46 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Produktivitas USAha Tani dan Keberhasilan Program Simantri di Kabupaten Klungkung

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    Agricultural development occurs when efforts to optimize the use of natural resources and appropriate technology . Government attention in agricultural development, demonstrated through Integrated Farming Systems Program ( Simantri ) . Simantri Program is a program to increase the number of farm production which might be expected to have an impact on the increase in income and welfare of farmers . The data in this research is the analysis of structural equation with alternative Partial Least Square ( PLS ) . The evaluation results indicate that the goodness of fit of the structural model to get the value of Q2 in this research model of 0.873 means that the information contained in the data 84.2 percent can be explained by a model that is the characteristic variables farmers, social capital , productivity of farming and Simantri program success , while the remaining 15.8 percent is explained by other variables not included in the model

    Pengaruh Jiwa Kewirausahaan dan Manajemen Agribisnis terhadap Keberhasilan Gapoktan Simantri di Kabupaten Tabanan

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    Bali Provincial Government has been implementing a program Simantri since 2009, until now reached the number of 419 units Simantri. Simantri program is a groundbreaking effort to further streamline farm through crop and livestock waste utilization with concept of no waste (zero waste). Simantri success is influenced by many factors, among others the ability of entrepreneurship and agribusiness management.The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of entrepreneurship and agribusiness management towards the successful of Simantri in Tabanan. The study was conducted on Gapoktan Simantri from 2009-2011. The unit of analysis is the study Poktan Simantri executor. The number of samples was determined by 21 Poktan executive with 84 respondents consisting of administrators and members representing. Engineering analysis data using Partial Least Square (PLS) with the help of Smart PLS program . The results showed that the entrepreneurial spirit is very significant positive effect on the success of Simantri, as well as the management of agribusiness. Agribusiness management turns a very significant positive effect on the success of Simantri. This suggests that the entrepreneurial spirit of great influence in shaping the quality of human resources so as to implement agribusiness management and eager to achieve the performance in implementing Simantri. Suggestions for implementing Poktan of Simantri members is that the entrepreneurial spirit should grow or strengthened, especially in changing the mindset of associating with a more flexible search for information to Simantri who has managed to be more motivated to be successful running the Simantri. Poktan Simantri implementing institutional groups should also increasing so as to innovate in developing technology based agribusiness innovation with the development of diversified products in Simantri

    Aspek Kelayakan Finansial Program Sistem Pertanian Terintegrasi (Simantri) Di Kecamatan Mengwi Kabupaten Badung

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    Tujuan utama penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kelayakan program sistem pertanian terintegrasi ditinjau dari aspek finansialnya dan nilai kelayakan finansial program sistem pertanian terintegrasi di Kecamatan Mengwi Kabupaten Badung. Lokasi penelitian ditentukan dengan metode purposive sampling di Desa Baha dan Kelurahan Lukluk, dengan dasar pertimbangan kelompok sistem pertanian terintegrasi di dua lokasi tersebut sudah berproduksi. Kelayakan finansial dianalisis dengan tiga kriteria investasi yaitu, Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net B/C), Net Present Value (NPV) dan Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Hasil penelitian menemukan program sistem pertanian terintegrasi dari aspek finansial layak dilaksanakan, nilai Net B/C =5,22 NPV = Rp 55.086.934 dan IRR = 84 %. , untuk memperoleh manfaat yang optimal pembinaan dalam bentuk penyuluhan perlu terus dilakukan terutama mengenai pemasaran pupuk organik dan biourine, mempromosikan ke kelompok-kelompok tani tentang keunggulan penggunaan pupuk organic dan biourine pada kegiatan USAhatan

    Analisis Efektivitas Program Peremajaan Sawit Rakyat Di Kecamatan Nibung Hangus Kabupaten Batubara, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

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    Peremajaan Sawit Rakyat (PSR) merupakan program nasional untuk membantu pekebun rakyat dalam meremajakan sawitnya sebagai upaya meningkatkan produktivitas, produksi, daya saing dan pendapatan serta kesejahteraan petani kelapa sawit. Salah satunya dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Nibung Hangus Kabupaten Batu Bara. Program ini mengalami hambatan dalam pelaksanaannya. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perkembangan Program PSR dari tahun 2019-2021 dan juga menganalisis efektivitas dari program Peremajaan Sawit Rakyat di Kecamatan Nibung Hangus Kabupaten Batu Bara ditinjau dari segi context, input, process dan product. Hasil penelitian menggunakan model CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) diperoleh bahwa kelompok tani berkemitraan dengan Perusahaan Y lebih baik dibandingkan dengan Perusahaan X. Perusahaan Y melakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan dari pembinaan bibit hingga penerapan GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) dan dilakukannya monitoring secara berkala ke kebun kelapa sawit serta adanya kerjasama dalam menampung hasil pertanaman dari pekebun sehingga menghasilkan nilai efektivitas yang lebih baik

