3,300 research outputs found

    Curve Reconstruction via the Global Statistics of Natural Curves

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    Reconstructing the missing parts of a curve has been the subject of much computational research, with applications in image inpainting, object synthesis, etc. Different approaches for solving that problem are typically based on processes that seek visually pleasing or perceptually plausible completions. In this work we focus on reconstructing the underlying physically likely shape by utilizing the global statistics of natural curves. More specifically, we develop a reconstruction model that seeks the mean physical curve for a given inducer configuration. This simple model is both straightforward to compute and it is receptive to diverse additional information, but it requires enough samples for all curve configurations, a practical requirement that limits its effective utilization. To address this practical issue we explore and exploit statistical geometrical properties of natural curves, and in particular, we show that in many cases the mean curve is scale invariant and oftentimes it is extensible. This, in turn, allows to boost the number of examples and thus the robustness of the statistics and its applicability. The reconstruction results are not only more physically plausible but they also lead to important insights on the reconstruction problem, including an elegant explanation why certain inducer configurations are more likely to yield consistent perceptual completions than others.Comment: CVPR versio

    Health Figures: An Open Source JavaScript Library for Health Data Visualization

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    The way we look at data has a great impact on how we can understand it, particularly when the data is related to health and wellness. Due to the increased use of self-tracking devices and the ongoing shift towards preventive medicine, better understanding of our health data is an important part of improving the general welfare of the citizens. Electronic Health Records, self-tracking devices and mobile applications provide a rich variety of data but it often becomes difficult to understand. We implemented the hFigures library inspired on the hGraph visualization with additional improvements. The purpose of the library is to provide a visual representation of the evolution of health measurements in a complete and useful manner. We researched the usefulness and usability of the library by building an application for health data visualization in a health coaching program. We performed a user evaluation with Heuristic Evaluation, Controlled User Testing and Usability Questionnaires. In the Heuristics Evaluation the average response was 6.3 out of 7 points and the Cognitive Walkthrough done by usability experts indicated no design or mismatch errors. In the CSUQ usability test the system obtained an average score of 6.13 out of 7, and in the ASQ usability test the overall satisfaction score was 6.64 out of 7. We developed hFigures, an open source library for visualizing a complete, accurate and normalized graphical representation of health data. The idea is based on the concept of the hGraph but it provides additional key features, including a comparison of multiple health measurements over time. We conducted a usability evaluation of the library as a key component of an application for health and wellness monitoring. The results indicate that the data visualization library was helpful in assisting users in understanding health data and its evolution over time.Comment: BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 16.1 (2016

    On the spectrum of a stretched spiral vortex

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    Corrections are found to the k^–5/3 spectrum of Lundgren [Phys. Fluids 25, 2193 (1982)] for a stretched spiral vortex model (a is the stretching strain rate and k the scalar wave number) of turbulent fine scales. These take the form of additional terms arising from the early time evolution, when the stretching of vortex lines is small. For the special case when the spiral takes the form of a rolled-up shear layer, it is shown that the composite spectrum is divergent, thus requiring the introduction of a finite early cutoff time tau1 in the time integral for the nonaxisymmetric contribution. The identity nuomega2 = 2nu[integral]0[infinity]k^2E(k)dk which gives the dissipation is then satisfied self-consistently. Direct numerical calculation of the energy spectrum from the approximate vorticity field for a special choice of spiral structure nevertheless indicates that the one-term k^–5/3-spectrum result is asymptotically valid in the inertial range provided atau1 is O(1) but that the numerically calculated dissipation spectrum appears to lie somewhere between an exp(–B1k2) and an exp(–B2k) form. It is also shown that the stretched, rolled-up shear-layer model predicts asymptotic shell-summed spectra of the energy dissipation and of the square of the vorticity, each asymptotically constant, with no power-law dependence, for k smaller than the Kolmogorov wave number.The corresponding one-dimensional spectra each show –log(k1) behavior for small k1. The extension of the model given by Pullin and Saffman [Phys. Fluids A 5, 126 (1993)] is reformulated by the introduction of a long-time cutoff in the vortex lifetime and an additional requirement that the vortex structures be approximately space filling. This gives a reduction in the number of model free-parameters but introduces a dependence of the calculated Kolmogorov constant and skewness on the ratio of the initial vortex radius to the equivalent Burgers-vortex radius. A scaling for this ratio in terms of the Taylor microscale Reynolds number is proposed in which the stretching strain is assumed to be provided by the large scales with spatial coherence limited to the maximum stretched length of the structures. Postdictions of the fourth-order flatness factor and of higher moments of the longitudinal velocity gradient statistics are compared with numerical simulation

    Existence, regularity and structure of confined elasticae

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    We consider the problem of minimizing the bending or elastic energy among Jordan curves confined in a given open set Ω\Omega. We prove existence, regularity and some structural properties of minimizers. In particular, when Ω\Omega is convex we show that a minimizer is necessarily a convex curve. We also provide an example of a minimizer with self-intersections

    Visualizing 3D Euler spirals

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    This video describes a new type of 3D curves, which gener-alizes the family of 2D Euler spirals. They are defined as the curves having both their curvature and their torsion evolve linearly along the curve. The utility of these spirals for curve completion applications is demonstrated. This video accom-panies the paper presented in [4]
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