4,306 research outputs found

    Mutually avoiding Eulerian circuits

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    Two Eulerian circuits, both starting and ending at the same vertex, are avoiding if at every other point of the circuits they are at least distance 2 apart. An Eulerian graph which admits two such avoiding circuits starting from any vertex is said to be doubly Eulerian. The motivation for this definition is that the extremal Eulerian graphs, i.e. the complete graphs on an odd number of vertices and the cycles, are not doubly Eulerian. We prove results about doubly Eulerian graphs and identify those that are the `densest' and `sparsest' in terms of the number of edges.Comment: 22 pages; 9 figure

    The Topology of Scaffold Routings on Non-Spherical Mesh Wireframes

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    The routing of a DNA-origami scaffold strand is often modelled as an Eulerian circuit of an Eulerian graph in combinatorial models of DNA origami design. The knot type of the scaffold strand dictates the feasibility of an Eulerian circuit to be used as the scaffold route in the design. Motivated by the topology of scaffold routings in 3D DNA origami, we investigate the knottedness of Eulerian circuits on surface-embedded graphs. We show that certain graph embeddings, checkerboard colorable, always admit unknotted Eulerian circuits. On the other hand, we prove that if a graph admits an embedding in a torus that is not checkerboard colorable, then it can be re-embedded so that all its non-intersecting Eulerian circuits are knotted. For surfaces of genus greater than one, we present an infinite family of checkerboard-colorable graph embeddings where there exist knotted Eulerian circuits

    On the class of graphs with strong mixing properties

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    We study three mixing properties of a graph: large algebraic connectivity, large Cheeger constant (isoperimetric number) and large spectral gap from 1 for the second largest eigenvalue of the transition probability matrix of the random walk on the graph. We prove equivalence of this properties (in some sense). We give estimates for the probability for a random graph to satisfy these properties. In addition, we present asymptotic formulas for the numbers of Eulerian orientations and Eulerian circuits in an undirected simple graph

    Asymptotic enumeration of Eulerian circuits for graphs with strong mixing properties

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    We prove an asymptotic formula for the number of Eulerian circuits for graphs with strong mixing properties and with vertices having even degrees. The exact value is determined up to the multiplicative error O(n1/2+ε)O(n^{-1/2+\varepsilon}), where nn is the number of vertice

    Proposing a Pure Binary Linear Programming(PBLP) Model to Discover Eulerian Circuits in Complete Graphs

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    Known as a branch of Discrete Mathematics (DM), Graph Theory (GT) describes and solves problems of discrete nature through nodes (i.e., vertices) and arcs (i.e., edges). In this regard, a prominent problem is to find the Eulerian circuits. This paper indicates that the problem can be analyzed through operations research methods. In more general terms, finding the Eulerian circuits could be considered a pathfinding problem. Hence, this paper proposes a pure binary mathematical model to describe the relationship between the variables employed to find the Eulerian circuits. All the analyses in this paper were performed in MATLAB. The proposed model can be solved by many optimization software applications. Finally, several numerical examples are presented and solved through the proposed method. All the analyses in this paper were performed in MATLAB. This paper indicated that the problem(Eulerian Circuits in Complete Graphs) could be studied and solved from the perspective of operations research

    Perfect Necklaces

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    We introduce a variant of de Bruijn words that we call perfect necklaces. Fix a finite alphabet. Recall that a word is a finite sequence of symbols in the alphabet and a circular word, or necklace, is the equivalence class of a word under rotations. For positive integers k and n, we call a necklace (k,n)-perfect if each word of length k occurs exactly n times at positions which are different modulo n for any convention on the starting point. We call a necklace perfect if it is (k,k)-perfect for some k. We prove that every arithmetic sequence with difference coprime with the alphabet size induces a perfect necklace. In particular, the concatenation of all words of the same length in lexicographic order yields a perfect necklace. For each k and n, we give a closed formula for the number of (k,n)-perfect necklaces. Finally, we prove that every infinite periodic sequence whose period coincides with some (k,n)-perfect necklace for any n, passes all statistical tests of size up to k, but not all larger tests. This last theorem motivated this work