27 research outputs found

    Product Development within Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Legal Risk

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    This open-access-book synthesizes a supportive developer checklist considering sustainable Team and agile Project Management in the challenge of Artificial Intelligence and limits of image recognition. The study bases on technical, ethical, and legal requirements with examples concerning autonomous vehicles. As the first of its kind, it analyzes all reported car accidents state wide (1.28 million) over a 10-year period. Integrating of highly sensitive international court rulings and growing consumer expectations make this book a helpful guide for product and team development from initial concept until market launch

    Content and Competence

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    Just what is a right? Jakob Weissinger approaches this central problem of jurisprudence by critically examining the purpose of such normative concepts and carefully analysing the fundamental elements of normative practice like actions, decisions, the logic of norms and values as well as the plurality of normative practice. Interlinking the insights won, he outlines a stand-alone theory of rights which emphasises the empowering dimension of rights in the process of justifying (legal) rules. Not only does he question well-established theories, such as Hohfeld's famous analysis of legal conceptions, but aspires to set future debates in legal theory, especially those surrounding rights such as the long-standing dispute between interest and choice theories of rights, on new and more solid meta-theoretical ground

    Product Development within Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Legal Risk

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    This open-access-book synthesizes a supportive developer checklist considering sustainable Team and agile Project Management in the challenge of Artificial Intelligence and limits of image recognition. The study bases on technical, ethical, and legal requirements with examples concerning autonomous vehicles. As the first of its kind, it analyzes all reported car accidents state wide (1.28 million) over a 10-year period. Integrating of highly sensitive international court rulings and growing consumer expectations make this book a helpful guide for product and team development from initial concept until market launch

