5 research outputs found

    A review of AI applications in Human Sciences research

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    This paper compiles the most relevant contributions of AI technology in the field of Human Sciences. It reveals the development of different applications and the software and techniques used. The main purpose is to show the major breakthroughs in Humanities research and, at the same time, to highlight the scarcity of study cases. The implementation of AI offers many possibilities that are gradually being incorporated. This general state-of-the-art review aims to illustrate how our area of knowledge can benefit from the different approaches that have been undertaken, as well as their potential for future development

    Transferring Neural Representations for Low-dimensional Indexing of Maya Hieroglyphic Art

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    We analyze the performance of deep neural architectures for extracting shape representations of binary images, and for generating low-dimensional representations of them. In particular, we focus on indexing binary images exhibiting compounds of Maya hieroglyphic signs, referred to as glyph-blocks, which constitute a very challenging dataset of arts given their visual complexity and large stylistic variety. More precisely, we demonstrate empirically that intermediate outputs of convolutional neural networks can be used as representations for complex shapes, even when their parameters are trained on gray-scale images, and that these representations can be more robust than traditional handcrafted features. We also show that it is possible to compress such representations up to only three dimensions without harming much of their discriminative structure, such that effective visualization of Maya hieroglyphs can be rendered for subsequent epigraphic analysis

    Maya Codical Glyph Segmentation: A Crowdsourcing Approach

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    This paper focuses on the crowd-annotation of an ancient Maya glyph dataset derived from the three ancient codices that survived up to date. More precisely, non-expert annotators are asked to segment glyph-blocks into their constituent glyph entities. As a means of supervision, available glyph variants are provided to the annotators during the crowdsourcing task. Compared to object recognition in natural images or handwriting transcription tasks, designing an engaging task and dealing with crowd behavior is challenging in our case. This challenge originates from the inherent complexity of Maya writing and an incomplete understanding of the signs and semantics in the existing catalogs. We elaborate on the evolution of the crowdsourcing task design, and discuss the choices for providing supervision during the task. We analyze the distributions of similarity and task difficulty scores, and the segmentation performance of the crowd. A unique dataset of over 9000 Maya glyphs from 291 categories individually segmented from the three codices was created and will be made publicly available thanks to this process. This dataset lends itself to automatic glyph classification tasks. We provide baseline methods for glyph classification using traditional shape descriptors and convolutional neural networks

    Visual Analysis of Maya Glyphs via Crowdsourcing and Deep Learning

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    In this dissertation, we study visual analysis methods for complex ancient Maya writings. The unit sign of a Maya text is called glyph, and may have either semantic or syllabic significance. There are over 800 identified glyph categories, and over 1400 variations across these categories. To enable fast manipulation of data by scholars in Humanities, it is desirable to have automatic visual analysis tools such as glyph categorization, localization, and visualization. Analysis and recognition of glyphs are challenging problems. The same patterns may be observed in different signs but with different compositions. The inter-class variance can thus be significantly low. On the opposite, the intra-class variance can be high, as the visual variants within the same semantic category may differ to a large extent except for some patterns specific to the category. Another related challenge of Maya writings is the lack of a large dataset to study the glyph patterns. Consequently, we study local shape representations, both knowledge-driven and data-driven, over a set of frequent syllabic glyphs as well as other binary shapes, i.e. sketches. This comparative study indicates that a large data corpus and a deep network architecture are needed to learn data-driven representations that can capture the complex compositions of local patterns. To build a large glyph dataset in a short period of time, we study a crowdsourcing approach as an alternative to time-consuming data preparation of experts. Specifically, we work on individual glyph segmentation out of glyph-blocks from the three remaining codices (i.e. folded bark pages painted with a brush). With gradual steps in our crowdsourcing approach, we observe that providing supervision and careful task design are key aspects for non-experts to generate high-quality annotations. This way, we obtain a large dataset (over 9000) of individual Maya glyphs. We analyze this crowdsourced glyph dataset with both knowledge-driven and data-driven visual representations. First, we evaluate two competitive knowledge-driven representations, namely Histogram of Oriented Shape Context and Histogram of Oriented Gradients. Secondly, thanks to the large size of the crowdsourced dataset, we study visual representation learning with deep Convolutional Neural Networks. We adopt three data-driven approaches: assess- ing representations from pretrained networks, fine-tuning the last convolutional block of a pretrained network, and training a network from scratch. Finally, we investigate different glyph visualization tasks based on the studied representations. First, we explore the visual structure of several glyph corpora by applying a non-linear dimensionality reduction method, namely t-distributed Stochastic Neighborhood Embedding, Secondly, we propose a way to inspect the discriminative parts of individual glyphs according to the trained deep networks. For this purpose, we use the Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping method and highlight the network activations as a heatmap visualization over an input image. We assess whether the highlighted parts correspond to distinguishing parts of glyphs in a perceptual crowdsourcing study. Overall, this thesis presents a promising crowdsourcing approach, competitive data-driven visual representations, and interpretable visualization methods that can be applied to explore various other Digital Humanities datasets