34,046 research outputs found

    Spanning trees short or small

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    We study the problem of finding small trees. Classical network design problems are considered with the additional constraint that only a specified number kk of nodes are required to be connected in the solution. A prototypical example is the kkMST problem in which we require a tree of minimum weight spanning at least kk nodes in an edge-weighted graph. We show that the kkMST problem is NP-hard even for points in the Euclidean plane. We provide approximation algorithms with performance ratio 2k2\sqrt{k} for the general edge-weighted case and O(k1/4)O(k^{1/4}) for the case of points in the plane. Polynomial-time exact solutions are also presented for the class of decomposable graphs which includes trees, series-parallel graphs, and bounded bandwidth graphs, and for points on the boundary of a convex region in the Euclidean plane. We also investigate the problem of finding short trees, and more generally, that of finding networks with minimum diameter. A simple technique is used to provide a polynomial-time solution for finding kk-trees of minimum diameter. We identify easy and hard problems arising in finding short networks using a framework due to T. C. Hu.Comment: 27 page

    Euclidean Greedy Drawings of Trees

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    Greedy embedding (or drawing) is a simple and efficient strategy to route messages in wireless sensor networks. For each source-destination pair of nodes s, t in a greedy embedding there is always a neighbor u of s that is closer to t according to some distance metric. The existence of greedy embeddings in the Euclidean plane R^2 is known for certain graph classes such as 3-connected planar graphs. We completely characterize the trees that admit a greedy embedding in R^2. This answers a question by Angelini et al. (Graph Drawing 2009) and is a further step in characterizing the graphs that admit Euclidean greedy embeddings.Comment: Expanded version of a paper to appear in the 21st European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2013). 24 pages, 20 figure

    Spanners for Geometric Intersection Graphs

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    Efficient algorithms are presented for constructing spanners in geometric intersection graphs. For a unit ball graph in R^k, a (1+\epsilon)-spanner is obtained using efficient partitioning of the space into hypercubes and solving bichromatic closest pair problems. The spanner construction has almost equivalent complexity to the construction of Euclidean minimum spanning trees. The results are extended to arbitrary ball graphs with a sub-quadratic running time. For unit ball graphs, the spanners have a small separator decomposition which can be used to obtain efficient algorithms for approximating proximity problems like diameter and distance queries. The results on compressed quadtrees, geometric graph separators, and diameter approximation might be of independent interest.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, Late

    Additive functions on trees

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    The motivation of considering positive additive functions on trees was the characterization of extended Dynkin graphs (see I. Reiten [R]) and the application of additive functions in the representation theory (see H. Lenzing and I. Reiten [LR] and T. H¨ubner [H]). We consider graphs equipped with functions of integer values, i.e.valued graphs (see also [DR]). Methods are given for the construction of additive functions on valued trees (in particular on Euclidean graphs) and for the characterization of their structure. We introduce the concept of almost additive functions, which are additive on each vertex of a graph except for one (called exceptional vertex). On (valued) trees (with fixed exceptional vertex) the almost additive functions are unique up to rational multiples. For valued trees a necessary and sufficient condition is given for the existence of positive almost additive functions

    Localization game on geometric and planar graphs

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    The main topic of this paper is motivated by a localization problem in cellular networks. Given a graph GG we want to localize a walking agent by checking his distance to as few vertices as possible. The model we introduce is based on a pursuit graph game that resembles the famous Cops and Robbers game. It can be considered as a game theoretic variant of the \emph{metric dimension} of a graph. We provide upper bounds on the related graph invariant ζ(G)\zeta (G), defined as the least number of cops needed to localize the robber on a graph GG, for several classes of graphs (trees, bipartite graphs, etc). Our main result is that, surprisingly, there exists planar graphs of treewidth 22 and unbounded ζ(G)\zeta (G). On a positive side, we prove that ζ(G)\zeta (G) is bounded by the pathwidth of GG. We then show that the algorithmic problem of determining ζ(G)\zeta (G) is NP-hard in graphs with diameter at most 22. Finally, we show that at most one cop can approximate (arbitrary close) the location of the robber in the Euclidean plane

    The sum of edge lengths in random linear arrangements

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    Spatial networks are networks where nodes are located in a space equipped with a metric. Typically, the space is two-dimensional and until recently and traditionally, the metric that was usually considered was the Euclidean distance. In spatial networks, the cost of a link depends on the edge length, i.e. the distance between the nodes that define the edge. Hypothesizing that there is pressure to reduce the length of the edges of a network requires a null model, e.g., a random layout of the vertices of the network. Here we investigate the properties of the distribution of the sum of edge lengths in random linear arrangement of vertices, that has many applications in different fields. A random linear arrangement consists of an ordering of the elements of the nodes of a network being all possible orderings equally likely. The distance between two vertices is one plus the number of intermediate vertices in the ordering. Compact formulae for the 1st and 2nd moments about zero as well as the variance of the sum of edge lengths are obtained for arbitrary graphs and trees. We also analyze the evolution of that variance in Erdos-Renyi graphs and its scaling in uniformly random trees. Various developments and applications for future research are suggested

    Gap-ETH-Tight Approximation Schemes for Red-Green-Blue Separation and Bicolored Noncrossing Euclidean Travelling Salesman Tours

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    In this paper, we study problems of connecting classes of points via noncrossing structures. Given a set of colored terminal points, we want to find a graph for each color that connects all terminals of its color with the restriction that no two graphs cross each other. We consider these problems both on the Euclidean plane and in planar graphs. On the algorithmic side, we give a Gap-ETH-tight EPTAS for the two-colored traveling salesman problem as well as for the red-blue-green separation problem (in which we want to separate terminals of three colors with two noncrossing polygons of minimum length), both on the Euclidean plane. This improves the work of Arora and Chang (ICALP 2003) who gave a slower PTAS for the simpler red-blue separation problem. For the case of unweighted plane graphs, we also show a PTAS for the two-colored traveling salesman problem. All these results are based on our new patching procedure that might be of independent interest. On the negative side, we show that the problem of connecting terminal pairs with noncrossing paths is NP-hard on the Euclidean plane, and that the problem of finding two noncrossing spanning trees is NP-hard in plane graphs.Comment: 36 pages, 15 figures (colored