    Model Manajemen Sumberdaya Komunikasi untuk Penyuluhan Pertanian dalam Pelaksanaan Sistem Pertanian Terintegrasi di Provinsi Bali

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    Communication resource for extension of integrated agricultural systems program which includes: facilitators agents, farmers, messages, methods, and facilities/infrastructure is not well maintained premises. Communication effectiveness of integrated farming systems program is only characterized by a change in the attitude of the farmers participating in the program, while other indicators such as knowledge, skills, and actions do not characterize the effectiveness of communication. The success of the integrated farming systems program is only characterized by the creation of jobs and the development of farming intensification and extensification.The objectives of this research are: (1) analyze the relationship management of communication resources for extension with successful integrated farming systems and (2) designing a communications resource management model for extension of integrated farming system. To achieve these objectives, the study was conducted with survey design combined with the correlation approach. Determining the location of the study and determination of respondents using purposive, whereas data analysis using Structural Equation Modelling approach (SEM).The results showed: (1) communications resource for extension in the integrated farming system has not been managed in accordance with management functions and this is associated with less successful programs of integrated farming systems; (2) resource management model of communication for extension of integrated farming system is a structured scheme of action in managing communication resources in accordance with management function

    Pola Interaksi Ternak dan Tanaman pada Simantri 116 Desa Katung, Kecamatan Kintamani, Kabupaten Bangli

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    The program is integrated farming systems by farmers. One of the groups that implement integrated farming system with cattle horticultural crops is gapoktan Budi Luhur. The study aims to determine the income farmers in the farm in the village of Simantri 116 uncertain , the district of Kintamani , Bangli Regency , based on patterns of integration between horticultural crops, cattle, land management and crop rotation on the farm in the village of Simantri 116 uncertain, the district of Kintamani , Bangli Regency. Data were obtained from census survey methods through techniques of 23 respondents Gapoktan Budi Luhur farmer groups implementing Simantri 116 in Bangli regency. Secondary data were obtained from the written literature related to the research. Results were analyzed using analysis of gross margin income of Rp 64,955,152 Rupiahs citrus, gross margine of bananas Rp 276,978 rupiahs, gross margine of cabbage revenue of 1,099,573 rupiahs and Rp 9,015,489 rupiahs cattle every year. The land produces citrus production of 643 tonnes , 14. 705 bananas, cabbage 10 tons and 23 cows. So the total revenue earned by Simantri 116 of 75,347,192 rupiahs. The results showed that the respondents have an average of 1,06 hectares of land area. Land used for crop production with livestock includes an average 0.85 hectares of land for citrus productions, the average land cattle production 00,01 hectares, 12,03 for cabbage production remainder is used for banana production. The results of the analysis of data with a simple linear programming approach and gross margin analysis. The use of a simple linear programming analysis to select a combination of several activities that can maximize the gross income and to evaluate the effect of uncertainty on the farm gross profit in hectare of farm land. Gross margin analysis aims to determine the total income of the respondents. Based on the results of the analysis of risk factors obtained gross profit of 1,629.876.554 rupiahs, to 1,788,452,493 rupiahs admission fee of 158 575 938 rupiahs production facilities for all commodities in production with a maximum of 10 % of risk costs in hectare. Farmers who might avoid the risk of selecting plants that will generate a small but gross profit low risk, otherwise the plants will produce large gross profit but high risk. In this case the farmer would probably avoid the risk of selecting plants that will generate a small but gross profit low risk, otherwise the plants will produce large gross profit but high risk will be avoided so that farmers can increase farm income through a crop with livestock integration systems

    Kajian Pengelolaan Limbah Padat Peternakan Sapi Simantri Berbasis 2R (Reduce dan Recycle) di Kecamatan Seririt, Kabupaten Buleleng

