8 research outputs found

    Revisiting the IT Productivity Paradox: A Technology Life Cycle Perspective

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    In this paper, we revisit the “IT Productivity Paradox,” which refers to the inconclusive relationship between IT investment and performance improvement found in empirical studies. We argue that the cause of the “IT Productivity Paradox” is more than empirical measurement difficulties. Based on a rather comprehensive review of the literature, we identified and contrasted three underlying theoretical perspectives of the empirical studies. We then propose a new theoretical framework toward an in-depth theoretical understanding of the paradox. Developed upon the contingency approach, the proposed framework considers the stages of technology life cycle. The framework not only can provide useful guidance for practicing managers but also potentially can resolve the “IT Productivity Paradox,” hence making a significant contribution to the literature

    IT investment governance and corporate governance: perspective and approach

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    The change in economic scenario and emergence of new technologies, it has become important to put new perspective on IT investment beyond Net Present Value and productivity paradox. With changing regulation and new interconnected world over internet, corporate Governance, Business Plan & Strategy and it’s alignment with IT investments has been a growing subject of discussion across globe. Cloud computing infrastructure with ITIL processes provides systematic guidelines to manage business, however, to make business and its processes deliver value, IT investment demands investment in more than technology and its components. IT investment available to build organization capability are directly linked with corporate strategy, business risk management, information economics, new business enabler, productivity tool and control systems. With need of new products and service development, innovation forms the center stage of IT investment planning, giving way to new IT investment assessment areas. With constant need to develop competitive advantage, adjust with competition in business environment and integrate with global economy, at the same time adhere to regulatory guidelines, the complexities involved in corporate governance and IT investments are increasing. Considering this situation, this paper provides the new perspective to assess IT investments and make IT investment decision. This paper also provides new perspectives and approaches for IT investment portfolio management

    Método de Análise de Investimentos em Sistemas de Informação e Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (SI/TIC) aplicado ao Sector Público

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    Mestrado em Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoO objectivo deste estudo consiste em propor um método de análise ex-ante de investimentos na área de sistemas de informação e tecnologias de informação e comunicação (SI/TIC), com aplicação ao sector público, que represente uma melhoria face aos métodos actualmente existentes. A metodologia adoptada consiste em determinar as características identificadas na literatura como desejáveis para um método desta natureza, orientar o desenvolvimento do método no sentido dessas características e, uma vez desenvolvido, verificar em que medida o mesmo as conseguiu incorporar. Uma das características consideradas fundamentais é a da usabilidade pelos decisores: Para facilitar a utilização pelos decisores é desenvolvida uma aplicação que o implementa o método proposto. Outra característica tida como importante é a incorporação de conhecimentos já disponíveis, pelo que o método proposto é desenvolvido a partir de outros já existentes: a metodologia MAIS e a AHP expandida com cut off values (AHP+). O método resultante vai ao encontro de muitas características identificadas como desejáveis, sendo de destacar a capacidade de incorporar múltiplos critérios livremente escolhidos, numa avaliação que faculta um valor preciso facilitando a comparação precisa entre várias alternativas de investimento. As vertentes estratégica, financeira e de risco são abordadas de forma abrangente e sistemática. Posterior investigação orientada para aumentar a usabilidade do método fica facilitada pela disponibilização de uma aplicação que o implementa.The goal of the present study is the proposal of an improved method for ex-ante investment assessment in information systems and information and communications technology to be mainly used in the public sector. The adopted methodology relies on literature review aimed at identification of key characteristics whose accommodation at the method to be developed is to be evaluated. One of the key characteristics is perceived usability since most available methods are not used while investment decisions are still made in a casuistic manner. In order to improve its usage the method is provided together with a software application. Since available knowledge embedding is an important characteristic the method is developed from existing ones, namely MAIS and an expanded version of AHP (AHP+). The resulting method meets most of the key characteristics notably its multi-criteria capacities as well as its precise evaluation feed-back allowing for a fine comparison between rival investment proposals. Strategic, financial and risk issues are also dealt with in a broad systematic way. Following investigation aiming to increase usability of the proposed method will be eased since the provided software application allows for real life tests which will give valuable feed-back

    BIM implementation in architectural practices : towards advanced collaborative approaches based on digital technologies

