636 research outputs found

    Black shale lithofacies prediction and distribution Pattern analysis of middle Devonian Marcellus Shale in the Appalachian Basin, northeastern U.S.A.

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    The Marcellus Shale, marine organic-rich mudrock deposited during Middle Devonian in the Appalachian basin, is considered the largest unconventional shale-gas resource in United State. Although homogeneous in the appearance, the mudstone shows heterogeneity in mineral composition, organic matter richness, gas content, and fracture density. Two critical factors for unconventional mudstone reservoirs are units amenable to hydraulic fracture stimulation and rich of organic matter. The effectiveness of hydraulic fracture stimulation is influenced by rock geomechanical properties, which are related to rock mineralogy. The natural gas content in mudrock reservoirs has a strong relationship with organic matter, which is measured by total organic carbon (TOC). In place of using petrographic information and sedimentary structures, Marcellus Shale lithofacies were based on mineral composition and organic matter richness and were predicted by conventional logs to make the lithofacies \u27meaningful’, ‘predictable’ and ‘mappable’ at multiple scales from the well bore to basin. Core X-ray diffraction (XRD) and TOC data was used to classify Marcellus Shale into seven lithofacies according to three criteria: clay volume, the ratio of quartz to carbonate, and TOC. Pulsed neutron spectroscopy (PNS) logs provide similar mineral concentration and TOC content, and were used to classify shale lithofacies by the same three criteria. Artificial neural network (ANN) with improvements (i.e., learning algorithms, performance function and topology design) was utilized to predict Marcellus Shale lithofacies in 707 wells with conventional logs. To improve the effectiveness of wireline logs to predict lithofacies, the effects of barite and pyrite were partly removed and eight petrophysical parameters commonly used for a conventional reservoir analysis were derived from conventional logs by petrophysical analysis. These parameters were used as input to the ANN analysis. Geostatistical analysis was used to develop the experimental variogram models and vertical proportion of each lithofacies. Indictor kriging, truncated Gaussian simulation (TGS), and sequential indicator simulation (SIS) were compared, and SIS algorithm performed well for modeling Marcellus Shale lithofacies in three-dimensions. Controlled primarily by sediment dilution, organic matter productivity, and organic matter preservation/decomposition, Marcellus Shale lithofacies distribution was dominantly affected by the water depth and the distance to shoreline. The Marcellus Shale lithofacies with the greatest organic content and highest measure of brittleness is concentrated along a crescent shape region paralleling the inferred shelf and shoreline, showing shape of crescent paralleling with shoreline. The normalized average gas production rate from horizontal wells supported the proposed approach to modeling Marcellus Shale lithofacies. The proposed 3-D modeling approach may be helpful for (1) investigating the distribution of each lithofacies at a basin-scale; (2) developing a better understanding of the factors controlling the deposition and preservation of organic matter and the depositional model of marine organic-rich mudrock; (3) identifying organic-rich units and areas and brittle units and areas in shale-gas reservoirs; (4) assisting in the design of horizontal drilling trajectories and location of stimulation activity; and (5) providing input parameters for the simulation of gas flow and production in mudrock (e.g., porosity, permeability and fractures)

    SiSeRHMap v1.0: A simulator for mapped seismic response using a hybrid model

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    SiSeRHMap is a computerized methodology capable of drawing up prediction maps of seismic response. It was realized on the basis of a hybrid model which combines different approaches and models in a new and non-conventional way. These approaches 5 and models are organized in a code-architecture composed of five interdependent modules. A GIS (Geographic Information System) Cubic Model (GCM), which is a layered computational structure based on the concept of lithodynamic units and zones, aims at reproducing a parameterized layered subsoil model. A metamodeling process confers a hybrid nature to the methodology. In this process, the one-dimensional linear 10 equivalent analysis produces acceleration response spectra of shear wave velocitythickness profiles, defined as trainers, which are randomly selected in each zone. Subsequently, a numerical adaptive simulation model (Spectra) is optimized on the above trainer acceleration response spectra by means of a dedicated Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) and the Levenberg–Marquardt Algorithm (LMA) as the final optimizer. In the fi15 nal step, the GCM Maps Executor module produces a serial map-set of a stratigraphic seismic response at different periods, grid-solving the calibrated Spectra model. In addition, the spectra topographic amplification is also computed by means of a numerical prediction model. This latter is built to match the results of the numerical simulations related to isolate reliefs using GIS topographic attributes. In this way, different sets 20 of seismic response maps are developed, on which, also maps of seismic design response spectra are defined by means of an enveloping technique

    A hybrid model for mapping simplified seismic response via a GIS-metamodel approach

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    In earthquake-prone areas, site seismic response due to lithostratigraphic sequence plays a key role in seismic hazard assessment. A hybrid model, consisting of GIS and metamodel (model of model) procedures, was introduced aimed at estimating the 1-D spatial seismic site response in accordance with spatial variability of sediment parameters. Inputs and outputs are provided and processed by means of an appropriate GIS model, named GIS Cubic Model (GCM). This consists of a block-layered parametric structure aimed at resolving a predicted metamodel by means of pixel to pixel vertical computing. The metamodel, opportunely calibrated, is able to emulate the classic shape of the spectral acceleration response in relation to the main physical parameters that characterize the spectrum itself. Therefore, via the GCM structure and the metamodel, the hybrid model provides maps of normalized acceleration response spectra. The hybrid model was applied and tested on the built-up area of the San Giorgio del Sannio village, located in a high-risk seismic zone of southern Italy. Efficiency tests showed a good correspondence between the spectral values resulting from the proposed approach and the 1-D physical computational models. Supported by lithology and geophysical data and corresponding accurate interpretation regarding modelling, the hybrid model can be an efficient tool in assessing urban planning seismic hazard/risk. © Author(s) 2014

    Seismic Facies Classification of an Intraslope Minibasin in The Keathley Canyon, Northern Gulf of Mexico

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    This work examines several volume attributes extracted from 3D seismic data with the goal of seismic facies classification and lithology prediction in intraslope minibasins. The study area is in the Keathley Canyon protraction (KC), within the middle slope of the Northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM). It lays within the tabular salt and minibasins province downdip of the main Pliocene and Pleistocene deltaic depocenters. Interaction between sedimentation and mobile salt substrate lead to the emergence of many stratigraphic patterns in the intraslope minibasins. Interest in subsalt formations left above salt formations poorly logged. Facies classification using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was applied in those poorly logged areas. The resultant facies classes were calibrated and used to predict the lithology of the recognized facies patterns in an intraslope minibasin, away from well control. Three types of facies classes were identified: Convergent thinning, convergent baselaping and bypassing. The convergent baselaping are found to be the most sand rich among all other facies

    Seismic Facies Classification of an Intraslope Minibasin in The Keathley Canyon, Northern Gulf of Mexico

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    This work examines several volume attributes extracted from 3D seismic data with the goal of seismic facies classification and lithology prediction in intraslope minibasins. The study area is in the Keathley Canyon protraction (KC), within the middle slope of the Northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM). It lays within the tabular salt and minibasins province downdip of the main Pliocene and Pleistocene deltaic depocenters. Interaction between sedimentation and mobile salt substrate lead to the emergence of many stratigraphic patterns in the intraslope minibasins. Interest in subsalt formations left above salt formations poorly logged. Facies classification using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was applied in those poorly logged areas. The resultant facies classes were calibrated and used to predict the lithology of the recognized facies patterns in an intraslope minibasin, away from well control. Three types of facies classes were identified: Convergent thinning, convergent baselaping and bypassing. The convergent baselaping are found to be the most sand rich among all other facies
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