50 research outputs found

    Eulerian numbers, tableaux, and the Betti numbers of a toric variety

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    Let [Sigma] denote the Coxeter complex of Sn, and let X([Sigma]) denote the associated toric variety. Since the Betti numbers of the cohomology of X([Sigma]) are Eulerian numbers, the additional presence of an Sn-module structure permits the definition of an isotypic refinement of these numbers. In some unpublished work, DeConcini and Procesi derived a recurrence for the Sn-character of the cohomology of X([Sigma]), and Stanley later used this to translate the problem of combinatorially describing the isotypic Eulerian numbers into the language of symmetric functions. In this paper, we explicitly solve this problem by developing a new way to use marked sequences to encode permutations. This encoding also provides a transparent explanation of the unimodality of Eulerian numbers and their isotypic refinements.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/30110/1/0000482.pd

    Equivariant Ehrhart theory

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    Motivated by representation theory and geometry, we introduce and develop an equivariant generalization of Ehrhart theory, the study of lattice points in dilations of lattice polytopes. We prove representation-theoretic analogues of numerous classical results, and give applications to the Ehrhart theory of rational polytopes and centrally symmetric polytopes. We also recover a character formula of Procesi, Dolgachev, Lunts and Stembridge for the action of a Weyl group on the cohomology of a toric variety associated to a root system.Comment: 40 pages. Final version. To appear in Adv. Mat

    Chromatic quasisymmetric functions

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    We introduce a quasisymmetric refinement of Stanley's chromatic symmetric function. We derive refinements of both Gasharov's Schur-basis expansion of the chromatic symmetric function and Chow's expansion in Gessel's basis of fundamental quasisymmetric functions. We present a conjectural refinement of Stanley's power sum basis expansion, which we prove in special cases. We describe connections between the chromatic quasisymmetric function and both the qq-Eulerian polynomials introduced in our earlier work and, conjecturally, representations of symmetric groups on cohomology of regular semisimple Hessenberg varieties, which have been studied by Tymoczko and others. We discuss an approach, using the results and conjectures herein, to the ee-positivity conjecture of Stanley and Stembridge for incomparability graphs of (3+1)(3+1)-free posets.Comment: 57 pages; final version, to appear in Advances in Mat

    Mutual Interlacing and Eulerian-like Polynomials for Weyl Groups

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    We use the method of mutual interlacing to prove two conjectures on the real-rootedness of Eulerian-like polynomials: Brenti's conjecture on qq-Eulerian polynomials for Weyl groups of type DD, and Dilks, Petersen, and Stembridge's conjecture on affine Eulerian polynomials for irreducible finite Weyl groups. For the former, we obtain a refinement of Brenti's qq-Eulerian polynomials of type DD, and then show that these refined Eulerian polynomials satisfy certain recurrence relation. By using the Routh--Hurwitz theory and the recurrence relation, we prove that these polynomials form a mutually interlacing sequence for any positive qq, and hence prove Brenti's conjecture. For q=1q=1, our result reduces to the real-rootedness of the Eulerian polynomials of type DD, which were originally conjectured by Brenti and recently proved by Savage and Visontai. For the latter, we introduce a family of polynomials based on Savage and Visontai's refinement of Eulerian polynomials of type DD. We show that these new polynomials satisfy the same recurrence relation as Savage and Visontai's refined Eulerian polynomials. As a result, we get the real-rootedness of the affine Eulerian polynomials of type DD. Combining the previous results for other types, we completely prove Dilks, Petersen, and Stembridge's conjecture, which states that, for every irreducible finite Weyl group, the affine descent polynomial has only real zeros.Comment: 28 page

    The Eulerian Distribution on Involutions is Indeed Unimodal

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    Let I_{n,k} (resp. J_{n,k}) be the number of involutions (resp. fixed-point free involutions) of {1,...,n} with k descents. Motivated by Brenti's conjecture which states that the sequence I_{n,0}, I_{n,1},..., I_{n,n-1} is log-concave, we prove that the two sequences I_{n,k} and J_{2n,k} are unimodal in k, for all n. Furthermore, we conjecture that there are nonnegative integers a_{n,k} such that ∑k=0n−1In,ktk=∑k=0⌊(n−1)/2⌋an,ktk(1+t)n−2k−1. \sum_{k=0}^{n-1}I_{n,k}t^k=\sum_{k=0}^{\lfloor (n-1)/2\rfloor}a_{n,k}t^{k}(1+t)^{n-2k-1}. This statement is stronger than the unimodality of I_{n,k} but is also interesting in its own right.Comment: 12 pages, minor changes, to appear in J. Combin. Theory Ser.