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    We are at a stage where Building Information Modelling (BIM) has reached a maturity level to be widely adopted by the professionals and organizations within the Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. An industry which is highly fragmented and not advanced in terms of digitalization, making an effective collaboration hard to achieve. The advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have brought about the promise of improving collaborative procedure in a wide range of industries. The widespread adoption of BIM has paved the way for the introduction of ICT within the AEC sector. The reported benefits of BIM imply on its potential for contributing to a successful inter-disciplinary collaboration. This calls for attention from architects who shall consider how BIM allows the architectural practices to operate in truly novel ways to achieve new building efficiencies and organizations. This research was designed to investigate the crucial factors for an effective collaboration based on advanced ICT and enabled by BIM with respect to architectural practices. An effective inter-disciplinary collaboration allows architects as the authors of the projects to oversee the development and delivery of the projects more consistently with their design intends. The concerns about the move towards adopting BIM by architectural firms were reviewed and its influential factors and barriers were discussed. As we read about it, BIM is indicated by different terms to describe its essence: ‘’BIM methodology’’, ‘’BIM technology’’, ‘’BIM process’’, ‘’BIM systems’’ and etc. However, none of these terms can include all aspects of BIM. The term ‘’ecosystem’’ was adopted to describe the nature of BIM and the reason for which is described in this work. To further constitute the BIM ecosystem, its dimensions of People, Products and Processes were presented in detail with respect to collaborative procedures. It included the delineation of a number of BIM policies and protocols, tools and technologies, roles and skills which are all related to and suitable for architectural practices in their interdisciplinary collaboration. Through three case studies, the research questions and hypothesis were put into investigation. Based on the idea of change management and the socio-technical nature of BIM collaboration, a qualitative research approach was adopted. Various techniques were used to gather information to be analyzed through a coding process of the qualitative data. The codes were interpreted as the factors influencing collaboration and were grouped to form the crucial concepts contributing to effective BIM-enabled collaborative procedures. It was revealed that the “joint decision making” factor is the most crucial one in this respect followed by “collaboration involvement” and “interoperability”. These findings were based on the frequency of the codes related to these factors in the data analysis. The crucial concepts in BIM-enabled collaboration were revealed to be “collaboration conditions” followed by “software capacity” and “human resources organization”. The findings confirm the research hypotheses that BIM implementation asks architects to assume a leadership role in collaborative procedures and that it allows for the integration of ICT into the technological pipeline of architectural practices. However, the validity of the two hypotheses is subject to certain conditions that are discussed in this work. The research finds the area of BIM education a place of great interest for future research work as the factor of “training” has a great influence on the overall success of BIM-enabled collaboration. Furthermore, it was revealed that the crucial factor of “interoperability” needs more attention from both industry and academic sectors. The impacts of BIM implementation on existing and emerging roles within the industry is another area of great interest for future works and research.Estamos en una etapa en la que Building Information Modeling (BIM) ha alcanzado un nivel de madurez que será ampliamente adoptado por el Profesionales y organizaciones dentro de la industria de Arquitectura, Ingeniería y Construcción (AIC). Una industria que es altamente fragmentado y no avanzado en términos de digitalización, lo que hace que una colaboración efectiva sea difícil de lograr. Los avances en las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) han traído la promesa de mejorar la colaboración Procedimiento en una amplia gama de industrias. La adopción generalizada de BIM ha allanado el camino para la introducción de las TIC en el sector de la AIC. Los beneficios reportados de BIM implican en su potencial para contribuir a un éxito interdisciplinario colaboración. Esto requiere la atención de arquitectos que deben considerar cómo BIM permite que las prácticas arquitectónicas operen en formas verdaderamente novedosas para lograr nuevas eficiencias de construcción y organizaciones. Esta investigación fue diseñada para investigar los factores cruciales para una colaboración efectiva basada en TIC avanzadas y habilitado por BIM con respecto a las prácticas arquitectónicas. Una colaboración interdisciplinaria efectiva permite a los arquitectos como autores de los proyectos para supervisar el desarrollo y la entrega de los proyectos de manera más coherente con sus propósitos de diseño. Se revisaron las preocupaciones sobre el movimiento hacia la adopción de BIM por parte de las empresas de arquitectura y sus factores influyentes y Se discutieron las barreras. A medida que leemos sobre esto, BIM se indica mediante diferentes términos para describir su esencia: "metodología BIM", "Tecnología BIM", "Proceso BIM", "Sistemas BIM" y etc. Sin embargo, ninguno de estos términos puede incluir todos los aspectos de BIM. El término "ecosistema" se adoptó para describir la naturaleza de BIM y la razón por la cual se describe en este trabajo. A más constituyen el ecosistema BIM, sus dimensiones de Personas, Productos y Procesos se presentaron en detalle con respecto a procedimientos colaborativos. Incluía la delineación de una serie de políticas y protocolos BIM, herramientas y tecnologías, roles y habilidades que están relacionadas y son adecuadas para las prácticas arquitectónicas en su colaboración interdisciplinaria. A través de tres estudios de caso, las preguntas de investigación y la hipótesis se pusieron en investigación. Basado en la idea de cambio. La gestión y la naturaleza sociotécnica de la colaboración BIM, se adoptó un enfoque de investigación cualitativa. Varios se utilizaron técnicas para recopilar información para analizarla a través de un proceso de codificación de los datos cualitativos. Los codigos fueron interpretados como los factores que influyen en la colaboración y se agruparon para formar los conceptos cruciales que contribuyen a la eficacia procedimientos colaborativos habilitados por BIM. Se reveló que el factor de "toma de decisiones conjunta" es el más crucial en este sespeto seguido de "participación colaborativa" e "interoperabilidad". Estos hallazgos se basaron en la frecuencia de códigos relacionados con estos factores en el análisis de datos. Los conceptos cruciales en la colaboración habilitada por BIM se revelaron como "Condiciones de colaboración" seguidas de "capacidad de software" y "organización de recursos humanos". Los hallazgos confirman la investigar las hipótesis de que la implementación BIM les pide a los arquitectos que asuman un papel de liderazgo en los procedimientos de colaboración y que permite la integración de las TIC en la línea tecnológica de las prácticas arquitectónicas. La investigación considera que el área de educación BIM es un lugar de gran interés para futuros trabajos de investigación, ya que el factor de "capacitación" tiene un gran influencia en el éxito generalPostprint (published version

