388 research outputs found

    Using WordNet for Building WordNets

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    This paper summarises a set of methodologies and techniques for the fast construction of multilingual WordNets. The English WordNet is used in this approach as a backbone for Catalan and Spanish WordNets and as a lexical knowledge resource for several subtasks.Comment: 8 pages, postscript file. In workshop on Usage of WordNet in NL

    Towards a semantic quality based approach for business process models improvement

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    Business process (BP) modeling aims at a better understanding of processes, allowing deciders to improve them. We propose to support this modeling with an approach encompassing methods and tools for BP models quality measurement and improvement. In this paper we focus on semantic quality. The latter is evaluated by aligning BP model concepts with domain knowledge. The alignment is conducted thanks to meta-models. We also define validation rules for checking the completeness of BP models. A medical case study illustrates the main steps of our approach.<br /

    Knowledge-based methods for automatic extraction of domain-specific ontologies

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    Semantic web technology aims at developing methodologies for representing large amount of knowledge in web accessible form. The semantics of knowledge should be easy to interpret and understand by computer programs, so that sharing and utilizing knowledge across the Web would be possible. Domain specific ontologies form the basis for knowledge representation in the semantic web. Research on automated development of ontologies from texts has become increasingly important because manual construction of ontologies is labor intensive and costly, and, at the same time, large amount of texts for individual domains is already available in electronic form. However, automatic extraction of domain specific ontologies is challenging due to the unstructured nature of texts and inherent semantic ambiguities in natural language. Moreover, the large size of texts to be processed renders full-fledged natural language processing methods infeasible. In this dissertation, we develop a set of knowledge-based techniques for automatic extraction of ontological components (concepts, taxonomic and non-taxonomic relations) from domain texts. The proposed methods combine information retrieval metrics, lexical knowledge-base(like WordNet), machine learning techniques, heuristics, and statistical approaches to meet the challenge of the task. These methods are domain-independent and automatic approaches. For extraction of concepts, the proposed WNSCA+{PE, POP} method utilizes the lexical knowledge base WordNet to improve precision and recall over the traditional information retrieval metrics. A WordNet-based approach, the compound term heuristic, and a supervised learning approach are developed for taxonomy extraction. We also developed a weighted word-sense disambiguation method for use with the WordNet-based approach. An unsupervised approach using log-likelihood ratios is proposed for extracting non-taxonomic relations. Further more, a supervised approach is investigated to learn the semantic constraints for identifying relations from prepositional phrases. The proposed methods are validated by experiments with the Electronic Voting and the Tender Offers, Mergers, and Acquisitions domain corpus. Experimental results and comparisons with some existing approaches clearly indicate the superiority of our methods. In summary, a good combination of information retrieval, lexical knowledge base, statistics and machine learning methods in this study has led to the techniques efficient and effective for extracting ontological components automatically

    Constraint-Based Ontology Induction From Online Customer Reviews

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    We present an unsupervised, domain-independent technique for inducing a product-specific ontology of product features based upon online customer reviews. We frame ontology induction as a logical assignment problem and solve it with a bounds consistency constrained logic program. Using shallow natural language processing techniques, reviews are parsed into phrase sequences where each phrase refers to a single concept. Traditional document clustering techniques are adapted to collect phrases into initial concepts. We generate a token graph for each initial concept cluster and find a maximal clique to define the corresponding logical set of concept sub-elements. The logic program assigns tokens to clique sub-elements. We apply the technique to several thousand digital camera customer reviews and evaluate the results by comparing them to the ontologies represented by several prominent online buying guides. Because our results are drawn directly from customer comments, differences between our automatically induced product features and those in extant guides may reflect opportunities for better managing customer-producer relationships rather than errors in the process

    Semantic Enrichment of Ontology Mappings

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    Schema and ontology matching play an important part in the field of data integration and semantic web. Given two heterogeneous data sources, meta data matching usually constitutes the first step in the data integration workflow, which refers to the analysis and comparison of two input resources like schemas or ontologies. The result is a list of correspondences between the two schemas or ontologies, which is often called mapping or alignment. Many tools and research approaches have been proposed to automatically determine those correspondences. However, most match tools do not provide any information about the relation type that holds between matching concepts, for the simple but important reason that most common match strategies are too simple and heuristic to allow any sophisticated relation type determination. Knowing the specific type holding between two concepts, e.g., whether they are in an equality, subsumption (is-a) or part-of relation, is very important for advanced data integration tasks, such as ontology merging or ontology evolution. It is also very important for mappings in the biological or biomedical domain, where is-a and part-of relations may exceed the number of equality correspondences by far. Such more expressive mappings allow much better integration results and have scarcely been in the focus of research so far. In this doctoral thesis, the determination of the correspondence types in a given mapping is the focus of interest, which is referred to as semantic mapping enrichment. We introduce and present the mapping enrichment tool STROMA, which obtains a pre-calculated schema or ontology mapping and for each correspondence determines a semantic relation type. In contrast to previous approaches, we will strongly focus on linguistic laws and linguistic insights. By and large, linguistics is the key for precise matching and for the determination of relation types. We will introduce various strategies that make use of these linguistic laws and are able to calculate the semantic type between two matching concepts. The observations and insights gained from this research go far beyond the field of mapping enrichment and can be also applied to schema and ontology matching in general. Since generic strategies have certain limits and may not be able to determine the relation type between more complex concepts, like a laptop and a personal computer, background knowledge plays an important role in this research as well. For example, a thesaurus can help to recognize that these two concepts are in an is-a relation. We will show how background knowledge can be effectively used in this instance, how it is possible to draw conclusions even if a concept is not contained in it, how the relation types in complex paths can be resolved and how time complexity can be reduced by a so-called bidirectional search. The developed techniques go far beyond the background knowledge exploitation of previous approaches, and are now part of the semantic repository SemRep, a flexible and extendable system that combines different lexicographic resources. Further on, we will show how additional lexicographic resources can be developed automatically by parsing Wikipedia articles. The proposed Wikipedia relation extraction approach yields some millions of additional relations, which constitute significant additional knowledge for mapping enrichment. The extracted relations were also added to SemRep, which thus became a comprehensive background knowledge resource. To augment the quality of the repository, different techniques were used to discover and delete irrelevant semantic relations. We could show in several experiments that STROMA obtains very good results w.r.t. relation type detection. In a comparative evaluation, it was able to achieve considerably better results than related applications. This corroborates the overall usefulness and strengths of the implemented strategies, which were developed with particular emphasis on the principles and laws of linguistics

    Sharing e-Health information through ontological layering

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    e-Health information, including patient clinical and demographic data, is very often dispersed across various environments, which either generate them or retrieve them from different sources. Healthcare professionals often need related e-health information in order to obtain a more comprehensive picture of a patient's health status. There are many obstacles to retrieving information and data from heterogeneous sources. In this paper we show that our ontological layering helps in (a) classifying requests imposed by healthcare professionals when retrieving e-health information from heterogeneous sources and (b) resolving semantic heterogeneities across repositories and composing an adequate answer to issued requests. We use a layered software architectural model based on Generic ontology for Context-aware, Interoperable and Data sharing (Go- CID) software applications, applicable to e-Health environments. Ontological layering and reasoning have been demonstrated with semantic web technologies
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