13 research outputs found

    An overview of Mirjam and WeaveC

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    In this chapter, we elaborate on the design of an industrial-strength aspectoriented programming language and weaver for large-scale software development. First, we present an analysis on the requirements of a general purpose aspect-oriented language that can handle crosscutting concerns in ASML software. We also outline a strategy on working with aspects in large-scale software development processes. In our design, we both re-use existing aspect-oriented language abstractions and propose new ones to address the issues that we identified in our analysis. The quality of the code ensured by the realized language and weaver has a positive impact both on maintenance effort and lead-time in the first line software development process. As evidence, we present a short evaluation of the language and weaver as applied today in the software development process of ASML

    Pemilihan E-magazine terhadap Kebutuhan dan Keinginan Readership dengan Menggunakan Analytic Hierarchical Process

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    Used of the Internet technology superbly proven to not give huge benefits to users, both in terms of deployment and exchange of information, entertainment, free ware software, even to the readings in various forms especially a lot of readings that can be obtained through online channels by the internet without having to purchase in the form of free as well be articles, newspapers, books, and magazines are all in electronic form and can be obtained by the internet. Until recently published magazine in print already behind, because so many turned to the magazine in electronic or digital form is called the e-magazine. With the existence of an intermediate stage in the form of an e-magazine needs assessment of the readership to choose the best performance of any e-magazine published, even many technologies that can support progress towards processing features such as e-magazine like 3D Thumbnails, Podcasts, and RSS. Assessment of the e-magazine readership seen from the goal, multicriteria, and alternative, while the method used is the Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP). The process of analysis set forth in the acquisition phase synthesize the results of alternative priority e-magazine is e-the largest environmental gain with the value of 0.488 points, followed by RSC studio with acquisition value 0.284, and the smallest synthesize the results obtained e-magazine aksarayana the value 0.229. While the results of the ranking criteria biggest readership wants and needs is the ease with criteria further value 0.270 0.235 interface with value, quality value 0.179, satisfaction with the value of 0.175, and the smallest is the benefit criteria with a value of 0.142

    Evaluasi Analisis Efektifitas Copy Naskah dengan Menggunakan Analytic Hierarchical Process

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    Progress in the field of business needs the support of the promotion, promotion measures can be done in various ways, one of which is measured in the areas of advertising, as outlined in a manuscript copy. There are a number of methods to evaluate the manuscript copy of which Direct Rating Method (DRM), EPIC Model and Customer Response Index (CRI). For an evaluation copy of the script there is a measurement method of comparison can be done with the Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP). AHP is a method that is widely used in decision making and scientific part of the decision support system, known as Dicission Support System (DSS). In the discussion of this paper is intended to evaluate the effectiveness of each level, from the three models are used as a measure to assess the effectiveness of course seen the manuscript copy of each of the variables used. AHP didigunakan as advanced testing seen from some of the other variables if the data, formulation, design output, and transfer knowledge. At the end of the method will be seen each grade level of importance of each variable AHP. It describes the advantages in terms of where each model is used, so that the decision in the form of a score variable AHP can provide valuable information for anyone who will take measurements of the effectiveness of the manuscript copy. Acquisition synthesis analysis results obtained based on the priority level of 0.507 the top priority is DRM, second and third priorities respectively 0.327 and 0.166 for the EPIC models for CRI, this is becoming a final decision by the AHP process


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    Used of the Internet technology superbly proven to not give huge benefits to users, both in terms of deployment and exchange of information, entertainment, freeware software, even to the readings in various forms especially a lot of readings that can be obtained through online channels by the internet without having to purchase in the form of free as well be articles, newspapers, books, and magazines are all in electronic form and can be obtained by the internet. Until recently published magazine in print already behind, because so many turned to the magazine in electronic or digital form is called the e-magazine. With the existence of an intermediate stage in the form of an e-magazine needs assessment of the readership to choose the best performance of any e-magazine published, even many technologies that can support progress towards processing features such as e-magazine like 3D Thumbnails, Podcasts, and RSS. Assessment of the e-magazine readership seen from the goal, multicriteria, and alternative, while the method used is the Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP). The process of analysis set forth in the acquisition phase synthesize the results of alternative priority e-magazine is e-the largest environmental gain with the value of 0.488 points, followed by RSC studio with acquisition value 0.284, and the smallest synthesize the results obtained e-magazine aksarayana the value 0.229. While the results of the ranking criteria biggest readership want and needs are the ease with criteria further value 0.270 0.235 interfaces with value, quality value 0.179, satisfaction with the value of 0.175, and the smallest are the benefit criteria with a value of 0.142


