4,727 research outputs found

    Measuring the Eccentricity of Items

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    The long-tail phenomenon tells us that there are many items in the tail. However, not all tail items are the same. Each item acquires different kinds of users. Some items are loved by the general public, while some items are consumed by eccentric fans. In this paper, we propose a novel metric, item eccentricity, to incorporate this difference between consumers of the items. Eccentric items are defined as items that are consumed by eccentric users. We used this metric to analyze two real-world datasets of music and movies and observed the characteristics of items in terms of eccentricity. The results showed that our defined eccentricity of an item does not change much over time, and classified eccentric and noneccentric items present significantly distinct characteristics. The proposed metric effectively separates the eccentric and noneccentric items mixed in the tail, which could not be done with the previous measures, which only consider the popularity of items.Comment: Accepted at IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) 201

    Comparison of group recommendation algorithms

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    In recent years recommender systems have become the common tool to handle the information overload problem of educational and informative web sites, content delivery systems, and online shops. Although most recommender systems make suggestions for individual users, in many circumstances the selected items (e.g., movies) are not intended for personal usage but rather for consumption in groups. This paper investigates how effective group recommendations for movies can be generated by combining the group members' preferences (as expressed by ratings) or by combining the group members' recommendations. These two grouping strategies, which convert traditional recommendation algorithms into group recommendation algorithms, are combined with five commonly used recommendation algorithms to calculate group recommendations for different group compositions. The group recommendations are not only assessed in terms of accuracy, but also in terms of other qualitative aspects that are important for users such as diversity, coverage, and serendipity. In addition, the paper discusses the influence of the size and composition of the group on the quality of the recommendations. The results show that the grouping strategy which produces the most accurate results depends on the algorithm that is used for generating individual recommendations. Therefore, the paper proposes a combination of grouping strategies which outperforms each individual strategy in terms of accuracy. Besides, the results show that the accuracy of the group recommendations increases as the similarity between members of the group increases. Also the diversity, coverage, and serendipity of the group recommendations are to a large extent dependent on the used grouping strategy and recommendation algorithm. Consequently for (commercial) group recommender systems, the grouping strategy and algorithm have to be chosen carefully in order to optimize the desired quality metrics of the group recommendations. The conclusions of this paper can be used as guidelines for this selection process

    The influence of national culture on the attitude towards mobile recommender systems

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Technological Forecasting and Social Change. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2013 Elsevier B.V.This study aimed to identify factors that influence user attitudes towards mobile recommender systems and to examine how these factors interact with cultural values to affect attitudes towards this technology. Based on the theory of reasoned action, belief factors for mobile recommender systems are identified in three dimensions: functional, contextual, and social. Hypotheses explaining different impacts of cultural values on the factors affecting attitudes were also proposed. The research model was tested based on data collected in China, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. Findings indicate that functional and social factors have significant impacts on user attitudes towards mobile recommender systems. The relationships between belief factors and attitudes are moderated by two cultural values: collectivism and uncertainty avoidance. The theoretical and practical implications of applying theory of reasoned action and innovation diffusion theory to explain the adoption of new technologies in societies with different cultures are also discussed.National Research Foundation of Korea Grant funded by the Korean governmen

    Recommender systems fairness evaluation via generalized cross entropy

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    Fairness in recommender systems has been considered with respect to sensitive attributes of users (e.g., gender, race) or items (e.g., revenue in a multistakeholder setting). Regardless, the concept has been commonly interpreted as some form of equality – i.e., the degree to which the system is meeting the information needs of all its users in an equal sense. In this paper, we argue that fairness in recommender systems does not necessarily imply equality, but instead it should consider a distribution of resources based on merits and needs.We present a probabilistic framework based ongeneralized cross entropy to evaluate fairness of recommender systems under this perspective, wherewe showthat the proposed framework is flexible and explanatory by allowing to incorporate domain knowledge (through an ideal fair distribution) that can help to understand which item or user aspects a recommendation algorithm is over- or under-representing. Results on two real-world datasets show the merits of the proposed evaluation framework both in terms of user and item fairnessThis work was supported in part by the Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval and in part by project TIN2016-80630-P (MINECO

    Improving Reachability and Navigability in Recommender Systems

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    In this paper, we investigate recommender systems from a network perspective and investigate recommendation networks, where nodes are items (e.g., movies) and edges are constructed from top-N recommendations (e.g., related movies). In particular, we focus on evaluating the reachability and navigability of recommendation networks and investigate the following questions: (i) How well do recommendation networks support navigation and exploratory search? (ii) What is the influence of parameters, in particular different recommendation algorithms and the number of recommendations shown, on reachability and navigability? and (iii) How can reachability and navigability be improved in these networks? We tackle these questions by first evaluating the reachability of recommendation networks by investigating their structural properties. Second, we evaluate navigability by simulating three different models of information seeking scenarios. We find that with standard algorithms, recommender systems are not well suited to navigation and exploration and propose methods to modify recommendations to improve this. Our work extends from one-click-based evaluations of recommender systems towards multi-click analysis (i.e., sequences of dependent clicks) and presents a general, comprehensive approach to evaluating navigability of arbitrary recommendation networks

    Musical recommendations and personalization in a social network

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    This paper presents a set of algorithms used for music recommendations and personalization in a general purpose social network www.ok.ru, the second largest social network in the CIS visited by more then 40 millions users per day. In addition to classical recommendation features like "recommend a sequence" and "find similar items" the paper describes novel algorithms for construction of context aware recommendations, personalization of the service, handling of the cold-start problem, and more. All algorithms described in the paper are working on-line and are able to detect and address changes in the user's behavior and needs in the real time. The core component of the algorithms is a taste graph containing information about different entities (users, tracks, artists, etc.) and relations between them (for example, user A likes song B with certainty X, track B created by artist C, artist C is similar to artist D with certainty Y and so on). Using the graph it is possible to select tracks a user would most probably like, to arrange them in a way that they match each other well, to estimate which items from a fixed list are most relevant for the user, and more. In addition, the paper describes the approach used to estimate algorithms efficiency and analyze the impact of different recommendation related features on the users' behavior and overall activity at the service.Comment: This is a full version of a 4 pages article published at ACM RecSys 201
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