967 research outputs found

    Stochastic Modeling of Expression Kinetics Identifies Messenger Half-Lives and Reveals Sequential Waves of Co-ordinated Transcription and Decay

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    The transcriptome in a cell is finely regulated by a large number of molecular mechanisms able to control the balance between mRNA production and degradation. Recent experimental findings have evidenced that fine and specific regulation of degradation is needed for proper orchestration of a global cell response to environmental conditions. We developed a computational technique based on stochastic modeling, to infer condition-specific individual mRNA half-lives directly from gene expression time-courses. Predictions from our method were validated by experimentally measured mRNA decay rates during the intraerythrocytic developmental cycle of Plasmodium falciparum. We then applied our methodology to publicly available data on the reproductive and metabolic cycle of budding yeast. Strikingly, our analysis revealed, in all cases, the presence of periodic changes in decay rates of sequentially induced genes and co-ordination strategies between transcription and degradation, thus suggesting a general principle for the proper coordination of transcription and degradation machinery in response to internal and/or external stimuli. Citation: Cacace F, Paci P, Cusimano V, Germani A, Farina L (2012) Stochastic Modeling of Expression Kinetics Identifies Messenger Half-Lives and Reveals Sequential Waves of Co-ordinated Transcription and Decay. PLoS Comput Biol 8(11): e1002772. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.100277

    Single-Molecule Studies of Replication Kinetics in Response to DNA Damage

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    In response to DNA damage during S phase, cells slow DNA replication. This slowing is orchestrated by the intra-S checkpoint and involves inhibition of origin firing and reduction of replication fork speed. Slowing of replication allows for tolerance of DNA damage and suppresses genomic instability. Although the mechanisms of origin inhibition by the intra-S checkpoint are understood, major questions remain about how the checkpoint regulates replication forks: Does the checkpoint regulate the rate of fork progression? Does the checkpoint affect all forks, or only those encountering damage? Does the checkpoint facilitate the replication of polymerase-blocking lesions? To address these questions, we have analyzed the checkpoint in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe using a single-molecule DNA combing assay, which allows us to unambiguously separate the contribution of origin and fork regulation towards replication slowing, and allows us to investigate the behavior of individual forks. Moreover, we have interrogated the role of forks interacting with individual sites of damage by using three damaging agents—MMS, 4NQO and bleomycin—that cause similar levels of replication slowing with very different frequency of DNA lesions. We find that the checkpoint slows replication by inhibiting origin firing, but not by decreasing fork rates. However, the checkpoint appears to facilitate replication of damaged templates, allowing forks to more quickly pass lesions. Finally, using a novel analytic approach, we rigorously identify fork stalling events in our combing data and show that they play a previously unappreciated role in shaping replication kinetics in response to DNA damage

    Size-Dependent Expression of the Mitotic Activator Cdc25 as a Mechanism of Size Control in Fission Yeast [preprint]

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    Proper cell size is essential for cellular function (Hall et al., 2004). Nonetheless, despite more than 100 years of work on the subject, the mechanisms that maintain cell size homeostasis are largely mysterious (Marshall et al., 2012). Cells in growing populations maintain cell size within a narrow range by coordinating growth and division. Bacterial and eukaryotic cells both demonstrate homeostatic size control, which maintains population-level variation in cell size within a certain range, and returns the population average to that range if it is perturbed (Marshall et al., 2012; Turner et al., 2012; Amodeo and Skotheim, 2015). Recent work has proposed two different strategies for size control: budding yeast has been proposed to use an inhibitor-dilution strategy to regulate size at the G1/S transition (Schmoller et al., 2015), while bacteria appear to use an adder strategy, in which a fixed amount of growth each generation causes cell size to converge on a stable average, a mechanism also suggested for budding yeast (Campos et al., 2014; Jun and Taheri-Araghi, 2015; Taheri-Araghi et al., 2015; Tanouchi et al., 2015; Soifer et al., 2016). Here we present evidence that cell size in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is regulated by a third strategy: the size dependent expression of the mitotic activator Cdc25. The cdc25 transcript levels are regulated such that smaller cells express less Cdc25 and larger cells express more Cdc25, creating an increasing concentration of Cdc25 as cell grow and providing a mechanism for cell to trigger cell division when they reach a threshold concentration of Cdc25. Since regulation of mitotic entry by Cdc25 is well conserved, this mechanism may provide a wide spread solution to the problem of size control in eukaryotes

    Systems Level Modeling of the Cell Cycle Using Budding Yeast

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    Proteins involved in the regulation of the cell cycle are highly conserved across all eukaryotes, and so a relatively simple eukaryote such as yeast can provide insight into a variety of cell cycle perturbations including those that occur in human cancer. To date, the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has provided the largest amount of experimental and modeling data on the progression of the cell cycle, making it a logical choice for in-depth studies of this process. Moreover, the advent of methods for collection of high-throughput genome, transcriptome, and proteome data has provided a means to collect and precisely quantify simultaneous cell cycle gene transcript and protein levels, permitting modeling of the cell cycle on the systems level. With the appropriate mathematical framework and sufficient and accurate data on cell cycle components, it should be possible to create a model of the cell cycle that not only effectively describes its operation, but can also predict responses to perturbations such as variation in protein levels and responses to external stimuli including targeted inhibition by drugs. In this review, we summarize existing data on the yeast cell cycle, proteomics technologies for quantifying cell cycle proteins, and the mathematical frameworks that can integrate this data into representative and effective models. Systems level modeling of the cell cycle will require the integration of high-quality data with the appropriate mathematical framework, which can currently be attained through the combination of dynamic modeling based on proteomics data and using yeast as a model organism

    A yeast cell cycle model integrating stress, signaling, and physiology

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    The cell division cycle in eukaryotic cells is a series of highly coordinated molecular interactions that ensure that cell growth, duplication of genetic material, and actual cell division are precisely orchestrated to give rise to two viable progeny cells. Moreover, the cell cycle machinery is responsible for incorporating information about external cues or internal processes that the cell must keep track of to ensure a coordinated, timely progression of all related processes. This is most pronounced in multicellular organisms, but also a cardinal feature in model organisms such as baker's yeast. The complex and integrative behavior is difficult to grasp and requires mathematical modeling to fully understand the quantitative interplay of the single components within the entire system. Here, we present a self-oscillating mathematical model of the yeast cell cycle that comprises all major cyclins and their main regulators. Furthermore, it accounts for the regulation of the cell cycle machinery by a series of external stimuli such as mating pheromones and changes in osmotic pressure or nutrient quality. We demonstrate how the external perturbations modify the dynamics of cell cycle components and how the cell cycle resumes after adaptation to or relief from stress.Peer Reviewe