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    Progress in the field of business needs the support of the promotion, promotion measures can be done in  various  ways,  one  of  which  is  measured  in  the  areas  of  advertising,  as  outlined  in  a  manuscript copy. There are a number of methods to evaluate the manuscript copy of which Direct Rating Method (DRM), EPIC Model and Customer Response Index (CRI). For an evaluation copy of the script there is a measurement method of comparison can be done with the Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP). AHP  is  a  method  that  is  widely  used  in  decision  making  and  scientific  part  of  the  decision  support system,  known  as  Dicission  Support  System  (DSS).  In  the  discussion  of  this  paper  is  intended  to evaluate  the  effectiveness  of  each  level,  from  the  three  models  are  used  as  a  measure  to  assess  the effectiveness of course seen the manuscript copy of each of the variables used. AHP didigunakan as advanced  testing  seen  from  some  of  the  other  variables  if  the  data,  formulation,  design  output,  and transfer  knowledge.  At  the  end  of  the  method  will  be  seen  each  grade  level  of  importance  of  each variable AHP. It describes the advantages in terms of where each model is used, so that the decision in the  form  of  a  score  variable  AHP  can  provide  valuable  information  for  anyone  who  will  take measurements  of  the  effectiveness  of  the  manuscript  copy.  Acquisition  synthesis  analysis  results obtained  based  on  the  priority  level  of  0.507  the  top  priority  is  DRM,  second  and  third  priorities respectively  0.327  and  0.166  for  the  EPIC  models  for  CRI,  this  is  becoming  a  final  decision  by  the AHP process

    Manobra de Inspeção de Eólicas com recurso a um UAV VTOL

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    The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) are, more and more, inserted in the daily life of the Human Being. Its use has allowed the replacement of human beings in some tasks followed by risk, such as the inspection of electrical assets such as wind power. In addition to the human risk factor associated with these operations, the time spent on navigation is also high. One solution found is to use multirotor in this type of inspection. Despite the advantages that these vehicles present, their autonomy does not allow for chain wind inspections. In this dissertation, we propose the development of a Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) that allows the inspection of wind farms on land and offshore, and the development of an inspection maneuver that allows better use of the potential of the vehicle when it is in airplane mode and drone mode. To better understand the topic of trajectory planning, in the specific case of the inspection process, we proceeded to a more in-depth study of the algorithm developed by the ETH university, the Structural Inspection Path Planner, which consists of calculating the optimal path to inspect a structure. This study served as a starting point and comparison for the development of a new solution, designed specifically for wind farm inspection. In terms of results and implementation, we carry out the development and assembly of a VTOL, the parameterization of an autopilot to work in hybrid mode, and the development of an inspection method directed to the specific case of the inspection of a wind farm.Os Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) estão, cada vez mais, inseridos no quotidiano do Ser Humano. A sua utilização veio permitir a substituição do ser humano em algumas tarefas consideradas de risco, tais como a inspeção de ativos elétricos como eólicas. Para além do fator de risco humano associado a estas operações, o tempo despendido na inspeção também ´e elevado. Uma solução encontrada passa pela utilização de multirotors neste tipo de inspeções. Apesar das vantagens que estes veículos apresentam, a sua autonomia não viabiliza inspeções de eólicas em cadeia. Nesta dissertação propõe-se o desenvolvimento de um Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) que permita a inspeção de parques eólicos em terra e em offshore, e o desenvolvimento de uma manobra de inspeção que permita um melhor aproveitamento das potencialidades do veículo quando se encontra em modo avião e em modo drone. No sentido de melhor entender o tópico de planeamento de trajetórias, no caso concreto do processo de inspeção, procedeu-se ao estudo mais aprofundado do algoritmo desenvolvido pela universidade Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH), o Structural Inspection Path Planner, que consiste no cálculo do caminho ótimo para efetuar a inspeção de uma estrutura. Este estudo serviu como ponto de partida e de comparação para o desenvolvimento de uma solução nova, projetada especificamente para inspeção de eólicas. Em termos de resultados e implementação, efetuamos o desenvolvimento e montagem de um VTOL, a parametrização de um autopilot para funcionar em modo híbrido e o desenvolvimento de um método de inspeção direcionado para o caso concreto da inspeção de uma eólica

