernetickým hrozbám se ukázuje jako slibná technologie a užitečný nástroj pro detekci a prevenci kybernetických útoků. V práci si rovněž pokládme otázku, jak mohou nadnárodní zločinecké organizace a počítačoví zločinci využít vyvíjející se technologii umělé inteligence k provádění sofistikovanějších trestných činností. Konečně, výzkum nastíní možný nový druh malware, nazvaný X-Ware, který simuluje chování hejnového systému a integruje neuronovou síť tak, aby fungovala efektivněji a tak se celý X-Ware a X-sWarm dal použít nejen jako kybernetická zbraň na útok, ale i jako antivirové obranné řešení. Tento výzkum navrhuje, jak zaznamenat a vizualizovat chování X-Ware, když se šíří prostřednictvím systému souborů, sítí a to jak analýzou jeho dynamiky (proces je znám), tak analýzou dat (proces není znám, pozorujeme jen data). Nakonec bylo v disertační práci navrženo paradigma řešení proti malwaru, jež bylo nazváno „Multi agent antivirus system“. Tato práce tedy poskytuje pohled na vývoj robustnějšího, adaptivnějšího a flexibilnějšího obranného systému.460 - Katedra informatikyvyhově

    Using Malware Analysis to Evaluate Botnet Resilience

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    Bos, H.J. [Promotor]Steen, M.R. van [Promotor

    Monitoring security of enterprise hosts via DNS data analysis

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    Enterprise Networks are growing in scale and complexity, with heterogeneous connected assets needing to be secured in different ways. Nevertheless, virtually all connected assets use the Domain Name System (DNS) for address resolution. Thus DNS has become a convenient vehicle for attackers to covertly perform Command and Control (C&C) communication, data theft, and service disruption across a wide range of assets. Enterprise security appliances that monitor network traffic typically allow all DNS traffic through as it is vital for accessing any web service; they may at best match against a database of known malicious patterns, and are therefore ineffective against zero-day attacks. This thesis focuses on three high-impact cyber-attacks that leverage DNS, specifically data exfiltration, malware C&C communication, and service disruption. Using big data (over 10B packets) of DNS network traffic collected from a University campus and a Government research organization over six months, we illustrate the anatomy of these attacks, train machines for automatically detecting such attacks, and evaluate their efficacy in the field. The contributions of this thesis are three-fold: Our first contribution tackles data exfiltration using DNS. We analyze outgoing DNS queries to identify many stateless attributes such as the number of characters, the number of labels, and the entropy of the domain name to distinguish malicious data exfiltration queries from legitimate ones. We train our machines using ground-truth obtained from a public list of top 10K legitimate domains and empirically validate and tune our models to achieve over 98% accuracy in correctly distinguish legitimate DNS queries from malicious ones, the latter coming from known malware domains as well as synthetically generated using popular DNS exfiltration tools. Our second contribution tackles malware C&C communication using DNS. We analyze DNS outgoing queries to identify more than twenty families of DGA (Domain Generation Algorithm)-enabled malware when communicating with their C&C servers. We identify attributes of network traffic that commences following the resolution of a DGA-based DNS query. We train three protocol-specific one-class classifier models, for HTTP, HTTPS and UDP flows, using public packet traces of known malware. We develop a monitoring system that uses reactive rules to automatically and selectively mirror TCP/UDP flows (between internal hosts and malware servers) pertinent to DGA queries for diagnosis by the trained models. We deploy our system in the field and evaluate its performance to show that it flags more than 2000 internal assets as potentially infected, generating more than a million suspicious flows, of which more than 97% are verified to be malicious by an off-the-shelf intrusion detection system. Our third contribution studies the use of DNS for service disruption. We analyze incoming DNS messages, with a specific focus on non-existent (NXD) DNS responses, to distinguish benign from malicious NXDs. We highlight two attack scenarios based on their requested domain names. Using NXD behavioral attributes of internal hosts, we develop multi-staged iForest classification models to detect internal hosts launching service disruption attacks. We show how our models can detect infected hosts that generate high-volume and low-volume distributed NXD-based attacks on public resolvers and/or authoritative name servers with an accuracy of over 99% in correctly classifying legitimate hosts. Our work shines a light on a critical vector in enterprise security and equips the enterprise network operator with the means to detect and block sophisticated attackers who use DNS as a vehicle for malware C&C communication, data exfiltration, and service disruption

    Examining the association between maternal and infant diet as a basis for early life obesity prevention

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    Obesity continues to be a problem in the U.S. Of particular concern is the epidemic of early childhood obesity. Currently, 8.1% of infants and toddlers are considered obese, with rates higher among non-Hispanic black (NHB) compared to non-Hispanic white (NHW) children. Child diet and food preferences are shaped during infancy and evidence indicates infants are consuming foods and beverages associated with obesity. A significant predictor of child diet is maternal diet, but little is known about this relationship during infancy. Observational studies have suggested that infant feeding strategies such as breastfeeding and role modeling can influence infant diet, but few interventions focus on these modifiable practices during infancy. This study fills a gap in child obesity research by focusing on the development of diet during the first two years of life and uniquely targeting maternal dietary intake as a modifiable factor. Using two unique datasets, this study 1) examines maternal diet and explores predictors of intake; 2) determines the longitudinal association between maternal and infant diet and factors that moderate this relationship; and 3) examines barriers and facilitators to healthy eating during the first two years postpartum among mothers participating in a family-based obesity prevention trial.Doctor of Philosoph