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    Simantri atau Sistem Pertanian Terintegrasi merupakan sebuah program Pemerintah Provinsi Bali yang mengintegrasikan kegiatan pertanian dan peternakan. Pengelolaan limbah padat di peternakan sapi Simantri Kecamatan Seririt yakni pengolahan biogas dan pembuatan kompos belum berlangsung optimal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan laju timbulan dan komposisi limbah padat peternakan sapi Simantri, mengevaluasi pengelolaan limbah padat eksisting. Tujuan lainnya yaitu menentukan strategi penerapan teknologi pengolahan biogas dan kompos berdasarkan analisis SWOT. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengklasifikasian berdasarkan peternakan yang pengolahan biogasnya masih beroperasi, pengolahan komposnya masih beroperasi dan peternakan yang pengolahan biogas dan komposnya tidak beroperasi. Pengukuran laju timbulan limbah padat berdasarkan SNI 19-3964-1994 dan analisis mass balance limbah padat. Instrumen kuisioner digunakan pada penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan informasi pengelolaan limbah padat eksisting, permasalahan, dan penilaian SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, dan Threats). Sehingga diperoleh teknologi pengelolaan limbah padat berbasis 2R yang dapat diterapkan. Total laju timbulan limbah padat peternakan sapi Simantri Kecamatan Seririt yaitu 2371,40 kg/hari dengan komposisi 303,88 kg sisa pakan/hari dan 2067,52 kg kotoran sapi/hari. Peternakan Sapi Simantri Kecamatan Seririt yang masih melakukan pengelolaan limbah padat sebanyak 53,84 % atau 7 peternakan. Sedangkan, yang tidak melakukan pengelolaan limbah padat sebanyak 46,16% atau 6 peternakan. Strategi penerapan teknologi untuk pengolahan limbah padat peternakan dari hasil analisis SWOT yaitu dengan melakukan pengolahan biogas dan pembuatan kompos dengan intensif dan melakukan inovasi dalam teknologi pengolahan biogas dan kompos

    Realisasi Kegiatan Program Daerah Dalam Pengembangan Pembibitan Sapi Potong Guna Mendukung Swasembada Daging Nasional

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    Regional autonomy is given broad authority, real and accountable to local governments in proportion. In line with the local government should be able to utilize the potential of area resources optimally. However, under Regulation No 25 ps 2 verse 3, yr 2000 showed that specific authority perbibitan and arrangements regarding disease prevention remains a central government authority in this regard is Breed Livestock Directorate. Do with the efforts to develop livestock breeding cattle in various respo . In an effort to increase the population of cattle beef cattle , a policy that could be done by the East Java Provincial Government "Berlian" program. Meanwhile, Bali local government has declared Simantri Program, Jambi Provincial Government still relies on the center\u27s programs, while in West Java are still doing investigations were the provinces that have the potential technical and non- technical support. This paper is part of the research results about the prospect of Livestock Breeding Beef Cattle Expansion medium scale done in 2012 by the Center for Economic and Social Agriculture . As for the location of the research done in the Province of Bali , East Java , West Java and Jambi Provinc

    Kajian Pengelolaan Limbah Padat Peternakan Sapi Simantri Berbasis 2R (Reduce dan Recycle) di Kecamatan Seririt, Kabupaten Buleleng

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    Simantri atau Sistem Pertanian Terintegrasi merupakan sebuah program Pemerintah Provinsi Bali yang mengintegrasikan kegiatan pertanian dan peternakan. Pengelolaan limbah padat di peternakan sapi Simantri Kecamatan Seririt yakni pengolahan biogas dan pembuatan kompos belum berlangsung optimal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan laju timbulan dan komposisi limbah padat peternakan sapi Simantri, mengevaluasi pengelolaan limbah padat eksisting. Tujuan lainnya yaitu menentukan strategi penerapan teknologi pengolahan biogas dan kompos berdasarkan analisis SWOT. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengklasifikasian berdasarkan peternakan yang pengolahan biogasnya masih beroperasi, pengolahan komposnya masih beroperasi dan peternakan yang pengolahan biogas dan komposnya tidak beroperasi. Pengukuran laju timbulan limbah padat berdasarkan SNI 19-3964-1994 dan analisis mass balance limbah padat. Instrumen kuisioner digunakan pada penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan informasi pengelolaan limbah padat eksisting, permasalahan, dan penilaian SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, dan Threats). Sehingga diperoleh teknologi pengelolaan limbah padat berbasis 2R yang dapat diterapkan. Total laju timbulan limbah padat peternakan sapi Simantri Kecamatan Seririt yaitu 2371,40 kg/hari dengan komposisi 303,88 kg sisa pakan/hari dan 2067,52 kg kotoran sapi/hari. Peternakan Sapi Simantri Kecamatan Seririt yang masih melakukan pengelolaan limbah padat sebanyak 53,84 % atau 7 peternakan. Sedangkan, yang tidak melakukan pengelolaan limbah padat sebanyak 46,16% atau 6 peternakan. Strategi penerapan teknologi untuk pengolahan limbah padat peternakan dari hasil analisis SWOT yaitu dengan melakukan pengolahan biogas dan pembuatan kompos dengan intensif dan melakukan inovasi dalam teknologi pengolahan biogas dan kompos