    The normative and economic-ethical foundations of Ordoliberalism

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    Die Dissertation gliedert sich in zwei Teile – einen methodisch-wissenschaftstheoretischen bzw. biografisch-dogmenhistorischen und einen wirtschaftsethischen Bereich. Beide Abschnitte sind wechselseitig miteinander verzahnt. Im ersten Teil geht es vorwiegend um biografische und theoriegeschichtliche Fragestellungen. Der erste Aufsatz – On the Affiliation of Phenomenology and Ordoliberalism – beschĂ€ftigt sich mit dem wechselseitigen Einfluss von Husserl, Rudolf und Walter Eucken. Der erste Aufsatz – On the Affiliation of Phenomenology and Ordoliberalism – beschĂ€ftigt sich mit dem wechselseitigen Einfluss von Husserl, Rudolf und Walter Eucken. Dabei wird eine Drei-Ebenen-Unterscheidung vorgenommen: EinflĂŒsse lassen sich demnach nicht nur auf der biografischen, sondern gleichfalls auf der wissenschaftstheoretischen und sozialphilosophischen Ebene ausmachen. Dennoch ist Vorsicht geboten, denn der Einfluss der PhĂ€nomenologie auf das Werk Walter Euckens sollte nicht ĂŒberbetont werden, in dem Sinne, dass man Eucken als angewandten PhĂ€nomenologen und die Husserlsche PhĂ€nomenologie als Metatheorie des Ordoliberalismus darstellt. Vielmehr ist von einem eklektischen Denkmuster in den Schriften Euckens auszugehen, das maßgeblich vom Werk seines Vaters beeinflusst wurde (d.i., Walter Eucken als Rudolf Euckenianer) – und dies sowohl im Bereich der Wissenschaftstheorie und Methodik als auch im Kontext des sozialphilosophischen Topos der Gesellschaftskrisis. Der zweite Aufsatz – An Ordoliberal Interpretation of Adam Smith – geht den Parallelen im Denken Adam Smiths und Euckens nach. Auffallend ist, dass Eucken Smith meist im Zusammenhang mit seiner Kritik am laissez faire- respektive PalĂ€oliberalismus zitiert. Dabei ist seine Bezugnahme auf Smith von verzerrten Stereotypen geprĂ€gt – und dies obwohl es einige bemerkenswerte Parallelen nicht nur zwischen Eucken und Smith, sondern auch zwischen Smith und Kant gibt. Der Übergang vom sogenannten PalĂ€o- bzw. klassischen Liberalismus hin zum Ordoliberalismus ist somit gradueller, nicht jedoch revolutionĂ€rer Art. Im Mittelpunkt des zweiten Hauptteils stehen wirtschaftsethische Themenstellungen, die eine große AffinitĂ€t zum Forschungsprogramm des Exzellenzclusters 'Die Herausbildung normativer Ordnungen' aufweisen. Dabei geht es wesentlich um die Herausarbeitung des ethischen Gehalts und der stark normativen Komponenten des Ordoliberalismus. Die ersten Essays im zweiten Teilbereich der Dissertation beziehen sich primĂ€r auf Eucken und die Freiburger Schule. Die letzten beiden AufsĂ€tze jedoch sind bestrebt, ĂŒber Eucken hinauszugehen und den Ordoliberalismus i.e.S. um den Soziologischen Neoliberalismus bzw. den Wirtschafts- und Sozialhumanismus RĂŒstows und Röpkes zu erweitern. Die AufsĂ€tze 'Über die normativen Implikationen des Ordoliberalismus fĂŒr die moderne Wirtschaftsethik' und 'On the Economic Ethics of Walter Eucken' geben dem Leser einen Überblick ĂŒber die Wirtschaftsethik der Freiburger Schule im Allgemeinen und Walter Euckens im Besonderen. Dabei wird insbesondere das ordoliberale Staats- sowie das (in der kantischen Tradition stehende) FreiheitsverstĂ€ndnis herausgearbeitet und der Versuch unternommen, Eucken fĂŒr die moderne Wirtschaftsethik anschlussfĂ€hig zu machen. Als Ergebnis wird Euckens Ordoliberalismus, dem es um ein ausgewogenes VerhĂ€ltnis von Eigeninteresse und Gemeinwohl und die Realisierung des Ideals einer funktionsfĂ€higen und menschenwĂŒrdigen Gesellschaftsordnung geht, im Spannungsfeld von Homannscher Moralökonomik und Ulrichs Integrativer Wirtschaftsethik portrĂ€tiert. ErgĂ€nzt wird dieser Einblick in die ordoliberale Wirtschaftsethik durch das Kapitel 'Von Hayek and Ordoliberalism on Justice', das die Gerechtigkeitskonzeptionen Euckens, RĂŒstows und Röpkes mit derjenigen von von Hayek kontrastiert. Derart werden u.a. die Unterschiede zwischen Ordoliberalismus und Evolutorischem Liberalismus deutlich. Das Kapitel 'Individual versus Regulatory Ethics: An Economic-Ethical and Theoretical-Historical Analysis of German Neoliberalism' untersucht im Anschluss an Foucaults ‚AmbiguitĂ€tsthese‘ das VerhĂ€ltnis von Individual- und Ordnungsethik und kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass es die Besonderheit des Ordoliberalismus ist, eine weitreichende, integrative Einheit beider Ebenen vorzunehmen. Aufbauend auf der Unterscheidung von Individual- und Ordnungsethik werden im vorletzten Kapitel – 'Ordoliberalism and the Evolution of Norms' – schließlich die divergierenden Normengenese-Prozesse im Ordoliberalismus einer Analyse unterzogen. Das verblĂŒffende Resultat lautet, dass im Ordoliberalismus zwei unterschiedliche Arten der Entstehung von Normen nebeneinander existieren – eine kulturell-evolutionĂ€re und eine elitĂ€r-expertokratische. Mithilfe dieser Unterscheidung ist eine weitere Differenzierung zwischen von Hayek und dem Ordoliberalismus möglich. Das letzte Kapitel – Beyond Ordoliberalism? – fasst zentrale Kritikpunkte am Ordoliberalismus noch einmal zusammen und geht der Frage nach, inwiefern es realistisch erscheint, auf eine Renaissance eines aktualisierten Ordoliberalismus zu hoffen?The ordoliberal writings are rich in content not only from a (constitutional) economics perspective but also from an economic ethics perspective. The latter perspective is often neglected within the reception of German Neoliberalism in general and the Freiburg School of Law and Economics in particular. The PhD-thesis gives an overview of the normative and economic-ethical thinking of Walter Eucken, as one of the main representatives of Ordoliberalism. It explains, in particular, Eucken’s conception of Social Market Economy as a functioning and humane socio-economic order as well as Eucken’s Kantian understanding of freedom. The thesis aims to classify Ordoliberalism as being part of the spectrum of modern economic ethics

    Sustainable Development - Relationships to Culture, Knowledge and Ethics

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    The emergence of a global and technological world and its accelerating, dissemination before the beginning of the 21st century does not only give rise to technological, economic, social, environmental, political, and educational tasks. Significant philosophical questions, epistemic reflections, and cultural debates result. The aim of this book is to provide information about epistemic, ethical, and cultural implications of sustainable development on an interdisciplinary and international level