    Multi-Dimensional Assessment of Transit System Efficiency and Incentive-based Subsidy Allocation

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    Over the past several decades, contending with traffic congestion and air pollution has emerged as one of the imperative issues across the world. Development of a transit-oriented urban transport system has been realized by an increasing number of countries and administrations as one of the most effective strategies for mitigating congestion and pollution problems. Despite the rapid development of public transportation system, doubts regarding the efficiency of the system and financing sustainability have arisen. Significant amount of public resources have been invested into public transport; however complaints about low service quality and unreliable transit system performance have increasingly arisen from all walks of life. Evaluating transit operational efficiency from various levels and designing incentive-based mechanisms to allocate limited subsidies/resources have become one of the most imperative challenges faced by responsible authorities to sustain the public transport system development and improve its performance and levels of service. After a comprehensive review of existing literature, this dissertation aims to develop a multi-dimensional framework composed of a series of robust multi-criteria evaluation models to assess the operational and financial performance of transit systems at various levels of application (i.e. region/city level, operator level, and route level). It further contributes to bridging the gap between transit efficiency evaluation and the subsequent subsidy allocation by developing a set of incentive-based resource allocation models taking various levels of operational and financial efficiencies into consideration. Case studies using real-world transit data will be performed to validate the performance and applicability of the proposed models

    Desenvolvimento de sequenciador para um Problema de Roteamento de Veículos

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    Este projecto tem como objectivo a optimização das rotas dos técnicos de serviço após venda da Schmitt+Sohn Elevadores, associadas à realização das manutenções preventivas a cada elemento contratado à empresa (elevadores, escadas rolantes, etc). Como tal, é necessário fazer uma distribuição dos equipamentos que se encontram em carteira, por um dos técnicos que assegura a manutenção, pelos vários dias úteis de cada mês, e pelas horas de trabalho de cada dia. Apesar do técnico ter disponíveis, por dia, 8h de trabalho, apenas 6h podem ser preenchidas com manutenções preventivas. As 2h restantes são essencialmente para possíveis manutenções correctivas para as quais o técnico seja solicitado. Caso o técnico não seja contactado para resolver nenhuma avaria, essas horas podem ser utilizadas pelo mesmo para adiantar trabalho do dia seguinte, isto é, visitar já alguns dos próximos pontos de manutenção preventiva do dia seguinte, ou para compensar trabalho que esteja atrasado. De salientar que, para cada dia, as deslocações do técnico de qualquer local ao primeiro ponto de uma rota ou de regresso do último ponto de uma rota não são contabilizadas. O trabalho desenvolvido nesta dissertação pretende dar resposta ao problema apresentado pela Schmitt+Sohn Elevadores. Para isso foi desenvolvida uma heurística para a optimização das rotas dos técnicos. Esta é baseada no conceito de “vizinho mais próximo” que procura sempre o ponto que se apresenta mais perto do último ponto que foi adicionado à rota. Com base nesta metodologia, nos processos de escolha dos pontos que formam clusters, e na selecção dos pontos iniciais de cada uma das rotas diárias, a ferramenta de optimização resultante define as rotas diárias para que o percurso efectuado por cada técnico num mês seja o menor possível. São feitas alterações às rotas definidas inicialmente quando encontrados pontos de uma mesma entrada a serem visitados em dias diferentes. Isto obrigaria o técnico a fazer duas viagens ao mesmo local. Por fim, o resultado é apresentado num documento Word a ser utilizado pelo técnico como guia diário das suas deslocações aos equipamentos que necessitam de verificações periódicas. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com as rotas que estavam a ser usadas pela empresa, tendo apresentado resultados de melhor qualidade, constatando-se a eficiência da solução criada pelo algoritmo proposto neste trabalho.The objective of this project is to optimize the routes of the service technicians after sales of Schmitt+Sohn Elevators, related to the execution of the preventive maintenance to each element contracted to the company (elevators, escalators, etc). Thus, it is necessary to make a distribution of the equipments that are on the wallet, by one of the technicians that ensure the maintenance, by all the available days of the week of each month and by the hours of work of each day. Although the technician has 8 hours of work available by day, only 6 of them can be associated with planned preventive maintenances. The other 2 hours are essencially to possible corrective maintenances that the technician could be called to solve. If the technician isn’t called to solve a breakdown those other hours could be used by him to advance work of the next day, like visiting already some of the following points of preventive maintenance of the next day, or compensate work that is late. Noteworthy that, for each day, the traveling time of the technician from any location to the first point of a route or from the last point of a route at the end of the day aren’t count in the solution. The work developed in this thesis provides an answer to the problem presented by Schmitt+Sohn Elevators. For that was developed an heuristic to the optimization of the technician routes. This heuristic is based on the “nearest neighbor” concept which searches always for the point that is closer to the last one that was added to the route. Based on this methodology, on the choice processes of the points that form clusters, and on the selection of the initial points of each route for each day, the optimization tool defines the daily routes for the course done by each technician on a month to be the shortest possible. Changes are made to the routes defined initially when points from the same entry are founded being visited in different days. This would force the technician to do two trips to the same place. In the end, the result is presented in a Word document to be used by the technician as a daily guide to his travels to the equipments that need periodic verifications. The obtained results were compared with the routes that were being used by the company, with the first ones presenting results of better quality, confirming the efficiency of the algorithm proposed in this work

