69 research outputs found

    Evacuating an Equilateral Triangle in the Face-to-Face Model

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    Consider k robots initially located at the centroid of an equilateral triangle T of sides of length one. The goal of the robots is to evacuate T through an exit at an unknown location on the boundary of T. Each robot can move anywhere in T independently of other robots with maximum speed one. The objective is to minimize the evacuation time, which is defined as the time required for all k robots to reach the exit. We consider the face-to-face communication model for the robots: a robot can communicate with another robot only when they meet in T. In this paper, we give upper and lower bounds for the face-to-face evacuation time by k robots. We show that for any k, any algorithm for evacuating k >= 1 robots from T requires at least sqrt(3) time. This bound is asymptotically optimal, as we show that a straightforward strategy of evacuation by k robots gives an upper bound of sqrt(3) + 3/k. For k = 3, 4, 5, 6, we show significant improvements on the obvious upper bound by giving algorithms with evacuation times of 2.0887, 1.9816, 1.876, and 1.827, respectively. For k = 2 robots, we give a lower bound of 1 + 2/sqrt(3) ~= 2.154, and an algorithm with upper bound of 2.3367 on the evacuation time

    Evacuating Two Robots from a Disk: A Second Cut

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    We present an improved algorithm for the problem of evacuating two robots from the unit disk via an unknown exit on the boundary. Robots start at the center of the disk, move at unit speed, and can only communicate locally. Our algorithm improves previous results by Brandt et al. [CIAC'17] by introducing a second detour through the interior of the disk. This allows for an improved evacuation time of 5.62345.6234. The best known lower bound of 5.2555.255 was shown by Czyzowicz et al. [CIAC'15].Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures. This is the full version of the paper with the same title accepted in the 26th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO'19

    Evacuation of Equilateral Triangles by Mobile Agents of Limited Communication Range

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    We consider the problem of evacuating k≥2k \geq 2 mobile agents from a unit-sided equilateral triangle through an exit located at an unknown location on the perimeter of the triangle. The agents are initially located at the centroid of the triangle. An agent can move at speed at most one, and finds the exit only when it reaches the point where the exit is located. The agents can collaborate in the search for the exit. The goal of the {\em evacuation problem} is to minimize the evacuation time, defined as the worst-case time for {\em all} the agents to reach the exit. Two models of communication between agents have been studied before; {\em non-wireless} or {\em face-to-face communication} model and {\em wireless communication} model. In the former model, agents can exchange information about the location of the exit only if they are at the same point at the same time, whereas in the latter model, the agents can send and receive information about the exit at any time regardless of their positions in the domain. In this thesis, we propose a new and more realistic communication model: agents can communicate with other agents at distance at most rr with 0≤r≤10\leq r \leq 1. We propose and analyze several algorithms for the problem of evacuation by k≥2k \geq 2 agents in this model; our results indicate that the best strategy to be used varies depending on the values of rr and kk. For two agents, we give five strategies, the last of which achieves the best performance among all the five strategies for all sub-ranges of rr in the range 0<r≤10 < r \leq 1. We also show a lower bound on the evacuation time of two agents for any r2r 2 agents, we study three strategies for evacuation: in the first strategy, called {\sf X3C}, agents explore all three sides of the triangle before connecting to exchange information; in the second strategy, called {\sf X1C}, agents explore a single side of the triangle before connecting; in the third strategy, called {\sf CXP}, the agents travel to the perimeter to locations in which they are connected, and explore it while always staying connected. For 3 or 4 agents, we show that X3C works better than X1C for small values of rr, while X1C works better for larger values of rr. Finally, we show that for any rr, evacuation of k=6+2⌈(1r−1)⌉k=6 +2\lceil(\frac{1}{r}-1)\rceil agents can be done using the CXP strategy in time 1+3/31+\sqrt{3}/3, which is optimal in terms of time, and asymptotically optimal in terms of the number of agents

    Distributed Systems and Mobile Computing

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    The book is about Distributed Systems and Mobile Computing. This is a branch of Computer Science devoted to the study of systems whose components are in different physical locations and have limited communication capabilities. Such components may be static, often organized in a network, or may be able to move in a discrete or continuous environment. The theoretical study of such systems has applications ranging from swarms of mobile robots (e.g., drones) to sensor networks, autonomous intelligent vehicles, the Internet of Things, and crawlers on the Web. The book includes five articles. Two of them are about networks: the first one studies the formation of networks by agents that interact randomly and have the ability to form connections; the second one is a study of clustering models and algorithms. The three remaining articles are concerned with autonomous mobile robots operating in continuous space. One article studies the classical gathering problem, where all robots have to reach a common location, and proposes a fast algorithm for robots that are endowed with a compass but have limited visibility. The last two articles deal with the evacuations problem, where two robots have to locate an exit point and evacuate a region in the shortest possible time

    God Save the Queen

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    Queen Daniela of Sardinia is asleep at the center of a round room at the top of the tower in her castle. She is accompanied by her faithful servant, Eva. Suddenly, they are awakened by cries of "Fire". The room is pitch black and they are disoriented. There is exactly one exit from the room somewhere along its boundary. They must find it as quickly as possible in order to save the life of the queen. It is known that with two people searching while moving at maximum speed 1 anywhere in the room, the room can be evacuated (i.e., with both people exiting) in 1 + (2 pi)/3 + sqrt{3} ~~ 4.8264 time units and this is optimal [Czyzowicz et al., DISC\u2714], assuming that the first person to find the exit can directly guide the other person to the exit using her voice. Somewhat surprisingly, in this paper we show that if the goal is to save the queen (possibly leaving Eva behind to die in the fire) there is a slightly better strategy. We prove that this "priority" version of evacuation can be solved in time at most 4.81854. Furthermore, we show that any strategy for saving the queen requires time at least 3 + pi/6 + sqrt{3}/2 ~~ 4.3896 in the worst case. If one or both of the queen\u27s other servants (Biddy and/or Lili) are with her, we show that the time bounds can be improved to 3.8327 for two servants, and 3.3738 for three servants. Finally we show lower bounds for these cases of 3.6307 (two servants) and 3.2017 (three servants). The case of n >= 4 is the subject of an independent study by Queen Daniela\u27s Royal Scientific Team
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