    The evaluation of information technology projects : a study of effective practices

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    The topic of IT project evaluation is important due to the high cost and strategic importance of many IT projects and long-standing difficulties with their evaluation. While it is widely recognised that the evaluation of IT projects is problematic, there is limited research into how organisations can improve their evaluation practices. The literature supports the divergent views that current IT project evaluation practices are inadequate, more formal and rigorous methods are required, a wide range of techniques is already available, yet very few of the currently available techniques are used in practice. However, there is very little empirical research into what constitutes an appropriate level of formality or rigour, or what specific practices are necessary for evaluation to be effective. This study set out to identify the most effective IT project evaluation practices used by organisations in Australia, and to understand why they work. This exploratory study follows a qualitative theory-building paradigm, where the emerging theory helps explain what is happening in practice. Qualitative analysis of interviews with 72 senior managers in 36 companies in three industries was used to determine effective evaluation practices. Six key dimensions of effective IT project evaluation practice were found to be related to effective IT project evaluation outcomes leading to more efficient use of resources and improved IT project success. The six dimensions were as follows. First, evaluation was effective when there was top-leadership commitment and business engagement. Second, a clear focus was achieved during ex-ante evaluation by aligning projects to strategy and having an agreed definition of project success. Third, control at both a project and portfolio level was enabled by stage gates, portfolio management and dedicated resources. Fourth, effective evaluation processes were scaled to balance governance and responsiveness. Fifth, evaluation and measurement were continuous and integrated. Finally, the use of evaluation results and accountability reinforced the effectiveness of evaluation practices. While these concepts may be discussed in isolation in the extant IT project management literature, few studies present them in an integrated manner and relate them to effective IT project evaluation outcomes and IT project success. The key finding of this study is that more formal evaluation is not necessarily better. In the 36 case study companies, some level of formality helped improve evaluation and, ultimately, IT project outcomes. However, evaluation processes that were too formal were ineffective, resulting in dysfunctional behaviour. Whilst regular evaluation across the project lifecycle the goal of most companies, the key issue was one of implementation of that intention. Many companies had well-documented processes and methods, but they were not applied consistently. Thus, formal processes and methods alone were not enough. It was only when all of the effective practices were combined that positive behaviours were reinforced, actions were aligned, and evaluation processes were most effective. This research contributes to theory development by presenting a substantive theory of effective ITproject evaluation grounded on rich empirical data. The theoretical model developed addresses important gaps in the literature, in particular by identifying which practices are most effective, integrating a range of concepts and relating effective practices to IT project success. This contribution is important due to the lack of recognition to date of effective IT project evaluation practices. The practices identified in this study also provide the foundation for further research into IT project evaluation practices, and the relationships between these practices and project success. These conclusions provide important insights for improving IT evaluation practices, and ultimately, IT project outcomes, both in Australia and around the world