    An investigation of the ant-based hyper-heuristic for capacitated vehicle routing problem and traveling salesman problem

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    A brief observation on recent research of routing problems shows that most of the methods used to tackle the problems are using heuristics and metaheuristics; and they often use problem specific knowledge to build or improve solutions. In the last few years, research on hyper-heuristic has been investigated which aims to raise the generality of optimisation systems. This thesis is concerned with the investigation of ant-based hyper-heuristic. Ant algorithms have been applied to vehicle routing problems and have produced competitive results. Therefore, it is assumed that there is a reasonable possibility that ant-based hyperheuristic could perform well for the problem. The thesis first surveys the literature for some common solution methodologies for optimisation problems and explores in some detail the ant algorithms and ant algorithm hyperheuristic methods. Furthermore, the literature specifically concerns with routing problems; the capacitated routing problem (CVRP) and the travelling salesman problem (TSP). The thesis studies the ant system algorithm and further proposes the ant algorithm hyper-heuristic, which introduces a new pheromone update rule in order to improve its performance. The proposed approach, called the ant-based hyper-heuristic is tested to two routing problems; the CVRP and TSP. Although it does not produce any best known results, the experimental results have shown that it is competitive with other methods. Most importantly, it demonstrates how simple and easy to implement low level heuristics, with no extensive parameter tuning. Further analysis shows that the approach possesses learning mechanism when compared to random hyper-heuristic. The approach investigates the number of low level heuristics appropriate and found out that the more low level heuristics used, the better solution is generated. In addition an ACO hyper-heuristic which has two categories of pheromone updates is developed. However, ant-based hyper-heuristic performs better and this is inconsistent with the performance of ACO algorithm in the literature. In TSP, we utilise two different categories of low level heuristics, the TSP heuristics and the CVRP heuristics that were previously used for the CVRP. From the observation, it can be seen that by using any heuristics for the same class of problems, ant-based hyper-heuristic is seen to be able to produce competitive results. This has demonstrated that the ant-based hyper-heuristic is a reusable method. One major advantage of this work is the usage of the same parameter for all problem instances with simple moves and swap procedures. It is hoped that in the future, results obtained will be better than current results by using better intelligent low level heuristics