    Sustainable Development

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    The emergence of a global and technological world and the accelerating dissemination of technology does not only give rise to technological, economic, social, environmental, political and educational tasks. Significant philosophical questions, epistemic reflections and cultural debates result and have to be pushed forward. To move sustainable development from a political mission statement and scientific challenge into everyday life we have to shift our focus of attention to those who are driving a non-sustainable development: human beings and their societal and cultural conditions and interactions. Ultimately not the ecological footprint is the core challenge, but we and those who are leaving this footprint. The idea of the present volume of Sustainable Development - Relationships to Culture, Knowledge and Ethics was developed in the course of the international conference “Sustainability 2010: The Cultural Dimension”, which took place in July 2010 in Berlin. The aim of this book is to provide discussions about cultural, epistemic and ethical implications of contemporary changes and emerging challenges on an interdisciplinary and international level

    The Dilemma of Integrated Conservation and Development in the Korup National Park, Cameroon

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    Korup National Park is one of the first integrated conservation and development projects (ICDPs) in tropical rainforests. Its original ICDPs’ principles were abandoned based on conventional theory and national forestry policies that discourage human settlements inside national parks. The prohibition approach adopted since 1988 limits conservation to protection of biological diversity. Excluding locals is thought to improve the protection of the park. This is generating conflicts as locals think conservation ‘grants more rights to animals than them and that they have lost ownership of the forest’. Just like foreign poachers, they try to make the most of it at any given opportunity. This is how conservation that was premised on development is now a dilemma in the Korup National Park rainforest. Months of interacting with communities and learning what they know and do, and how they interpret their livelihood activities, enabled this assessment of the evidence of the ‘local say’. It uses ethnographic data to aid an actor perspective as propounded by Norman Long. These analyses find that local population growth is less of a problem than government’s policy of relocation, which caused the conservation dilemma. They also expose the myth-like domain of the relocation discourse leading to the argument that communities are a key to transforming the integrated conservation and development dilemma. They effectively use socially crafted rules to govern resources, although their hunting methods have evolved leading to indiscriminate killing of animals. There is need for political will to confer some sense of ownership to the people by recognizing their ecological knowledge and local common action against destructive extraction and illegal poachers. This argument is based on the Boserupian idea that local population growth is not always a conservation problem since community groups sometimes have rural strategies to counter the impact of population on resources. Korup communities do not only exhibit these strategies, they have also devised constraints (institutions for local common action) to control resource use. A follow-up study is necessary to find out if the incentives discussed here are enough for people to adopt the desired behaviour in this same context of limited property rights. Also, interdisciplinary studies should explore ways for communicating to locals to effect a rule change constraining those who hunt in an unsustainable way. They should be aware that the incentive is not only to have many animals inside the national park (ecologists’ interest) but that it also serves community interests: secured source of animal protein and incomes for survival. Such a trustworthy communication would help to change the current local perception that “animals have more rights than people” and that they have not lost control and ownership of their forest

    Sustainable Development

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    The emergence of a global and technological world and the accelerating dissemination of technology does not only give rise to technological, economic, social, environmental, political and educational tasks. Significant philosophical questions, epistemic reflections and cultural debates result and have to be pushed forward. To move sustainable development from a political mission statement and scientific challenge into everyday life we have to shift our focus of attention to those who are driving a non-sustainable development: human beings and their societal and cultural conditions and interactions. Ultimately not the ecological footprint is the core challenge, but we and those who are leaving this footprint. The idea of the present volume of Sustainable Development - Relationships to Culture, Knowledge and Ethics was developed in the course of the international conference “Sustainability 2010: The Cultural Dimension”, which took place in July 2010 in Berlin. The aim of this book is to provide discussions about cultural, epistemic and ethical implications of contemporary changes and emerging challenges on an interdisciplinary and international level

    As German as Kafka

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    Since the turn of the 21st century, countless literary endeavors by 'new Germans' have entered the spotlight of academic research. Yet 'minority writing', with its distinctive renegotiation of traditional concepts of cultural identity, is far from a recent phenomenon in German literature. A hundred years previously, the intense involvement of German-Jewish intellectuals in cultural and political discourses on Jewish identity put a clear stamp on German modernism. This book is the first to unfold literary parallels between these two riveting periods in German cultural history. Drawing on the philosophical oeuvre of Jean-Luc Nancy, a comparative reading of texts by, amongst others, Beer-Hofmann, Kermani, Özdamar, Roth, Schnitzler, and Zaimoglu examines a variety of literary approaches to the thorny issue of cultural identity, while developing an overarching perspective on the ‘politics of literature’