    Les impacts de la technologie RFID et du réseau EPC sur la gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement : le cas de l'industrie du commerce de détail

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    «RÉSUMÉ» : Définie comme une technologie sans-fil d’identification et de collecte automatique des données, la technologie d’identification par radiofréquence (RFID) est en train d’émerger comme un nouveau système inter-organisationnel, qui va profondément transformer les processus et pratiques d’affaires de la chaîne d’approvisionnement. Toutefois, l’importance de la co-adoption de la technologie RFID et du réseau EPC dans la chaîne d’approvisionnement a jusqu’à présent reçu peu d’attention dans la littérature et très peu d’études empiriques ont été menées sur la valeur et les impacts de cette co-adoption de la RFID et du réseau EPC dans un contexte de chaîne d’approvisionnement. Cette recherche représente un premier effort visant à combler cette lacune dans la littérature sur ces questions spécifiques. Notre étude s’appuie sur la revue de littérature existante sur la technologie RFID et le réseau EPC, la théorie de la gestion de l’innovation, la gestion de la chaîne et les systèmes inter-organisationnels pour répondre aux questions de recherche suivantes : (i) Que comprend précisément la technologie RFID?; (ii) Quelle est l’infrastructure minimale que requiert cette technologie?; (iii) Quel lien existe-t-il entre la technologie RFID et le réseau EPC?; (iv) Quel rôle pourrait jouer un laboratoire universitaire dans le processus d’adoption de la technologie RFID et du réseau EPC?; (v) Quels sont les impacts de la technologie RFID et du réseau EPC sur les processus d’affaires et les flux d’informations intra- et inter-organisationnels, sur la main-d’œuvre, et sur les modèles d’affaires; (vi) Quelles sont les stratégies à mettre en œuvre pour, d’une part, guider l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre des divers scénarios d’adoption intégrant la technologie RFID et le réseau EPC et, d’autre part, faciliter la communication entre les différents acteurs impliqués dans le processus d’identification des modèles d’affaires appropriés et les infrastructures technologiques pouvant supporter l’adoption d’un scenario intégrant de ces technologies?»----------«ABSTRACT : Defined as a wireless automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) technology, the Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is emerging as an innovative inter-organizational system (IOS) that will profoundly transform the supply chain business processes and practices. However, the importance of the co-adoption of RFID and the EPC network within the supply chain has so far received insignificant attention in the literature and very few empirical studies have been conducted on the value and impacts of the co-adoption of RFID and EPC network in a supply chain context. This research represents an initial effort towards bridging the existing knowledge gap on these specific issues. Our study draws from the literature review on the RFID technology and the EPC network, the innovation management theory, the supply chain management and the inter-organizational systems to examine the following research questions : (i) What precisely does the RFID infrastructure include?; (ii) What is the link between the RFID technology and the EPC network? (iii) What role could play a university-based laboratory in the adoption process of the RFID technology and the EPC network?; (iv) What are the impacts of the RFID technology and the EPC network on intra-organizational and inter-organizational business processes and information flows, on the workforce, and on the existing business models; (v) What strategies should be implemented in order to, first, guide the development and the implementation of various adoption scenarios integrating the RFID technology and the EPC network, and, secondly, facilitate communication between the different stakeholders involved in the process of identifying the appropriate business models and technological infrastructure supporting the adoption of an optimal scenario integrating these technologies?